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01/12/2025 08:22 PM
Pennsylvania General Assembly
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Bill Information - History

House Bill 2093; Regular Session 2021-2022


Printer's No.(PN):
Short Title:
An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in district election officers, further providing for election officers to be sworn; in dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for affidavits of candidates; in nomination of candidates, further providing for petition may consist of several sheets and statement of circulator, for affidavits of candidates, for examination of nomination petitions, certificates and papers and return of rejected nomination petitions, certificates and papers, for vacancy in party nomination by failure to pay filing fee or for failure to file loyalty oath, for affidavits of candidates, for filling of certain vacancies in public office by means of nomination certificates and nomination papers and for substituted nominations to fill certain vacancies for a November election; in ballots, further providing for form of ballots and printing ballots; and replacing references to "justice of the peace" with "magisterial district judge."
PN 2428
Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT, Nov. 17, 2021
PN 2584
Reported as amended, Jan. 10, 2022
First consideration, Jan. 10, 2022
Laid on the table, Jan. 10, 2022
Removed from table, April 25, 2022
Laid on the table, April 25, 2022
* denotes current Printer's Number