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Pennsylvania General Assembly
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Bill Information - History

Senate Bill 421; Regular Session 2019-2020


Printer's No.(PN):
Short Title:
An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in the Secretary of the Commonwealth, providing for requirements for disapproval or decertification of voting apparatuses and for census outreach; in district election officers, further providing for compensation of district election officers; in election districts and polling places, further providing for restrictions on alteration; in nomination of candidates, further providing for petition may consist of several sheets and affidavit of circulator, for manner of signing nomination petitions and time of circulating and for nominations by political bodies; in ballots, further providing for form of official primary ballot, for form of official election ballot, for number of ballots to be printed and specimen ballots and for forms of ballots on file and open to public inspection and ballots and diagrams to be furnished to candidates and parties; in voting machines, further providing for requirements of voting machines and for form of ballot labels on voting machines; in electronic voting systems, further providing for requirements of electronic voting systems, for forms, for election day procedures and the process of voting and for post election procedures; providing for voting apparatus bonds; in preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, further providing for manner of applying to vote and persons entitled to vote and voter's certificates and entries to be made in district register and numbered lists of voters and challenges, for method of marking ballots and depositing same in districts in which ballots are used, for instructions of voters and manner of voting in districts in which voting machines are used, for count and return of votes in districts in which ballots are used, for what ballots shall be counted, manner of counting and defective ballots and for canvass and return of votes in districts in which voting machines are used and providing for deadline for receipt of valid voter registration application, for appeals and for appeals to court of common pleas; in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for applications for official absentee ballots, for date of application for absentee ballot, for approval of application for absentee ballot, for absentee electors files and lists, for official absentee voters ballots, for delivering or mailing ballots, for voting by absentee electors, for canvassing of official absentee ballots and for public records; providing for voting by qualified mail-in electors; in returns of primaries and elections, further providing for manner of computing irregular ballots; providing for dissemination of information and for jurisdiction; removing references to the Traffic Court of Philadelphia; and making related repeals.
PN 0481
Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT, March 25, 2019
PN 1015
Reported as amended, June 18, 2019
First consideration, June 18, 2019
Second consideration, June 19, 2019
Re-referred to APPROPRIATIONS, June 19, 2019
Re-reported as committed, June 24, 2019
Third consideration and final passage, June 25, 2019 (30-20)
(Remarks see Senate Journal Page 721-722), June 25, 2019
In the House
Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT, June 26, 2019
PN 1292
Reported as amended, Oct. 22, 2019
First consideration, Oct. 22, 2019
Laid on the table, Oct. 22, 2019
Removed from table, Oct. 28, 2019
PN 1328
Second consideration, with amendments, Oct. 28, 2019
Re-referred to APPROPRIATIONS, Oct. 28, 2019
PN 1330
Amended in House Committee on APPROPRIATIONS, Oct. 28, 2019
(Remarks see House Journal Page 1689-1713), Oct. 28, 2019
Re-reported as amended, Oct. 29, 2019
Third consideration and final passage, Oct. 29, 2019 (138-61)
(Remarks see House Journal Page 1738-1741), Oct. 29, 2019
In the Senate
Re-reported on concurrence, as committed, Oct. 29, 2019
Senate concurred in House amendments, Oct. 29, 2019 (35-14)
(Remarks see Senate Journal Page 999-1003), Oct. 29, 2019
Signed in Senate, Oct. 29, 2019
Signed in House, Oct. 30, 2019
Presented to the Governor, Oct. 30, 2019
Approved by the Governor, Oct. 31, 2019
Act No. 77 of 2019, Oct. 31, 2019
* denotes current Printer's Number