Reported as committed, Dec. 16, 1969 |
First consideration, Dec. 16, 1969 |
Second consideration, Dec. 17, 1969 |
Third consideration and final passage, Jan. 26, 1970 (196-0) |
In the Senate |
Reported as committed, Feb. 3, 1970 |
First consideration, Feb. 3, 1970 |
Second consideration, Feb. 10, 1970 |
Third consideration and final passage, Feb. 11, 1970 (40-0) |
Signed in House, Feb. 11, 1970 |
Signed in Senate, Feb. 16, 1970 |
In hands of the Governor, Feb. 23, 1970 |
Last day for action, March 5, 1970 |
Approved by the Governor, March 4, 1970 |
Act No. 49 of 1970, March 4, 1970 |