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Pennsylvania General Assembly
Home / Bill and Amendments / Bill Information

Bill Information

Regular Session 2013-2014
Senate Bill 1370

Short Title:
An Act amending Title 58 (Oil and Gas) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in unconventional gas well fee, providing for State lands unconventional gas well fee; in development, further providing for protection of water supplies and for containment for unconventional wells; providing for green completions; further providing for well reporting requirements, for air containment emissions and for enforcement orders; imposing a tax on the extraction of natural gas; providing for natural gas severance registration certificate, for duties of the Department of Revenue, for tax assessments and tax liens; imposing penalties; providing for service of process, for rulemaking, for cooperation with other governments and for bonds; establishing the Natural Gas Severance Tax Account, the Local Government Services Account and the Oil and Gas Environmental Disaster Recovery Account; and making an appropriation.
Prime Sponsor:
Last Action:
Referred to ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES AND ENERGY, July 8, 2014 [Senate]
Printer's No.:
Printer's No. Text (H) Amendments (S) Amendments (H) Fiscal Note (S) Fiscal Note Actuarial Note
* denotes current Printer's Number
Statute References :