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Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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House of Representatives
Session of 2025 - 2026 Regular Session


Posted: December 3, 2024 10:13 AM
From: Representative Jennifer O'Mara
To: All House members
Subject: Early Voting
Over the past several years our state learned a few things about its election laws, including that significant delays and confusion can occur at polling locations when counties are unprepared for big turnouts. Large voter turnout is a wonderful thing to have, but it exposed that, compared to many other states, Pennsylvania lags behind in terms of modern election reform. 


Although our county elections offices and our constituents have reported multiple challenges over the past few election cycles, it provides us the prospect to make voting more accessible. One way we can facilitate that change is by allowing early voting in Pennsylvania. 


With my legislation, early voting would start 30 days before an election and end on the day before Election Day. Early voting would take place at the county board of elections and at designated polling places chosen by the county board. 


Early voting works incredibly well in other states and will provide more opportunities for Pennsylvanians to exercise their right to vote. I ask that you please join me in supporting this legislation and help modernize Pennsylvania’s election laws. 

Memo Updated: December 3, 2024 10:14 AM