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House of Representatives
Session of 2023 - 2024 Regular Session


Posted: June 27, 2023 01:05 PM
From: Representative Carol Kazeem
To: All House members
Subject: Charter School Enrollment Caps
Charter schools provide alternative education options for students, and their popularity continues to grow. However, this growth results in increased demand for struggling school districts to provide additional funding and creates inconsistent enrollment capacities. Current law allows for charter school enrollment caps, or a limit on the number of students from the chartering school district who can attend the charter school, but this is also something that remains inconsistent between schools.   
My legislation would require that every brick-and-mortar and regional charter school and the school district(s) in which they are chartered have an enrollment cap specified in the charter, voted on by the school board directors. This strategy ensures school districts are keeping their charter schools and their students accounted for and providing consistency.
Please join me in supporting this legislation to ensure that these charter schools are held to the same enrollment standards as their respective school districts.

Introduced as HB1603