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Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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House of Representatives
Session of 2023 - 2024 Regular Session


Posted: June 27, 2023 08:26 AM
From: Representative Tim Brennan
To: All House members
Subject: Repealing Outdated Transportation Laws
Do you remember the Alamo?  That was in 1836, a time before electricity, telegrams, phonograms and toilet paper.  It was the same year Pennsylvania made it illegal to carry fire over a wooden bridge and to take a horse or any cattle over a wooden bridge at a pace faster than a walk. To this day, each of these offenses carries with it a fine of a whopping five dollars.
Some laws no longer apply to our modern world yet remain on the books. They clog up the system and hinder the efficient operation of our government. These laws are prime examples.
Given the demands placed on law enforcement today, these outdated and unnecessary laws are generally not enforced. In the interest of maintaining an efficient and responsive government, I am introducing legislation to repeal these outdated and irrelevant laws.
Please join me in keeping our state’s statutes up to date.

Introduced as HB1543