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House of Representatives
Session of 2023 - 2024 Regular Session


Posted: March 29, 2023 02:18 PM
From: Representative Christopher M. Rabb and Rep. Danielle Friel Otten, Rep. Mandy Steele
To: All House members
Subject: Adopting zero-emission standards for space and water heaters
Decarbonizing buildings is a key strategy for meeting our long-term climate goals. By reducing the amount of energy needed in buildings through energy efficiency upgrades, reducing carbon content of energy resources and appliances, and shifting energy usage with available technology, we can be one step closer to reaching our climate goals as well as saving money, improving both indoor and outdoor air quality, and reducing health risks associated with pollutants found in buildings.
California has taken the lead on many aspects of decarbonization. Pennsylvania must develop regulations to decrease emissions from space and water heaters by requiring zero-emission alternatives. It is time for Pennsylvania to take serious action towards decarbonization, which is why we will be introducing legislation to amend the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act to adopt these regulations regarding space and water heaters.
Please join us in moving Pennsylvania forward in making the use of space and water heaters safer for us all.

Introduced as HB952