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Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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House Co-Sponsorship Memoranda

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House of Representatives
Session of 2021 - 2022 Regular Session


Posted: January 11, 2022 11:23 AM
From: Representative Dawn W. Keefer
To: All House members
Subject: Government Contracts
Pennsylvania’s code requires government agencies to award project contracts to the “lowest responsible bidder.” While this helps reduce costs to the taxpayers, this often leads to complications such as: cost overruns, delays, poor service, and change orders that end up costing far more than the original bid. This happens to contracts for highway projects to emergency call systems, to human service contracts affecting seniors and individuals with disabilities. Additionally, our laws prevent procurement officials from considering a contractor’s documented performance in other states into consideration when awarding, renewing, or extending a contract.

My legislation will not only keep the emphasis on keeping costs low, but also extends it to quality of service. By allowing state procurement officials to take into consideration a prospective contractor’s documented performance in other states or with other public entities prior to awarding a contract, more informed decisions can be made thus lowering the probability that these complications can occur.

I hope you will join me in being good stewards of taxpayer dollars and co-sponsoring this legislation

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Introduced as HB2269

Memo Updated: January 11, 2022 11:24 AM