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House of Representatives
Session of 2019 - 2020 Regular Session


Posted: January 28, 2019 04:26 PM
From: Representative Donna Oberlander
To: All House members
Subject: Use of Taxpayer Dollars
As legislators, we are stewards of taxpayer dollars, and are responsible for wisely spending those dollars. As such, if a Commonwealth employee commits sexual harassment or assault, the Commonwealth should not use taxpayer dollars to pay the victim of the harassment or assault in exchange for the victim’s silence about the incident.

Specifically, my legislation prohibits the Commonwealth from using taxpayer dollars to compensate—on behalf of and protection of an assailant who works for the Commonwealth—a victim of sexual assault.

To be clear: This legislation does not prevent a victim of sexual assault from bringing action against the Commonwealth for damages, if the Commonwealth employs a victim of sexual harassment or assault, the incident allegedly occurred in the workplace, and the Commonwealth entity allegedly knew about the incident and allegedly failed to act to prevent future incidents.

Please join me in sponsoring this fiscally responsible legislation.

Introduced as HB975

Memo Updated: January 28, 2019 04:28 PM