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Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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House of Representatives
Session of 2017 - 2018 Regular Session


Posted: May 22, 2018 03:07 PM
From: Representative Brian L. Ellis
To: All House members
Subject: Eliminating Dual Regulation of Limousine Operators
Soon, I will be introducing legislation to eliminate dual regulation of the Commonwealth’s limousine industry. On July 16, 2004 Governor Rendell signed Act 94, designating the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) as the regulatory agent for taxicabs and limousines in the City of Philadelphia. Since then, limousine operators domiciled outside of Philadelphia that provide service between points in Philadelphia and the Philadelphia International Airport have been forced to pay unsubstantiated per-vehicle assessments and fees to the PPA in addition to the $350 filing fees for each different class of service to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC), plus an annual regulatory assessment based on the limousine owner’s annual gross receipts for operations outside of Philadelphia. Currently, of the 125 PPA registered limousine certificate holders, 85 limousine operators are already in possession of PUC issued certificates of public convenience to legally operate throughout the rest of the Commonwealth. Requiring the payment of two sets of fees and regulatory assessments is duplicative, costly and an unnecessary burden on these small businesses.

My legislation will eliminate the dual regulatory environment by providing that all limousine operators who hold a valid certificate of public convenience prior to December 31, 2018, issued by the PUC shall be exempt from any rules, regulations or fees imposed by the PPA. The legislation also provides that any limousine company that operates solely under PPA's jurisdiction may continue to conduct service only in a city of the first class and may not operate outside of the city unless a certificate of public convenience is first obtained from the PUC. Under this proposal, the PPA would be permitted to continue to enforce the rules and regulations promulgated by the PUC as they pertain to limousines as set forth in 52 Pa. Code Pt. I Subpt.B (relating to carriers of passengers or property) but it would be prohibited from requiring a certificate of public convenience of limousine operators that can obtain an equivalent class of certificate from the PUC.

I believe that the elimination of the Commonwealth’s dual regulatory environment that limousine operators currently compete in will ensure that these small business owners can continue to thrive in their communities and new business will be able to enter the market to better serve the consumer.

Please join me in co-sponsoring this important legislation.

Introduced as HB2490