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Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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House of Representatives
Session of 2015 - 2016 Regular Session


Posted: December 14, 2015 02:07 PM
From: Representative Kate Harper
To: All House members
Subject: Suspension of Registration For Repeat Unpaid Tolls
In the near future, I will introduce legislation which allows PennDOT to suspend the registration of a vehicle when the owner is a habitual offender of unpaid tolls.

Each year, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is forced to write off millions of dollars in uncollected tolls from drivers who neglect to pay the tolls. The main issue isn’t the occasional driver who makes a mistake, but rather those who knowingly go through an EZPass lane without the intent to pay. This has become a major problem for the Turnpike, and with the eventual transition to all-electronic tolling, the problem could become even bigger.

My bill would allow PennDOT to suspend the registration of an owner or registrant who has failed to pay, or in default of six or more payments, or has incurred unpaid tolls or administrative fees of $500. The tolling entity will have to notify the owner or registrant in writing that they intend to seek suspension of that vehicle’s registration, and the period of suspension will continue until the tolling entity notifies PennDOT that the violations are paid, dismissed, reversed on appeal, cancelled, or the owner enters into an installment agreement with the tolling entity.

Please join me in sponsoring this important piece of legislation.

Thank you for your consideration.

Introduced as HB1782

Memo Updated: December 14, 2015 02:08 PM