Posted: | January 22, 2013 05:06 PM |
From: | Representative Rosita C. Youngblood |
To: | All House members |
Subject: | Co-sponsorship – Reforms to Redevelopment Capital Assistance Program |
In the near future, I will be reintroducing legislation (HB 2030) that would reform the state’s Redevelopment Capital Assistance Program (RACP) and bring greater accountability and transparency to the grant process. Although RACP funding is essential in helping to bring large scale economic development projects to communities across the Commonwealth, it is evident that there is a significant lack of transparency and accountability with this program. Recent developments in my legislative district are proof positive that a community’s voice is often an unwanted and unrecognized element of the process. That is why my legislation would require all RACP projects to undergo at least one public informational meeting in the community where the project will be built. Furthermore, my legislation would require the Secretary of the Budget to inform the state Senator and state Representative where the project is located that the project has been approved for funding. Often times, RACP projects are awarded funding, and contracts are fully executed, without a lawmaker’s knowledge. In addition to notification requirements, my proposal would prohibit an out-going or “lame-duck” governor from using RACP funds as parting gifts to campaign donors and other “friends” and supporters. The Redevelopment Capital Assistance Program is a vital component to our state’s economic development initiatives, and it is important that we provide funding to help our communities grow. However, it is time that we provide permanent accountability and transparency to the process. Cosponsors from last session included: YOUNGBLOOD, VEREB, DERMODY, BENNINGHOFF, BOBACK, BOYD, BROWNLEE, CALTAGIRONE, CHRISTIANA, P. COSTA, CRUZ, DAVIS, DAY, DEASY, DePASQUALE, DONATUCCI, FLECK, GRELL, HANNA, HARPER, KORTZ, McGEEHAN, MILLARD, MURPHY, MURT, NEUMAN, M. O'BRIEN, PEIFER, RAPP, RAVENSTAHL, READSHAW, SABATINA, SCHRODER, STEPHENS, SWANGER, TOEPEL, WATERS, D. COSTA AND VULAKOVICH. I hope you will join me in cosponsoring this legislation. Thank you in advance for your consideration. |
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Introduced as HB643