Posted: | January 18, 2013 11:18 AM |
From: | Representative Eli Evankovich |
To: | All House members |
Subject: | Return to Work Legislation - Re-introduction of HB 1930 2011-2012 |
In the near future, I plan to re-introduce former HB 1930. This legislation will open doors for new jobs for Pennsylvania’s unemployed workers. Known as the “Return to Work” program, this legislation pairs qualified displaced workers with interested businesses seeking to hire for available positions. This program allows claimants of unemployment compensation benefits to enter into gainful employment with a Pennsylvania business while still retaining a portion of their benefits. On a gradually reduced basis, the unemployment compensation benefit reduces and, in turn, the employer’s obligation increases until the employer is responsible for 100% of their wages. The “Return to Work” program provides numerous advantages for job seekers, businesses and the commonwealth. It provides incentives for businesses to take on a displaced worker and train them in new skills to meet the business’s needs at a reduced cost. Job seekers obtain new skills, use old skills and receive a regular paycheck. The commonwealth, in turn, saves money on day one when a claimant is hired and their unemployment compensation benefit is automatically reduced to 80%. The program, which will last for up to 17 weeks per participant, includes many safeguards against fraud and abuse of the program. I encourage you to cosponsor this important bill. Former co-sponsors include: ADOLPH , AUMENT, BAKER , BEAR , BLOOM, BOYD , BROOKS , CAUSER , CHRISTIANA, COX , CREIGHTON , CUTLER , DAY, DENLINGER , DUNBAR, ELLIS , EMRICK, FARRY, GABLER, GALLOWAY , GEIST , GILLEN, GINGRICH , GODSHALL , GRELL , GROVE, HACKETT, HARHAI , HARHART , HARRIS , HEFFLEY, HELM , HENNESSEY , HESS , HICKERNELL , HUTCHINSON , KAMPF, KAUFFMAN , F. KELLER, M. K. KELLER , KILLION , KNOWLES, KRIEGER, LAWRENCE, MAHER , MAJOR , MALONEY, MARSHALL , MARSICO , MASSER, METCALFE , MILLARD , MILNE , MOUL , MURT , MUSTIO , OBERLANDER, O'NEILL , PEIFER , PERRY , PICKETT , PYLE , QUIGLEY , QUINN , REED , REESE, ROAE , ROCK , ROSS , SACCONE, SAYLOR , SCAVELLO , SCHRODER , SIMMONS, S. H. SMITH , SONNEY , STEPHENS, STERN , STEVENSON , SWANGER , TOBASH, TOEPEL, TOOHIL, TRUITT, TURZAI , VEREB , VULAKOVICH and CULVER |
Introduced as HB763