House of Representatives

Daily Session Update

Prepared by the Office of the Parliamentarian

March 18, 2024

Convened at 12 P.M.

Adjourned at 4:10 P.M.



Opening Prayer by Representative D’Orsie.


Communications Received


The Chair is in receipt of a letter of resignation from Representative Joe Adams:


Dear Madam Speaker,


It has been an honor to represent the people of the 139th PA House District. However, I have family needs that require my immediate attention.


Please accept this letter as my official notice that I am resigning my 139th House Seat effective Friday, February 9, 2024.


Best wishes to all in providing good government for the people of our Commonwealth.



Joesph Adams

139th District


The Chair submits for the record the Write for Special Election of the 139th Legislative District which was filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth on February 12, 2024:


Text, letter

Description automatically generated


The Chair is in receipt of the following reports:


·         An annual report per the Appalachian States Low-Level Waste Compact Act of 1985, from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection regarding the Annual Low-Level Radioative Waste Program Report

·         An annual report per Act 12 of 2004, from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development regarding an Annual Financing Strategy Report for Fiscal Years 2024-2025

·         A report per House Resolution 238 of 2022, from the Joint State Government Commission regarding the Benefits of Nuclear Energy and Development of Small Modular Reactors Staff Study February 2024

·         An annual report per the Universal Telecommunications and Print Media Access Act, from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission regarding the 2023 Annual Report of the Telecommunication Device Distribution Program and the Print Media Access System Program

·         An annual report persuant to the Pennsylvania Public School Code of 1949, from the Joint State Government Commission regarding the Instructional Output and Faculty Salary Costs of the State-Related Universities

·         An annual report persuant to the Pennsylvania Public School Code of 1949, from the Joint State Government Commission regarding the Information Disclosure of State-Related Universities

·         A report per House Resolution 212 of 2021, from the Joint State Government Commission regarding Services to Individuals with Intellectual Disability, Developmental Disability, or Autism through the Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs

·         An annual report per the Construction Workplace Misclassification Act of 2010, from the Department of Labor and Industry regarding the Administration and Enforcement of the Construction Workplace Misclassification Act

·         An annual report per the Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act, from the Department of Labor and Industry regarding the Analysis of the Minimum Wage

·         An annual report per the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Act, from the Department of Labor and Industry regarding the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Board 2023 Annual Report

·         An annual report pursuant to Section 204.1 of the Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Law, from the Department of Labor and Industry regarding the 2023 Actuarial Evaluation of the Financial Operations of the Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Program

·         An annual report pursuant to Section 1310(a)(9) of the Right-to-Know Law, from the Office of Open Records regarding its Annual Report for 2023

·         An annual report pursuant to Act 128 of 2020, from the Independent Fiscal Office regarding the PSERS Stress Test Impact Analysis for 2024

·         A letter from the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, as required by Act 188 of 1982, regarding the request for a resolution to authorize the sale of property known as the former Philipsburg Elementary School

The Chair is in receipt of an Actuarial Note from the Independent Fiscal Office regarding the following:

·         House Bill 1379, Printer’s Number 1539 as amended by Amendment A02909

Committee on Committees

Supplemental Report

March 18, 2024


Amen Brown resigns from Aging and Older Adult Services Committee

Carol Hill Evans resigns from Education Committee

Carol Hill Evans resigns from Local Government Committee

Carol Hill Evans resigns from Tourism and Economic and Recreational Development Committee


Jim Prokopiak elected to Aging and Older Adult Services Committee

Jim Prokopiak elected to Education Committee

Jim Prokopiak elected to Local Government Committee

Jim Prokopiak elected to Tourism and Economic and Recreational Development Committee


Respectfully submitted,

Representative Carol Hill-Evans, Chair

Committee on Committees

Supplemental Report

March 18, 2024


Joseph Adams resigns from Consumer Protection, Technology, and Utilities Committee

Jason Ortitay is elected to the Consumer Protection, Technology, and Utilities Committee

Joseph Adams resigns from Finance Committee

Natalie Mihalek is temporarily elected to the Finance Committee

Joseph Adams resigns from Game and Fisheries Committee

Robert Mercuri is temporarily elected to the Game and Fisheries Committee

Joseph Adams resigns from the Local Government Committee

James Rigby is temporarily elected to the Local Government Committee

Stephenie Scialabba resigns from Housing & Community Development Committee

Valerie Gaydos is temporarily elected to Housing & Community Development Committee


Respectfully submitted,

Representative Tina Pickett

Republican Committee Leadership Appointments  

Supplemental Report

March 18, 2024


Finance Committee

Jack Rader appointed Secretary, replacing Joseph Adams


Respectfully submitted,

Representative Tina Pickett


Communications Received From the Senate


The Clerk of the Senate being introduced, returned bills from the House of Representatives numbered and entitled as follows, viz:


HB 1564


With information that the Senate has passed the same with amendment in which the concurrence of the House of Representatives is requested.


Voting Schedule



Concurrence in Senate Amendments to House Bill


HB 1564 PN 2568




Concurrence in Senate Amendments to House Amendments



Bills on Second Consideration


HB 502 PN 0471

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 974 PN 2412


       A03318 (KLUNK)


       A03327 (SCHLEGEL)

100-101     (FAIL)

       A03334 (M. MACKENZIE)

99-102        (FAIL)


Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration as Amended

HB 1543 PN 1795

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 1875 PN 2418

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 1889 PN 2367

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration


Bills on Third Consideration & Final Passage


HB 1201 PN 2442


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1538 PN 2443


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1646 PN 2444


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1818 PN 2254


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1820 PN 2446


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1843 PN 2447


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1885 PN 2448


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

SB 146 PN 0120


Sent to Senate without Amendment

SB 753 PN 0800


Sent to Senate without Amendment


Bills Signed by the Speaker


HB 1564


Bills Referred


HR 309     Agriculture And Rural Affairs

HR 316     Agriculture And Rural Affairs

HR 317     State Government

HR 318     Education

HR 319     Commerce

HR 320     Commerce

HR 321     Finance

HR 322     Transportation

HR 323     State Government

HR 324     Commerce

HR 325     Health

HR 326     Local Government

HR 327     Tourism And Economic And Recreational Development

HR 328     Education

HR 329     Education

HR 330     Rules

HR 331     Tourism And Economic And Recreational Development

HR 332     Judiciary

HR 333     Judiciary

HR 334     Consumer Protection, Technology And Utilities

HR 335     Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness

HR 336     Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness

HR 337     Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness

HR 338     State Government

HR 339     State Government

HR 340     Education

HR 341     Health

HR 342     Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness

HR 343     Professional Licensure

HR 344     State Government


HB 1958   Finance

HB 1995   Agriculture And Rural Affairs

HB 2016   Finance

HB 2017   Consumer Protection, Technology And Utilities

HB 2018   Judiciary

HB 2019   Local Government

HB 2020   Judiciary

HB 2021   Labor And Industry

HB 2022   Environmental Resources And Energy

HB 2023   Health

HB 2024   Education

HB 2025   Education

HB 2026   Education

HB 2027   Consumer Protection, Technology And Utilities

HB 2028   Appropriations

HB 2029   Commerce

HB 2030   Judiciary

HB 2037   Children And Youth

HB 2038   Finance

HB 2039   State Government

HB 2040   Education

HB 2041   Education

HB 2042   Gaming Oversight

HB 2043   Education

HB 2044   Finance

HB 2045   Local Government

HB 2046   State Government

HB 2047   Consumer Protection, Technology And Utilities

HB 2049   Transportation

HB 2050   Liquor Control

HB 2051   Labor And Industry

HB 2052   Housing And Community Development

HB 2053   State Government

HB 2054   State Government

HB 2055   Transportation

HB 2056   Health

HB 2057   Health

HB 2058   State Government

HB 2059   State Government

HB 2060   State Government

HB 2061   State Government

HB 2062   State Government

HB 2063   Finance

HB 2064   Commerce

HB 2065   Human Services

HB 2066   Commerce

HB 2067   Appropriations

HB 2068   Liquor Control

HB 2069   Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness

HB 2070   Judiciary

HB 2071   Transportation

HB 2072   State Government

HB 2073   Education

HB 2074   Finance

HB 2075   Gaming Oversight       

HB 2076   Transportation

HB 2077   State Government

HB 2078   Gaming Oversight

HB 2079   State Government

HB 2080   Health

HB 2081   Commerce

HB 2082   Health

HB 2083   Health

HB 2084   Health

HB 2085   Finance

HB 2086   Education

HB 2087   Insurance

HB 2088   Judiciary

HB 2090   State Government

HB 2091   Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness

HB 2092   Finance

HB 2093   Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness

HB 2094   Health

HB 2095   Human Services

HB 2096   Insurance

HB 2097   Health

HB 2098   Housing And Community Development

HB 2099   State Government

HB 2100   Children And Youth

HB 2101   Education

HB 2102   Transportation

HB 2103   Local Government

HB 2104   Labor And Industry

HB 2105   Labor And Industry

HB 2106   Game And Fisheries

HB 2107   Game And Fisheries

HB 2108   Game And Fisheries

HB 2109   Education

HB 2110   Education

HB 2111   Environmental Resources And Energy

HB 2112   Education

HB 2113   Professional Licensure

HB 2114   Education

HB 2115   Education

HB 2116   Consumer Protection, Technology And Utilities

HB 2118   Labor And Industry

HB 2119   Finance

HB 2120   Agriculture And Rural Affairs

HB 2121   Transportation

HB 2122   Agriculture And Rural Affairs

HB 2123   Finance

HB 2124   Education

HB 2125   Finance

HB 2126   Human Services

HB 2128   Labor And Industry

HB 2129   Finance

HB 2130   Health

HB 2131   Health


SB 228      State Government

SB 403      Professional Licensure

SB 745      State Government

SB 792      Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness

SB 1020    Transportation


Bills Recommitted


HB 502

HB 974

HB 1543

HB 1875

HB 1889


Bills ReReferred


HB 1976      From Housing and Community Development to Local Government


Bills Reported from Committee


HR 316        From Agriculture as Committed

HR 103        From Commerce as Committed

HR 250        From Health as Committed

HR 251        From Health as Committed

HR 292        From Health as Committed

HR 296        From Health as Committed

HR 297        From Health as Committed

HR 299        From Health as Committed

HR 230        From Housing and Community Development as Committed

HR 211        From Judiciary as Committed

HR 272        From Labor and Industry as Committed

HR 259        From Tourism & Economic & Recreational Development as Amended

HR 281        From Tourism & Economic & Recreational Development as Committed

HR 295        From Tourism & Economic & Recreational Development as Committed

HR 303        From Tourism & Economic & Recreational Development as Committed

HR 305         From Tourism & Economic & Recreational Development as Committed

HR 322        From Transportation as Committed

HR 286        From Veteran’s Affairs & Emergency Preparedness as Committed


HB 1896      From Agriculture as Amended

HB 1201      From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1538      From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1646      From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1818      From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1820      From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1843      From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1885      From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1172      From Commerce as Amended

HB 1853      From Health as Committed

HB 1931      From Health as Amended

HB 1956      From Health as Amended

HB 657        From Housing and Community Development as Amended

HB 1386      From Housing and Community Development as Amended

HB 1549      From Housing and Community Development as Amended

HB 1245      From Judiciary as Committed

HB 1678      From Judiciary as Committed

HB 1806      From Judiciary as Committed

HB 1446      From Labor and Industry as Amended

HB 1819      From Professional Licensure as Amended

HB 502        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1564      From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 816        From Transportation as Amended

HB 2055      From Transportation as Committed

HB 1030      From Tourism & Economic & Recreational Development as Committed

HB 1626      From Veteran’s Affairs & Emergency Preparedness as Amended

HB 1632      From Veteran's Affairs & Emergency Preparedness as Committed

HB 1854      From Veteran's Affairs & Emergency Preparedness as Amended


SB 979         From Agriculture as Committed

SB 146         From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

SB 654         From Appropriations Re-Reported as Amended

Motion to Object to Committee report




102-99       (Report is properly reported)

SB 753         From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

SB 55           From Judiciary as Committed


Bills Removed from the Tabled Calendar and Placed on the Active Calendar


HB 843

HB 961

HB 1399

HB 1601

HB 1748

HB 1956


SB 115

SB 740


Bills Removed from the Active Calendar and Placed on the Tabled Calendar



House Resolutions Adopted



This is not an official record of the day’s legislative activity.

The House of Representatives adjourned

Until, Tuesday, March 19, 2024  at 11 A.M.

unless sooner recalled by the Speaker.