House of Representatives

Daily Session Update

Prepared by the Office of the Parliamentarian

June 29, 2016



Communications Received



Communications Received From the Senate


The Clerk of the Senate being introduced, informed that the Senate has concurred in the amendments made by the House of Representatives by amending said amendments to Senate Bill numbered and entitled as follows, viz:


SB 1073


Ordered, That the Clerk present the same to the House of Representatives for its concurrence.


Voting Schedule



Concurrence in Senate Amendments


HB 1877 PN 3321

 200 – 0        


Concurrence in Senate Amendments to House Amendments



Bills on Second Consideration


HB 1974 PN 3139

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

HB 2153 PN 3497

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

SB 514 PN 1970

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration

SB 1227 PN 1990


       A09215 (TRUITT)

40 – 159         (Failed)

       A09216 (TRUITT)

53 – 146         (Failed)

       A09217 (TRUITT)

200 – 0           

       A09218 (TRUITT)

200 – 0


Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration as Amended

SB 1229 PN 1983

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration


Bills on Third Consideration


HB 1923 PN 3023

200 – 0       Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 2028 PN 3608

200 – 0       Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 2211 PN 3662

200 – 0       Sent to Senate for Concurrence


Bills Signed by the Speaker


HB 1877

SB 1194

SB 1216

SB 1217


Bills Referred


HR 954       To Uncontested Calendar Under Rule 35


HB 2228    Local Government

HB 2229    Judiciary

HB 2230    Transportation

HB 2231    Professional Licensure

HB 2232    Health


SB 1221     Urban Affairs


SB 1265     Labor & Industry


SB 1283     Appropriations


SB 1311     Judiciary


Bills Recommitted


HB 1974        To Appropriations

HB 2153        To Appropriations

SB 514            To Appropriations

SB 1227         To Appropriations

SB 1229         To Appropriations


Bills ReReferred



Bills Reported from Committee


HB 1923        From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 2028        From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 2211        From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 2185        From Appropriations as Committed

HB 1988        From Local Government as Committed

HB 2164        From Local Government as Committed

HB 2186        From Local Government as Committed

HB 2222        From Local Government as Committed

SB 1038         From Local Government as Committed

HB 1877        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1974        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed

HB 2153        From Rules Re-Reported as Committed


Bills and Resolution Removed from the Tabled Calendar and Placed on the Active Calendar


HB 512

HB 649

HB 1040

SB 1155

HR 264


Bill and Resolution Removed from the Active Calendar and Placed on the Tabled Calendar


HB 649

HR 264


House Resolutions Adopted


HR 619

A Resolution urging the Congress of the United States to lift the Federal ban on sports betting and to allow states that authorize, license and regulate casino gaming, including the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to legalize sports betting through its licensed facilities.

140 – 59

HR 900

A Resolution designating the months of June, July and August 2016 as "Summer Reading Games Months 2016" in Pennsylvania.

199 – 0

HR 950

A Resolution recognizing the 60th anniversary of the Interstate Highway System.

199 – 0

HR 953

A Resolution recognizing the month of July 2016 as "National Auto Theft Prevention Month" in Pennsylvania.

199 – 0


This is not an official record of the day’s legislative activity.

The House of Representatives adjourned

until Thursday, June 30 at 11:00 A.M.

unless sooner recalled by the Speaker.