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12/04/2024 01:26 AM
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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House Co-Sponsorship Memoranda

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House of Representatives
Session of 2023 - 2024 Regular Session

Search Results

27 Results are displayed below for co-sponsorship memoranda by Representative Eddie Day Pashinski .

  Member Subject Introduced
8-15-2024 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski and Rep. Tarik Khan, Rep. Dan Frankel Health Insurance Coverage to Age 26 HB2563 
8-15-2024 Rep. Carol Hill-Evans and Rep. Tina M. Davis, Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski, Rep. Kyle J. Mullins A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING SEPTEMBER 23-29, 2024, AS "DIAPER NEED AWARENESS WEEK" IN PENNSYLVANIA HR534 
7-02-2024 Rep. Mandy Steele and Rep. Tom Jones, Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski, Rep. Jason Ortitay, Rep. Tarik Khan, Rep. Jamie L. Flick Taxpayer Fairness Act
6-12-2024 Rep. Jim Haddock and Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski Designating September 1, 2024, as “Polish Resistance in World War II Commemoration Day” in Pennsylvania HR487 
5-23-2024 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski and Rep. Stephen Kinsey PA Food Bucks Program for SNAP Recipients HB2357 
4-29-2024 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski Designating June 2024 as “Dairy Month” in Pennsylvania HR445 
4-08-2024 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski and Rep. Dan Moul Rural Population Revitalization Commission HB2225 
3-21-2024 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski March 2024 - Music in Our Schools Month HR351 
3-14-2024 Rep. Tarik Khan and Rep. Bridget M. Kosierowski, Rep. Paul Takac, Rep. La'Tasha D. Mayes, Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski, Rep. Justin C. Fleming Supporting Education of our Health Care Workforce HB2168  HB2169 
10-24-2023 Rep. Tarik Khan and Rep. Jamie L. Flick, Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski, Rep. Mary Jo Daley, Rep. Melissa Cerrato, Rep. Justin C. Fleming, Rep. Tim Brennan, Rep. Melissa L. Shusterman Redrafted Bill: Michael's Law —Admission Fairness for Persons with Care Attendants in the PA Human Relations Commission Act HB1836 
8-29-2023 Rep. Carol Hill-Evans and Rep. Tina M. Davis, Rep. Kyle J. Mullins, Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski RECOGNIZING THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 18 - 24, 2023 AS "DIAPER NEED AWARENESS WEEK" IN PA HR198 
6-08-2023 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski and Rep. Dan Moul Designating June 2023 as "Dairy Month" in Pennsylvania HR151 
6-05-2023 Rep. Scott Conklin and Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Pennsylvania State Grange HR148 
4-25-2023 Rep. Tarik Khan and Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, Rep. Ben Waxman, Rep. Melissa L. Shusterman, Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, Rep. Danielle Friel Otten, Rep. Carol Kazeem, Rep. Rick Krajewski, Rep. Dan K. Williams, Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski, Rep. Benjamin V. Sanchez, Rep. Christopher M. Rabb, Rep. La'Tasha D. Mayes The Stop Wall Street from Looting our Hospitals Act
4-20-2023 Rep. Joe Ciresi and Rep. Ed Neilson, Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski, Rep. Mary Jo Daley Urging Congress to Create a National Infrastructure Bank (Former HR 113) HR103 
4-11-2023 Rep. Tarik Khan and Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski, Rep. Melissa Cerrato, Rep. Justin C. Fleming, Rep. Tim Brennan, Rep. Melissa L. Shusterman Michael's Law —Admission Fairness for Persons with Care Attendants HB1104 
3-28-2023 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski Licensure of Professional Music Therapists under the Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors Act (Former HB 2573) HB1356 
2-28-2023 Rep. Emily Kinkead and Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski Resolution to Study Food Shelf Life Stabilization HR42 
2-28-2023 Rep. Emily Kinkead and Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski Prescription Drug Importation Study and Program Design HB921 
1-25-2023 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski Dog Law Modernization Legislation HB1322 
12-19-2022 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski and Rep. Maureen E. Madden Pa Farm Bill-Pa Preferred Organic Program Trademark HB157 
12-08-2022 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski Allowing for Pre-Processing of Mail-in Ballots by County/City size HB159 
12-05-2022 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski Burden-Free Community College for PA: The Delayed Payment Plan
12-02-2022 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski Clarifying Gaming-Funded School Property Tax Relief Notice HB178 
12-01-2022 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski and Rep. Jennifer O'Mara Hospital Closure Reform HB158 
12-01-2022 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski The Kinship Care Legal Assistance Grant Program HB931 
12-01-2022 Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski Amendments to the Pennsylvania Fertilizer Law HB156