Printer's No. | Text | (H) Amendments | (S) Amendments | (H) Fiscal Note | (S) Fiscal Note | Actuarial Note |
1154* |
This bill amends the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.0006, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code Of 1971. Other bills that also amend the same statute are listed below.
HB 29 | Rep. O'BRIEN | Memo: Reintroduction of Legislation-Legislation that will help reduce the burden of college debt-HB 607 of 2015-16 Session |
HB 46 | Rep. CALTAGIRONE | Memo: Pediatric Cancer Research State Income Tax Form Check-Off (Former HB 1804) |
HB 94 | Rep. DRISCOLL | Memo: Recirculating to add Rep. Farry as co-prime sponsor: Emergency and Law Enforcement Personnel Death Benefit Realty Transfer Tax Exemption |
HB 130 | Rep. ORTITAY | Memo: Corporate Net Income Tax Reducation Legislation - former HB 1780 |
HB 143 | Rep. MOUL | Memo: Inheritance Tax - former HB 1941 |
Only the first 5 bills are included here. Looking for more? View all legislation amending March 4, 1971 (P.L.0006, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code Of 1971 |