Printer's No. | Text | (H) Amendments | (S) Amendments | (H) Fiscal Note | (S) Fiscal Note | Actuarial Note |
4167* |
This bill amends Title 71 (State Government). Other bills that also amend the same statute are listed below.
HB 242 | Rep. PETRI | Memo: SERS and PSERS Optional Defined Contribution Plans (Former HB 551 and HB 552) |
HB 356 | Rep. REED | Memo: Proposed Legislation - Campus Police Officers Retirement Age |
HB 413 | Rep. KRIEGER | Memo: Re-Introducing State Legislator's Defined Contribution Program (former HB418) |
HB 712 | Rep. BAKER | Memo: Reintroduction of legislation -Conservation Corps companion bill (former HB 1242) |
HB 761 | Rep. EVANKOVICH | Memo: Creating a Defined-Contribution Pension Plan - Re-introduction of HB 2200 2011-2012 |
Only the first 5 bills are included here. Looking for more? View all legislation amending Title 71 (State Government) |