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01/13/2025 01:10 AM
Pennsylvania General Assembly
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Bill Information

Regular Session 2011-2012
House Resolution 330

Short Title:
A Concurrent Resolution establishing a center for government innovation, to be identified as the Pennsylvania 4.0 Team, comprised of public and private sector leaders of this Commonwealth to assess the operation of State agencies and the administration of State programs with a focus on evaluating and potentially restructuring how services are delivered, identifying innovative cost savings, improving customer service, streamlining government operations, redirecting as appropriate functions and job creation opportunities to the private sector and transitioning the Commonwealth into a more fiscally sustainable structure of government.
Prime Sponsor:
Last Action:
Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT, June 24, 2011 [Senate]
Printer's No.:
Printer's No. Text (H) Amendments (S) Amendments (H) Fiscal Note (S) Fiscal Note Actuarial Note
* denotes current Printer's Number