1Designating the month of September 2014 as "Chiari Malformations
2Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

3WHEREAS, Chiari malformations (CMs) are structural defects in
4the cerebellum which affect nearly 500,000 Americans; and

5WHEREAS, CMs cause the cerebellum to descend out of the skull
6and herniate into the spinal column, putting pressure on both
7the brain and spine and blocking the flow of cerebrospinal
8fluid; and

9WHEREAS, CMs can cause a wide range of symptoms, including
10severe and persistent headaches, loss of motor functions,
11extreme pain in the neck and shoulders, nerve damage, balance
12problems, weakness and numbness in the hands and feet, sleep
13apnea, trouble swallowing and other serious health problems; and

14WHEREAS, There is no known cure for CMs, and many patients
15must undergo extensive surgical procedures to ease the pressure
16and slow the progression of symptoms; and

17WHEREAS, The severity of symptoms can vary dramatically from

1person to person, regardless of the amount of descent or
2herniation of the cerebellum; and

3WHEREAS, The disease is frequently misdiagnosed and
4misunderstood and the cause and risk factors of the condition
5are not fully understood; and

6WHEREAS, Additional research, awareness and understanding of
7this condition are vital to ensure the best possible outcome for
8patients; therefore be it

9RESOLVED, That the Senate designate the month of September
102014 as "Chiari Malformations Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania
11and recognize the importance of understanding the impact of this