1Designating the month of November 2013 as "Assistive Technology
2Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

3WHEREAS, Pennsylvanians of all ages with disabilities may
4need assistive technology devices and services to live
5independently and productively, as well as to participate fully
6in the affairs of their communities; and

7WHEREAS, Assistive technology devices and services allow
8people to work, attend school, play and live in the community of
9their choice; and

10WHEREAS, An assistive technology device is any item, piece of
11equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially,
12modified or customized, that is used to increase, maintain or
13improve the functional capabilities of individuals with
14disabilities or older citizens; and

15WHEREAS, Assistive technology services are defined as any
16service that directly assists an individual in the selection,
17acquisition or use of an assistive technology device; and

1WHEREAS, Assistive technology devices and services are not
2luxury items, but necessities for people with disabilities and
3older citizens; and

4WHEREAS, These tools empower people to control their lives
5and their futures; and

6WHEREAS, Pennsylvania is a leader in the development and
7implementation of assistive technology programs for its citizens
8with disabilities and older residents with limited functional
9capabilities; and

10WHEREAS, Assistive technology services allow people to live
11independently and productively in the community of their choice,
12while enabling them to work, attend school and engage in hobbies
13and recreation; and

14WHEREAS, During Assistive Technology Awareness Month,
15individuals may learn about the wide range of supportive
16devices, applications and programs that have become available in
17recent years as a result of modern technology; and

18WHEREAS, The Institute on Disabilities at Temple University
19is one of several organizations that offer training to employers
20on the use of assistive technologies in the workplace so more
21positions can be made available to disabled persons; therefore
22be it

23RESOLVED, That the Senate designate the month of November
242013 as "Assistive Technology Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.