1Commending the Chiropractic Fellowship of Pennsylvania for its
2educational efforts, and recognizing the month of September
32013 as "Vertebral Subluxation Awareness Month" in

5WHEREAS, Optimum performance and health of the human body
6depends on the unfettered, free transmission of mental impulses,
7or nerve impulses, between the brain and all cells, tissues and
8organs; and

9WHEREAS, The flow of mental impulses between the brain and
10the body passes through the vertebrae of the spinal column; and

11WHEREAS, Blockages of mental impulses, called vertebral
12subluxations, occur when a vertebra misaligns, occludes an
13opening, impinges on a nerve or otherwise interferes with
14neurotransmission; and

15WHEREAS, A vertebral subluxation can occur regardless of the
16presence or absence of symptoms; and

17WHEREAS, Doctors of chiropractic are the licensed
18professionals uniquely trained to locate, analyze and correct

1vertebral subluxations that compromise a person's health and
2well-being; therefore be it

3RESOLVED, That the Senate commend the Chiropractic Fellowship
4of Pennsylvania for its efforts in educating the public about
5the importance of having spinal checks for vertebral
6subluxations; and be it further

7RESOLVED, That the Senate recognize the month of September
82013 as "Vertebral Subluxation Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.