1Designating the week of March 10 through 16, 2013, as "Pulmonary
2Rehabilitation Week" in Pennsylvania.

3WHEREAS, The American Association of Cardiovascular and
4Pulmonary Rehabilitation is observing "National Pulmonary
5Rehabilitation Week," March 10 through 16, 2013, with the theme
6"Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Inspiration for Life"; and

7WHEREAS, Pulmonary disease is the third leading cause of
8death in our nation and the fourth leading cause of death in
9this Commonwealth; and

10WHEREAS, Pulmonary rehabilitation is a broad program that
11helps improve the well-being of people who have chronic
12breathing problems; and

13WHEREAS, Pulmonary rehabilitation can improve one's quality
14of life and ability to function; and

15WHEREAS, Observation of "Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week" calls
16special attention to the dedicated professionals who promote the

1dissemination of information about pulmonary disease, its
2prevention and rehabilitation; and

3WHEREAS, The dedicated pulmonary specialists of Pennsylvania
4and strides made to conquer lung disease are deserving of great
5recognition; therefore be it

6RESOLVED, That the Senate designate the week of March 10
7through 16, 2013, as "Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week" in
8Pennsylvania and urge all citizens to take a healthy and sound
9approach to care for their well-being and join forces to battle
10one of the nation's leading killers.