1Amending the act of July 8, 1978 (P.L.752, No.140), entitled "An
2act providing for the forfeiture of the pensions of certain
3public employees and authorizing the State or political
4subdivision to garnish the pension benefits of certain public
5officers and employees upon conviction of certain criminal
6activity related to their office or position of employment,"
7further providing for the definition of "crimes related to
8public office or public employment."

9The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
10hereby enacts as follows:

11Section 1.  The definition of "crimes related to public
12office or public employment" in section 2 of the act of July 8,
131978 (P.L.752, No.140), known as the Public Employee Pension
14Forfeiture Act, amended July 15, 2004 (P.L.733, No.86), is
15amended to read:

16Section 2.  Definitions.

17The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
18have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
19meanings given to them in this section:

20"Crimes related to public office or public employment."  Any

1of the criminal offenses as set forth in the following
2provisions of Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania
3Consolidated Statutes or other enumerated statute when committed
4by a public official or public employee through his public
5office or position or when his public employment places him in a
6position to commit the crime:

7Any of the criminal offenses set forth in Subchapter B of
8Chapter 31 (relating to definition of offenses) when the
9criminal offense is committed by a school employee as defined in
1024 Pa.C.S. § 8102 (relating to definitions) against a student.

11Section 3922 (relating to theft by deception) when the
12criminal culpability reaches the level of a misdemeanor of the
13first degree or higher.

14Section 3923 (relating to theft by extortion) when the
15criminal culpability reaches the level of a misdemeanor of the
16first degree or higher.

17Section 3926 (relating to theft of services) when the
18criminal culpability reaches the level of a misdemeanor of the
19first degree or higher.

20Section 3927 (relating to theft by failure to make required
21disposition of funds received) when the criminal culpability
22reaches the level of a misdemeanor of the first degree or

24Section 4101 (relating to forgery).

25Section 4104 (relating to tampering with records or

27Section 4113 (relating to misapplication of entrusted
28property and property of government or financial institutions)
29when the criminal culpability reaches the level of misdemeanor
30of the second degree.

1Section 4701 (relating to bribery in official and political

3Section 4702 (relating to threats and other improper
4influence in official and political matters).

5Section 4902 (relating to perjury).

6Section 4903(a) (relating to false swearing).

7Section 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to

9Section 4906 (relating to false reports to law enforcement

11Section 4909 (relating to witness or informant taking bribe).

12Section 4910 (relating to tampering with or fabricating
13physical evidence).

14Section 4911 (relating to tampering with public records or

16Section 4952 (relating to intimidation of witnesses or

18Section 4953 (relating to retaliation against witness, victim
19or party).

20Section 5101 (relating to obstructing administration of law
21or other governmental function).

22Section 5301 (relating to official oppression).

23Section 5302 (relating to speculating or wagering on official
24action or information).

25Section 6318 (relating to unlawful contact with minor) when
26the criminal culpability reaches the level of a felony of the
27third degree or higher.

28Article III of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known
29as the "Tax Reform Code of 1971."

30In addition to the foregoing specific crimes, the term also

1includes all criminal offenses as set forth in Federal law
2substantially the same as the crimes enumerated herein.

3* * *

4Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.