1Supporting the struggle of the Ukrainian people in their fight
2for religious and civil liberties.

3WHEREAS, In 2010, rulings by the Constitutional Court of
4Ukraine restored powers to the President of Ukraine over the
5military, the courts and enforcement agencies; and

6WHEREAS, As a result of the Constitutional Court rulings,
7prime ministers and regional governors could be appointed and
8fired by the will of the Ukrainian president alone, with no
9parliamentary oversight; and

10WHEREAS, Ukrainian Media Holding and other media companies
11lost their independence and ability to speak freely about the
12country's ongoing political unrest after the Constitutional
13Court rulings were implemented, and the majority of television
14stations in Ukraine have been unable to voice independent
15opinions; and

1WHEREAS, Elections in Ukraine have been compromised, and 
2ballot tampering made it impossible to determine the winner of
3five seats in the 2012 parliamentary election; and

4WHEREAS, Ballot tampering compromises the civil liberties
5guaranteed to the Ukrainian people in the Ukrainian
6Constitution; and

7WHEREAS, Ukrainian President Yanucovych was removed from
8office in February 2014 following ongoing political unrest; and

9WHEREAS, Presidential elections, originally scheduled for
10February 2015, will be held in Ukraine on May 25, 2014; and

11WHEREAS, The interim prime minister of Ukraine promises that
12the forthcoming new constitution will reestablish civil and
13religious liberties; therefore be it

14RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives support the
15Ukrainian citizens in their efforts to restore civil and
16religious liberties in their country; and be it further

17RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
18the United States Department of State and to each member of
19Congress from Pennsylvania.