1Recognizing the legacy and achievements of former State
2Representative Michael H. Kennedy.

3WHEREAS, Michael H. Kennedy was born on January 14, 1872, and
4raised in Butler, Butler County, and attended the local public
5schools; and

6WHEREAS, At 17 years of age, Kennedy learned the trade of
7plumbing and gas fitting, the profession he engaged in until his
8election to the House of Representatives; and

9WHEREAS, In November 1906, he won election to the House of
10Representatives serving Lawrenceville; and

11WHEREAS, In 1907, State Representative Kennedy maneuvered a
12celebrated piece of legislation through the Legislature to avoid
13the demolition of a Revolutionary War era historical site in
14Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and

1WHEREAS, In the early 1900s, the Pennsylvania Railroad looked
2to build a track junction at the Point in Pittsburgh using
3eminent domain; the same site as Fort Pitt, once the largest
4British fort in North America; and

5WHEREAS, State Representative Kennedy, realizing the
6historical significance of the lone block house remaining at
7Fort Pitt, came to the aid of the Pittsburgh chapter of the
8Daughters of the American Revolution by sponsoring and guiding
9legislation that prohibited the use of eminent domain by
10corporations to seize or remove colonial or Revolutionary War
11period buildings; and

12WHEREAS, Governor Edwin Stuart signed State Representative
13Kennedy's bill which became the act of May 10, 1907 (P.L.196,
14No.156), referred to as the "Historic Sites Act"; and

15WHEREAS, Due to State Representative Kennedy's actions, many
16historically significant buildings and places, such as the Block
17House at Fort Pitt, Valley Forge and Independence Hall, were
18protected from being destroyed or moved; and

19WHEREAS, In 2014, we celebrate the 250th anniversary of the
20Fort Pitt Block House, a local treasure which many
21Pennsylvanians still enjoy; therefore be it

22RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize the
23legacy and achievements of former State Representative Michael
24H. Kennedy, particularly for his efforts in saving historical
25sites for the continued enjoyment of this Commonwealth.