1Designating February 17, 2014, as "Presidents' Day" in

3WHEREAS, Observance of Presidents' Day in Pennsylvania serves
4to celebrate the birthday of George Washington and to honor all
5the Presidents of the United States; and

6WHEREAS, George Washington was born on February 22, 1732; and

7WHEREAS, George Washington's birthday is a Federal holiday
8celebrated annually on the third Monday of February; and

9WHEREAS, George Washington was the first President of the
10United States; and

11WHEREAS, George Washington served two terms as President of
12the United States, from 1789 to 1793 and 1793 to 1797; and

13WHEREAS, While President of the United States, George
14Washington led the American Continental Army to victory over the

1British in 1783; and

2WHEREAS, George Washington has been recognized as the "father
3of this country"; and

4WHEREAS, George Washington resided over the convention that
5drafted the United States Constitution, which replaced the
6Articles of the Confederation; and

7WHEREAS, George Washington was lauded for his leadership,
8ability to encourage and boost the morale of the military,
9ability to develop a good relationship with Congress and
10precision regarding all aspects of the war effort; therefore be

12RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives designate
13February 17, 2014, as "Presidents' Day" in Pennsylvania.