1Urging the Congress of the United States to support the adoption
2of H.Res. 456, relating to dyslexia.

3WHEREAS, H.Res. 456 calls on schools and state and local
4educational agencies to recognize that dyslexia has significant
5educational implications that must be addressed; and

6WHEREAS, Dyslexia is defined as an unexpected difficulty in
7reading in an individual who has the intelligence to be a much
8better reader, and it reflects a difficulty with the individual
9sounds of spoken language which typically impact speaking,
10reading, spelling and, often, learning a second language; and

11WHEREAS, Dyslexia is highly prevalent, affecting one out of
12five individuals in some form, and it is persistent; and

13WHEREAS, Diagnosis is critical so that focused, evidence-
14based interventions and necessary accommodations can occur,
15accompanied by self-awareness and self-empowerment, to progress
16with school and life success; and

17WHEREAS, H.Res. 456 recognizes each major element of

1dyslexia, including its high prevalence, cognitive and
2neurobiological bases, unexpected nature, persistence and,
3critically, its profound impact on education and the critical
4need for action by schools; and

5WHEREAS, Support of this resolution to increase dyslexia
6awareness among schools and other educational agencies is
7important to ushering in a new period of awareness and
8understanding of this learning disability; therefore be it

9RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives urge members of
10the Congress of the United States to support the adoption of
11H.Res. 456, relating to dyslexia; and be it further

12RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
13each member of Congress from Pennsylvania.