1Commemorating February 16, 2014, as "Lithuanian Independence
2Day" in Pennsylvania.

3WHEREAS, On February 16, 1918, Lithuania declared itself an
4independent nation, adopting a democratic parliamentary
5constitution and enacting broad reforms to modernize the
6country; and

7WHEREAS, Following a brief period of freedom, Lithuania was
8invaded by the Soviet Union in 1940 and remained under Soviet
9control for the next 50 years; and

10WHEREAS, Lithuania once again became free and independent in
11September 1991, electing a democratic government and holding its
12first presidential election on February 14, 1993; and

13WHEREAS, Act 17 of 1989 designated February 16 of each year
14as "Lithuanian Independence Day" in order to publicly recognize
15the outstanding contributions made by the Lithuanian people to

1the heritage of America and this Commonwealth; therefore be it

2RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives commemorate
3February 16, 2014, on the anniversary of the momentous occasion
4of Lithuania's independence and note with respect and admiration
5the struggle of the Lithuanian people for freedom in their