1Honoring the historic achievement of preserving 100,000 acres of
2farmland in Lancaster County and expressing gratitude for the
3hard work of members of the Lancaster County Agricultural
4Preserve Board, Lancaster Farmland Trust and the community
5for supporting ongoing preservation efforts.

6WHEREAS, Lancaster County proudly celebrates its agricultural
7heritage as the "Garden Spot of America" by preserving its
8farmland; and

9WHEREAS, The beauty of Lancaster County's agriculture
10attracts tourists from across the country; and

11WHEREAS, Lancaster County produces over $1 billion of
12agricultural products each year; and

13WHEREAS, In 1980, the Lancaster County Commissioners
14established a 9-member agricultural preserve board to provide
15the county with guidance on implementing a deed farmland
16preservation program; and

17WHEREAS, In 1982, the first conservation easements were

1donated to Lancaster County; and

2WHEREAS, In 1988, the Lancaster County Farmland Trust was
3established to assist in reaching out to plain-sect farmers in
4the county; and

5WHEREAS, The Lancaster County Agricultural Preserve Board and
6Lancaster Farmland Trust have worked cooperatively with the
7Federal Government, State agencies and municipalities to further
8its goals; and

9WHEREAS, Lancaster County owns the distinction of being the
10only county in the nation to have preserved 100,000 acres of
11farmland; and therefore be it

12RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives honor the
13historic achievement of preserving 100,000 acres of farmland in
14Lancaster County and express gratitude for the hard work of
15members of the Lancaster County Agricultural Preserve Board,
16Lancaster Farmland Trust and the community for supporting
17ongoing preservation efforts.