1Urging the President of the United States and Congress to
2support the adoption of H.R. 1014.

3WHEREAS, Approximately 1,800 Pennsylvania National Guard
4Military Technicians may be subject to furlough as a result of
5budgetary sequestration; and

6WHEREAS, It is critical that the Pennsylvania National Guard
7maintain training and readiness to ensure that the National
8Guard is ready to answer the call when needed for domestic
9operations; and

10WHEREAS, All the military components are scrambling to absorb
11$47 billion in cuts throughout the Department of Defense,
12including the furloughs of 800,000 civilian employees; and

13WHEREAS, There is one group that justifies an exemption from
14the cuts, National Guard Military Technicians; and

15WHEREAS, The Pentagon exempted uniformed personnel from
16sequestration to limit the impact of ongoing budget debates on
17military readiness; and

1WHEREAS, The Department of Defense, however, did not include
2the approximately 53,000 National Guard Military Technicians
3within the exemption; and

4WHEREAS, There are 1,800 military technicians in
5Pennsylvania; and

6WHEREAS, These military technicians support the readiness for
7troops in preparation not only for State emergencies but for
8Federal missions as well; and

9WHEREAS, H.R. 1014 is a bill that would exempt military
10technicians from sequestration by including them in military
11personnel accounts now and in the future; and

12WHEREAS, The President of the United States, Congress and the
13Department of Defense all agreed to exempt uniformed personnel
14from sequestration to limit the impact on military readiness;

16WHEREAS, The furlough of military technicians violates that
17intent; and

18WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania National Guard does not desire to
19furlough any military technicians if this can be avoided,
20however, further congressional action is required to ensure no
21furloughs are necessary nationwide for National Guard Military
22Technicians and for Pennsylvania specifically now and in the
23future; therefore be it

24RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives urge the
25President of the United States and Congress to support the
26adoption of H.R. 1014; and be it further

27RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
28the President of the United States and to the presiding officers
29of each house of Congress and to each member of Congress from