1Honoring the Pennsylvania State Society Daughters of the
2American Revolution for its patriotism in seeking to
3inclusively promote, through education, the history of the
4United States of America and for its community service which
5efforts are being celebrated on April 26, 2013, in Valley
6Forge, Pennsylvania.

7WHEREAS, The membership of the Pennsylvania State Society
8Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is comprised of women
9who are descended from American patriots who were involved in
10America's cause for independence; and

11WHEREAS, Through historical, educational and patriotic
12objectives, the Pennsylvania State Society DAR seeks to affirm
13and reinforce the meaning and value of American citizenship and
14to support institutions that are essential to the promotion and
15preservation of American freedom; and

16WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania State Society DAR represents women

1of all backgrounds and ages throughout this Commonwealth and
2seeks to inclusively promote, through education, the history of
3the United States of America; and

4WHEREAS, Within this organization, there are 99 chapters in
5this Commonwealth, and 22 chapters in the organization's
6Southeastern District, with nearly 2,000 members; and

7WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania State Society DAR's members share
8an enthusiasm for community service; and

9WHEREAS, Among the many worthy causes in which this
10organization is involved, in conjunction with the National
11Society of Daughters of the American Revolution, are the
12promotion of literacy and women's issues, support of schools for
13the underprivileged and the awarding of scholarships and
14financial aid to students; and

15WHEREAS, Members volunteer to serve veterans and are engaged
16in locating, restoring and marking the grave sites and
17headstones of American patriots; and

18WHEREAS, Organizational initiatives include conservation and
19historic preservation, with many local chapters owning and
20maintaining local historic sites; and

21WHEREAS, This Commonwealth owes a debt of gratitude to the
22many women of this society who have worked to preserve the
23American heritage of liberty and to promote this nation's core
24democratic ideals, which are forever enshrined in the
25Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution
26and symbolized in our nation's flag; therefore be it

27RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives honor the
28Pennsylvania State Society Daughters of the American Revolution
29for its patriotism in seeking to inclusively promote, through
30education, the history of the United States of America and for

1its community service and extend its appreciation to its members
2on the occasion of their April 26, 2013, meeting in Valley
3Forge, Pennsylvania.