1Designating April 19, 2013, as "Pennsylvania YMCA Youth and
2Government Day" in Pennsylvania.

3WHEREAS, The YMCA Youth & Government Program (Y&G) is
4designed to encourage civic engagement by teaching the core
5principles of democracy; and

6WHEREAS, The State YMCA of Pennsylvania organizes Y&G clubs
7throughout this Commonwealth in collaboration with local high
8schools and branch YMCAs, coordinated at the State level; and

9WHEREAS, While it is not easy to measure the impact that Y&G
10has had upon the hundreds of teenagers involved annually, there
11is reason to believe it is significant; and

12WHEREAS, Countless persons have pointed to Y&G as a turning
13point in their career exploration of such fields as politics,
14law, education and social services; and

15WHEREAS, For others, the experience confirmed their career
16plans and enabled them to continue studies with increased
17interest and confidence; and

1WHEREAS, A recent study found that Y&G graduates are 30% to
260% more likely to report involvement in civic affairs than the
3general population; and

4WHEREAS, Part of the Y&G for 2013 involves a model government
5convention in the State Capitol April 19 through 21, 2013;
6therefore be it

7RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives designate April
819, 2013, as "Pennsylvania YMCA Youth and Government Day" in