1Directing the Joint State Government Commission to study the
2Commonwealth's delivery system of long-term care services and
3supports for <-independent and care-dependent older adults,
4including: a review of the current infrastructure that exists
5for providing services and supports; consumer access to the
6system, including an identification of barriers that exist;
7and financing issues; and to report its findings and
8recommendations to the General Assembly.

9WHEREAS, The Commonwealth's long-term care services and
10supports delivery system is a joint responsibility of the
11Departments of Aging, Health<-, Insurance and Public Welfare and a
12wide array of for-profit and not-for-profit providers of long-
13term care services and supports; and

14WHEREAS, Each department is statutorily responsible for
15regulating and overseeing certain specific long-term care
16services and supports designed to provide the most appropriate
17level of care and services for consumers in an efficient,
18effective and fiscally accountable manner; and

1WHEREAS, There is a need for a comprehensive bipartisan
2ongoing review of issues relating to the Commonwealth's long-
3term care services and supports delivery system; review of
4access to long-term care services and supports necessary to meet
5the needs of <-independent and care-dependent older
6Pennsylvanians, including the affordability of services; <-and the
7role of public and private sectors in paying for services; <-and 
8the preparation of Pennsylvanians to plan for long-term care 
9costs; therefore be it

10RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives direct the Joint
11State Government Commission to study the long-term care services
12and supports delivery system in this Commonwealth in order to
13ascertain whether the system is meeting the needs of <-independent 
14and care-dependent older consumers and families; whether current
15public and private programs for financing services can continue
16to meet the needs of consumers and their families; and, if
17servicing and financing needs are not being met, to recommend
18appropriate corrective measures; <-if and how Pennsylvanians are 
19preparing for future long-term care costs and how current 
20programs and services can better prepare Pennsylvanians for 
21future long-term care needs; and be it further

22RESOLVED, That the commission create an advisory committee
23composed of an equal geographic representation of individuals
24involved in the delivery of long-term care services and supports
25and the financing of such services and supports, consumers,
26families of individuals in need of such services and supports,
27as well as local area agencies on aging and other State
28government agencies responsible for oversight and regulation of
29long-term care services and supports; and be it further

30RESOLVED, That the commission conduct public hearings and

1other comprehensive studies deemed appropriate to identify and
2prepare for the implementation of measures designed with the
3goal of ensuring that Pennsylvania's long-term care services and
4supports delivery system is safe, accessible and affordable for
5consumers and their families; and be it further

6RESOLVED, That the commission prepare a report to the General
7Assembly with information including an analysis of the current
8long-term care services and supports delivery system, including
9the costs associated with that system, and projected future
10costs of providing long-term care services and supports; <-and
11recommendations for a system that preserves and promotes
12consumer choice and ensuring an efficient, effective and
13fiscally accountable long-term care services and supports system
14in this Commonwealth; <-and proposed legislation supporting any 
15one or more of the recommendations; and be it further

16RESOLVED, That the commission report its findings <-and,
17recommendations <-and proposed legislation to the General Assembly
18within one year of the adoption of this resolution.