1Urging all groups in Pennsylvania involved in the effort to stop
2domestic violence to implement the Violence Against Women
3Act's inclusion mandate.

4WHEREAS, Domestic violence is a significant problem that
5affects individuals in all segments of our society; and

6WHEREAS, The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence
7Survey found that more than 5 million men and nearly 5 million
8women still experience some type of violence at the hands of
9their partners every year; and

10WHEREAS, Discriminatory practices have been documented
11against male, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and African-
12American victims of domestic violence, causing these groups to
13be underserved victim populations, and the discriminators'
14practices on underserved victim populations violate the
15principle of equal treatment under the law; and

16WHEREAS, The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), approved by a
17bipartisan vote and signed into law on March 7, 2013, includes

1an inclusion mandate that bans discrimination on the basis of
2"race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity,
3sexual orientation, or disability"; and

4WHEREAS, VAWA's inclusion mandate applies to domestic
5violence shelters, domestic violence coalitions, law enforcement
6officers, prosecutors, judges and other groups involved in the
7effort to stop domestic violence; therefore be it

8RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives urge groups in
9Pennsylvania involved in the effort to stop domestic violence to
10review their policies, procedures, practices and accommodations
11to implement VAWA's inclusion mandate; and be it further

12RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives urge groups in
13Pennsylvania involved in the effort to stop domestic violence to
14avail themselves of existing resources, research and services to
15reach underserved victim populations and to assure that equal
16facilities, services and support are fully available to all