1Paying tribute to the heroic efforts and sacrifices of the
2United States Armed Forces during the Battle of Iwo Jima on
3its 68th anniversary.

4WHEREAS, The World War II battle for the Island of Iwo Jima
5was the most difficult in United States Marine Corps history;

7WHEREAS, Understanding that the price they were expected to
8pay was high, the soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen whose
9mission it was to take the Island of Iwo Jima nevertheless set
10to the task with extraordinary determination; and

11WHEREAS, The United States Marine Corps suffered more than
1223,000 casualties, including nearly 6,000 marines who lost their
13lives; and

14WHEREAS, The United States Marine Corps fought against an

1entrenched and determined enemy force numbering approximately
220,000 soldiers and sailors; and

3WHEREAS, The courageous men battled yard by yard over a 36-
4day period to conquer the eight-square-mile volcanic island; and

5WHEREAS, The victory achieved at Iwo Jima provided the United
6States with a strategic base in the Western Pacific for the
7final push against the enemy, thereby bringing the Pacific phase
8of World War II one step closer to its conclusion; and

9WHEREAS, When the American flag was raised over Mount
10Suribachi, signifying American command over the island, the
11conduct of these fighting men was such that Admiral Chester
12Nimitz proclaimed that during this battle "uncommon valor was a
13common virtue"; and

14WHEREAS, The American victory, and the symbolic culmination
15of countless acts of bravery and selfless sacrifice, was
16captured for all and etched indelibly in our consciousness in
17the photograph of the planting of the flag on Mount Suribachi;

19WHEREAS, That powerful image evokes profound thoughts and
20emotions for generations removed from the epic battle; and

21WHEREAS, Iwo Jima has entered the history books as one of the
22most courageous examples of the fighting spirit of the United
23States Armed Forces; and

24WHEREAS, The 68th anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima will
25commence on February 19, 2013; therefore be it

26RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives urge all
27Pennsylvanians to join their fellow Americans in paying tribute
28to the courageous members of the United States Armed Forces who
29were involved in the Battle of Iwo Jima and use February 19,
302013, as a time of reflection on the bravery and spirit of our
