1Memorializing the Congress of the United States to pass and the
2President of the United States to sign the Violence Against
3Women Act reauthorization legislation and to reaffirm our
4commitment to helping victims of violent crimes.

5WHEREAS, Domestic violence and sexual assault are pervasive
6crimes directly affecting one in four women and touching the
7lives of everyone in the community; and

8WHEREAS, The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) and
9VAWA reauthorization and enhancement under the Violence Against
10Women Act of 2000 and 2005 have proven instrumental in building
11increasing awareness that domestic violence is a crime that
12occurs in every community; and

13WHEREAS, Reauthorization in 2000 improved the foundation
14established by VAWA in 1994 by creating a much-needed legal
15assistance program for victims and expanded the definition of
16"crime" to include dating violence and stalking; and

17WHEREAS, Reauthorization in 2005 created new programs to meet

1the emerging needs of communities working to prevent violence;

3WHEREAS, The VAWA of 2005 expired in 2011 and has yet to
4receive authorization by Congress; and

5WHEREAS, VAWA has made immeasurable contributions in
6communities across the country in providing programs, services
7and protection for victims of domestic violence and sexual
8assault and by raising attention to services and interventions
9that can help battered women, their children and other victims
10of violent crimes; and

11WHEREAS, VAWA has significantly improved the response of the
12criminal justice system to victims of domestic violence and
13sexual assault through increased training for law enforcement
14personnel and officers of the court; and

15WHEREAS, VAWA has helped victims of violent crimes rebuild
16their lives while encouraging community responsibility for
17prevention; and

18WHEREAS, VAWA continues to further the safety and stability
19of the lives of survivors of domestic violence, dating violence,
20sexual assault and stalking in this Commonwealth and throughout
21the nation; and

22WHEREAS, Without the critical programs and community services
23that are made possible under VAWA, victims of domestic violence
24and sexual assault may be less likely to seek the professional
25counseling and assistance services they need; therefore be it

26RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives memorialize the
27Congress of the United States to pass and the President of the
28United States to sign the Violence Against Women Act and to
29reaffirm our commitment to helping victims of violent crimes;
30and be it further

1RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
2the President of the United States, to the presiding officers of
3each house of Congress and to each member of Congress from