1Establishing a select committee to investigate and make
2recommendations concerning safety and security in public and
3nonpublic schools and institutions of higher education in
4this Commonwealth.

5WHEREAS, One of a society's most important responsibilities
6is the education of its citizens; and

7WHEREAS, The citizens of this Commonwealth are educated
8through a system of public and nonpublic schools and
9institutions of higher education; and

10WHEREAS, In order for students to learn, they must be
11educated in a safe and secure environment; and

12WHEREAS, In 1995, the General Assembly created the Office of
13Safe Schools within the Department of Education to coordinate
14antiviolence efforts between schools and the community; to

1collect and disseminate information and strategies to assist in
2the development of programs to impact school violence; to
3provide training to schools, parents, law enforcement and the
4community to prevent school violence; and to conduct other
5efforts aimed at promoting school safety; and

6WHEREAS, In 2000, the General Assembly created the position
7of safe schools advocate in school districts of the first class
8to monitor the school district's compliance with the
9Commonwealth's school safety laws, to receive inquiries from and
10provide assistance to victims of acts of violence on school
11property and to conduct other efforts aimed at promoting school
12safety in school districts of the first class; and

13WHEREAS, It is important to ensure that the public and
14nonpublic schools and institutions of higher education in this
15Commonwealth, in conjunction with State and local law
16enforcement agencies, are taking reasonable actions toward
17making their facilities safe and secure for students, employees
18and visitors; therefore be it

19RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives establish a
20select committee to investigate, review and make recommendations

22(1)  current security policies and procedures in public
23and nonpublic schools and institutions of higher education in
24this Commonwealth and ways in which school policies and
25procedures could be improved;

26(2)  current State laws and regulations related to school
27safety and security and ways in which State laws and
28regulations could be strengthened, including a review of laws
29and regulations related to school safety and security in
30effect in other states;

1(3)  early detection of potentially violent perpetrators,
2including strategies that may be used by education, health
3and other professionals to identify family, community and
4environmental factors that may lead to potentially violent
5behaviors; and

6(4)  any potential budgetary, revenue and governance
7reforms necessary to address these matters;

8and be it further

9RESOLVED, That the Speaker of the House of Representatives
10appoint, within 15 days of passage of this resolution, in
11consultation with the Majority and Minority Leaders of the House
12of Representatives, the following members of the House of
13Representatives to the select committee, with one member from
14each standing committee being appointed from the majority party
15and one member from each standing committee being appointed from
16the minority party:

17(1)  two members from the Education Committee;

18(2)  two members from the Health Committee;

19(3)  two members from the Local Government Committee;

20(4)  two members from the Children and Youth Committee;

21(5)  two members from the Judiciary Committee;

22(6)  two members from the Veterans Affairs and Emergency
23Preparedness Committee; <-and

24(7)  one two at-large <-member who members from the 
25majority party, one of whom shall act as chairperson of the
26select committee; <-and

27(8) one at-large member from the minority party who
28shall act as vice chairperson of the select committee;

29and be it further

30RESOLVED, That the select committee hold hearings, take

1testimony and make its investigation at the places it deems
2necessary in this Commonwealth; and be it further

3RESOLVED, That the select committee be empowered to call
4witnesses under the hand and seal of the chairperson and
5instruct any person to appear before it to answer questions
6touching matters properly being inquired into by the committee
7and to produce books, papers, records, accounts, reports and
8documents as the committee deems necessary; and be it further

9RESOLVED, That, in addition to other witnesses the select
10committee may call, the Office of Safe Schools in the Department
11of Education and the safe schools advocate in school districts
12of the first class cooperate with the select committee by
13providing testimony and producing documents and other
14information requested by the select committee; and be it further

15RESOLVED, That the Speaker and the Majority Leader of the
16House of Representatives provide staffing and assistance to the
17select committee, including obtaining relevant data and other
18research; and be it further

19RESOLVED, That the ordinary and reasonable expenses incurred
20by the select committee be paid from accounts under the control
21of the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives; and be it

23RESOLVED, That the select committee submit a report of its
24findings together with its recommendations for any appropriate
25legislation or other action to the House of Representatives not
26later than September 30, 2013.