1Recognizing January 17, 2013, as the 307th birthday of Benjamin

3WHEREAS, We celebrate the life of Benjamin Franklin, past
4Chief Clerk and Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of
5Representatives; and

6WHEREAS, Benjamin Franklin became famous as a scientist, an
7inventor, a statesman, printer, philosopher, musician and
8philanthropist through his work for the betterment of his city,
9state and country; and

10WHEREAS, Franklin had a strong belief that good citizenship
11included an obligation of public service; and

12WHEREAS, In addition to signing the five founding documents
13of the United States, Franklin also helped in drafting two of
14these momentous documents, the Declaration of Independence and

1the Constitution; and

2WHEREAS, Franklin was interested in practical applications,
3which led to his invention of the lightning rod, the smokeless
4fireplace, the glass armonica and bifocal glasses; and

5WHEREAS, Driven by a strong sense of civic duty, Franklin
6greatly involved himself in his community and founded many of
7America's first institutions, including the American
8Philosophical Society, the University of Pennsylvania, the Union
9Fire Company and the Library Company of Philadelphia; and

10WHEREAS, Benjamin Franklin was one of the most extraordinary
11human beings the world has ever known and is often referred to
12as the most brilliant man of the 18th century; therefore be it

13RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize January
1417, 2013, as the 307th birthday of Benjamin Franklin.