1Amending Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries) of the
2Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in dispositions
3independent of letters, further providing for payments to
4family and funeral directors.

5The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
6hereby enacts as follows:

7Section 1. Section 3101(b) of Title 20 of the Pennsylvania
8Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:

9§ 3101. Payments to family and funeral directors.

10* * *

11(b) Deposit account.--Any bank, savings association, savings
12and loan association, building and loan association, credit
13union or other savings organization, at any time after the death
14of a depositor, member or certificate holder, may pay the amount
15on deposit or represented by the certificate, when the total
16standing to the credit of the decedent in that institution does
17not exceed $3,500, to the spouse, any child, the father or
18mother [or], any sister or brother or any grandchild (preference

1being given in the order named) of the deceased depositor,
2member or certificate holder, provided that a receipted funeral
3bill or an affidavit, executed by a licensed funeral director
4which sets forth that satisfactory arrangements for payment of
5funeral services have been made, is presented. Any bank,
6association, union or other savings organization making such a
7payment shall be released to the same extent as if payment had
8been made to a duly appointed personal representative of the
9decedent and it shall not be required to see to the application
10thereof. Any person to whom payment is made shall be answerable
11therefor to anyone prejudiced by an improper distribution.

12* * *

13Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days.