1Amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), entitled
2"An act providing for and reorganizing the conduct of the
3executive and administrative work of the Commonwealth by the
4Executive Department thereof and the administrative
5departments, boards, commissions, and officers thereof,
6including the boards of trustees of State Normal Schools, or
7Teachers Colleges; abolishing, creating, reorganizing or
8authorizing the reorganization of certain administrative
9departments, boards, and commissions; defining the powers and
10duties of the Governor and other executive and administrative
11officers, and of the several administrative departments,
12boards, commissions, and officers; fixing the salaries of the
13Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and certain other executive
14and administrative officers; providing for the appointment of
15certain administrative officers, and of all deputies and
16other assistants and employes in certain departments, boards,
17and commissions; and prescribing the manner in which the
18number and compensation of the deputies and all other
19assistants and employes of certain departments, boards and
20commissions shall be determined," further providing for
21powers and duties of the Department of Drug and Alcohol

23The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
24hereby enacts as follows:

25Section 1. Section 2301-A(9) of the act of April 9, 1929
26(P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929,
27added June 9, 2010 (P.L.348, No.50), is amended and the section

1is amended by adding a paragraph to read:

2Section 2301-A. Powers and duties.

3The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs shall have the
4power and its duty shall be:

5* * *

6(9) [The department shall have the power to] To
7promulgate the rules and regulations necessary to carry out
8the provisions of this article.

9(10) To promulgate regulations regarding housing
10programs that offer assistance to people with drug or alcohol
11abuse problems, sometimes referred to as recovery houses. The
12regulations shall include, but not be limited to, a
13definition of "recovery house," rights of inspection,
14assignment of rights of inspection and penalties when
15violations of a departmental regulation occur. In order to
16receive any Federal or State funding, a recovery house must
17comply with regulations promulgated by the Department of Drug
18and Alcohol Programs.

19Section 2. The regulations promulgated initially under
20section 2301-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175),
21known as The Administrative Code of 1929, shall be developed
22with the assistance and recommendations of a task force
23consisting of the chairperson and minority chairperson of the
24Public Health and Welfare Committee of the Senate, the
25chairperson and minority chairperson of the Human Services
26Committee of the House of Representatives, the prime sponsor of
27paragraph (10) of section 2301-A of the act and a representative
28of the Drug and Alcohol Services Providers of Pennsylvania.

29Section 3. This act shall take effect in 30 days.