1Authorizing the Department of General Services, with the
2approval of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
3and the Governor, to dedicate, grant and convey a right-of-
4way for a roadway situate in East Hanover Township, Lebanon

6The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
7hereby enacts as follows:

8Section 1. Dedication of Right-of-Way in East Hanover Township,
9Lebanon County.

10(a) Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
11the approval of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
12and the Governor, is authorized to dedicate, grant and convey
13the following right-of-way for a roadway located in, and to be
14conveyed to, East Hanover Township, Lebanon County.

15(b) Property description.--The property to be conveyed is
16more fully described as:

17Right-of-Way for Tract #1

18Beginning at a point thence North 82°37'53" East a distance
19of 11.78 feet thence along an arc 216.00 feet to the right,

1having a radius of 410.67 feet, the chord of which is South
282°18'04" East for a distance of 213.51 feet, thence South
367°14'02" East a distance of 56.95 feet thence South 55°31'17"
4East a distance of 5.73 feet thence South 34°28'43" West a
5distance of 3.50 feet thence South 55°31'17" East a distance of
667.78 feet thence along an arc 37.89 feet to the left, having a
7radius of 2153.68 feet, the chord of which is South 13°14'26"
8East for a distance of 37.89 feet, thence along an arc 93.36
9feet to the left, having a radius of 100.00 feet, the chord of
10which is North 40°29'21" West for a distance of 90.00 feet,
11thence North 67°14'02" West a distance of 70.12 feet thence
12along an arc 211.53 feet to the left, having a radius of 402.18
13feet, the chord of which is North 82°18'04" West for a distance
14of 209.10 feet, thence South 82°37'53" West a distance of 13.59
15feet thence North 4°40'36" East a distance of 8.69 feet and the

17The above described parcel contains 0.0612 acres (2667.80 sq.

19Right-of-Way for Tract #2

20Beginning at a point thence North 55°31'17" West a distance
21of 25.71 feet thence South 34°28'43" West a distance of 3.50
22feet thence North 55°31'17" West a distance of 9.12 feet thence
23North 67°14'02" West a distance of 60.33 feet thence along an
24arc 233.35 feet to the left, having a radius of 443.67 feet, the
25chord of which is North 82°18'04" West for a distance of 230.67
26feet, thence South 82°37'53" West a distance of 4.74 feet thence
27North 4°38'39" East a distance of 8.69 feet thence North
2882°37'53" East a distance of 2.94 feet thence along an arc
29237.82 feet to the right, having a radius of 452.18 feet, the
30chord of which is South 82°18'04" East for a distance of 235.09

1feet, thence South 67°14'02" East a distance of 59.29 feet
2thence along an arc 32.16 feet to the left, having a radius of
315.00 feet, the chord of which is North 51°20'57" East for a
4distance of 26.34 feet, thence along an arc 42.25 feet to the
5left, having a radius of 2153.68 feet, the chord of which is
6South 10°37'48" East for a distance of 42.25 feet and the POINT

8The above described parcel contains 0.0689 acres (3002.29 sq.

10(c) Conditions.--This dedication of roadways for public use
11or travel is in connection with roadways abutting and traversing
12the County of Lebanon Transit Authority Park & Ride Lot. The
13dedication and conveyance shall be made from the Commonwealth of
14Pennsylvania to East Hanover Township, Lebanon County, under and
15subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and
16rights of others, including but not confined to streets,
17roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
18electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
19subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
20vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
21the land or improvements erected thereon.

22(d) Deed.--The deed of dedication shall be executed by the
23Secretary of General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of

25Section 2. Effective date.

26This act shall take effect immediately.