1Amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated 
2Statutes, further providing for eligibility for license.

3The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
4hereby enacts as follows:

5Section 1.  Section 2704 of Title 34 of the Pennsylvania
6Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a subsection to read:

7§ 2704.  Eligibility for license.

8* * *

9 (g)  Hunter education in public schools.--Upon request of 
10the commission, all public school districts in this Commonwealth 
11shall make a school facility under their control available for 
12the purpose of conducting a hunter education course. Classes may 
13occur either during the school day or as an after-school 
14function. After-school or evening classes shall be made 
15available to the public as a community service. All classes 
16shall comply with curriculum standards and program policies 
17established by the director. No costs shall be incurred by the 

1commission for use of the facility, nor shall any fees be 
2charged to the public for the service under this subsection.

3Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.