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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 2072                      PRINTER'S NO. 2265



No. 1421 Session of 2008

           MAY 21, 2008

           JUNE 26, 2008

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), entitled "An
     2     act to consolidate, editorially revise, and codify the public
     3     welfare laws of the Commonwealth," further providing for
     4     application for registration certificate, for issuance of
     5     registration certificate and for records; and providing for
     6     disclosure.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Sections 1072, 1073 and 1075 of the act of June
    10  13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code,
    11  added December 5, 1980 (P.L.1112, No.193), are amended to read:
    12     Section 1072.  Application for Registration Certificate.--
    13  (a)  Any individual desiring to secure a registration
    14  certificate shall submit an application therefor to the
    15  department upon forms prepared and furnished by the department,
    16  and, at the same time, shall certify in writing that he/she and
    17  the facility named in the application are in compliance with
    18  applicable department regulations. Applicants shall also provide
    19  proof of a current general liability insurance policy that

     1  covers all persons who are on the premises.
     2     (b)  Application for renewal of the registration certificate
     3  shall be made every two years in the same manner as application
     4  for the original registration certificate.
     5     (c)  No application fee shall be required to register a
     6  family day care home.
     7     Section 1073.  Issuance of Registration Certificate.--Upon
     8  receipt of an application, proof of current liability insurance
     9  and the applicant's written certification of compliance with
    10  applicable department regulations, the department shall issue a
    11  registration certificate to the applicant for the premises named
    12  in the application. A registration certificate shall be issued
    13  for a period of two years.
    14     Section 1075.  Records.--Every individual who operates a
    15  family day care home registered under this article shall keep
    16  and maintain such records as required by the department. The
    17  facility's current certificate of compliance REGISTRATION         <--
    18  CERTIFICATE, a copy of the applicable department regulations, a
    19  copy of the facility's inspection summary and any other record
    20  required by the department shall be posted in a conspicuous
    21  location used by parents. A current copy of the family day care
    22  home's insurance policy shall be on file at the facility.
    23     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    24     Section 1075.1.  Disclosure.--At the time of the child's
    25  application, the facility operator shall provide in writing and
    26  review with the parent the facility's certificate of compliance   <--
    27  REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE, inspection summary, insurance policy,   <--
    28  emergency plan, general daily schedule, hours in which care is
    29  provided, fees, responsibilities for meals, clothing, health
    30  policies, supervision policies, night care policies, dismissal
    20080S1421B2265                  - 2 -     

     1  policies, transportation, pickup arrangements and any other
     2  policy as required by the department. Upon enrollment, the
     3  parent shall sign an agreement with the facility operator and
     4  provide emergency contact information as required by the
     5  department.
     6     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 120 days.         <--

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