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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1959, 2208               PRINTER'S NO. 2246



No. 1372 Session of 2008

           A. WILLIAMS, APRIL 14, 2008

           JUNE 25, 2008

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 8, 1986 (P.L.408, No.89), entitled, as
     2     reenacted, "An act providing for the creation of the Health
     3     Care Cost Containment Council, for its powers and duties, for
     4     health care cost containment through the collection and
     5     dissemination of data, for public accountability of health
     6     care costs and for health care for the indigent; and making
     7     an appropriation," further providing for the Health Care Cost
     8     Containment Council and its powers and duties, for data
     9     submission and collection, for access to council data and for
    10     sunset of act.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Sections 4(f), 5(c) and (d), 6(a)(1) and (d), 10
    14  (b)(5) and 19 of the act of July 8, 1986 (P.L.408, No.89), known
    15  as the Health Care Cost Containment Act, reenacted and amended
    16  July 17, 2003 (P.L.31, No.14), are amended to read:
    17  Section 4.  Health Care Cost Containment Council.
    18     * * *
    19     (f)  Bylaws.--The council shall adopt bylaws, not
    20  inconsistent with this act, and may appoint such committees or

     1  elect such officers subordinate to those provided for in
     2  subsection (c) as it deems advisable. The council shall provide
     3  for the approval and participation of additional delegates
     4  appointed under subsection (b)(7) and (8) so that each
     5  organization represented by delegates under those paragraphs
     6  shall not have more than one vote on any committee to which they
     7  are appointed. The council shall also appoint a technical
     8  advisory group which shall, on an ad hoc basis, respond to
     9  issues presented to it by the council or committees of the
    10  council and shall make recommendations to the council. The
    11  technical advisory group shall include physicians, researchers,
    12  biostatisticians, one representative of the Hospital and
    13  Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania and one representative
    14  of the Pennsylvania Medical Society. The Hospital and
    15  Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania
    16  Medical Society representatives shall not be subject to
    17  executive committee approval. In appointing other physicians,
    18  researchers and biostatisticians to the technical advisory
    19  group, the council shall consult with and take nominations from
    20  the representatives of the Hospital Association of Pennsylvania,
    21  the Pennsylvania Medical Society, the Pennsylvania Osteopathic
    22  Medical Society or other like organizations. At its discretion
    23  and in accordance with this section, nominations shall be
    24  approved by the executive committee of the council. If the
    25  subject matter of any project exceeds the expertise of the
    26  technical advisory group, physicians in appropriate specialties
    27  who possess current knowledge of the issue under study may be
    28  consulted. The technical advisory group shall also review the
    29  availability and reliability of severity of illness measurements
    30  as they relate to small hospitals and psychiatric,
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     1  rehabilitation and children's hospitals and shall make
     2  recommendations to the council based upon this review. Meetings
     3  of the technical advisory group shall be open to the general
     4  public.
     5     * * *
     6  Section 5.  Powers and duties of the council.
     7     * * *
     8     (c)  Audit powers.--The council shall have the right to
     9  independently audit all information required to be submitted by
    10  data sources as needed to corroborate the accuracy of the
    11  submitted data, pursuant to the following:
    12         (1)  Audits of information submitted by providers or
    13     health care insurers shall be performed on a sample and
    14     issue-specific basis, as needed by the council, and shall be
    15     coordinated, to the extent practicable, with audits performed
    16     by the Commonwealth. All health care insurers and providers
    17     are hereby required to make those books, records of accounts
    18     and any other data needed by the auditors available to the
    19     council at a convenient location within 30 days of a written
    20     notification by the council.
    21         (2)  Audits of information submitted by purchasers shall
    22     be performed on a sample basis, unless there exists
    23     reasonable cause to audit specific purchasers, but in no case
    24     shall the council have the power to audit financial
    25     statements of purchasers.
    26         (3)  All audits performed by the council shall be
    27     performed at the expense of the council.
    28         (4)  The results of audits of providers or health care
    29     insurers shall be provided to the audited providers and
    30     health care insurers on a timely basis, not to exceed 30 days
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     1     beyond presentation of audit findings to the council.
     2     (d)  General duties and functions.--The council is hereby
     3  authorized to and shall perform the following duties and
     4  functions:
     5         (1)  Develop a computerized system for the collection,
     6     analysis and dissemination of data. The council may contract
     7     with a vendor who will provide such data processing services.
     8     The council shall assure that the system will be capable of
     9     processing all data required to be collected under this act.
    10     Any vendor selected by the council shall be selected in
    11     accordance with the provisions of section 16, and said vendor
    12     shall relinquish any and all proprietary rights or claims to
    13     the data base created as a result of implementation of the
    14     data processing system.
    15         (2)  Establish a Pennsylvania Uniform Claims and Billing
    16     Form for all data sources and all providers which shall be
    17     utilized and maintained by all data sources and all providers
    18     for all services covered under this act.
    19         (3)  Collect and disseminate data, as specified in
    20     section 6, and other information from data sources to which
    21     the council is entitled, prepared according to formats, time
    22     frames and confidentiality provisions as specified in
    23     sections 6 and 10, and by the council.
    24         (4)  Adopt [and implement a methodology to collect and
    25     disseminate data reflecting provider quality and provider
    26     service effectiveness pursuant to section 6] methodologies
    27     for risk-adjusting provider quality data.
    28         (5)  Subject to the restrictions on access to raw data
    29     set forth in section 10, issue special reports and make
    30     available raw data as defined in section 3 to any purchaser
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     1     requesting it. Sale by any recipient or exchange or
     2     publication by a recipient, other than a purchaser, of raw
     3     council data to other parties without the express written
     4     consent of, and under terms approved by, the council shall be
     5     unauthorized use of data pursuant to section 10(c).
     6         (6)  On an annual basis, publish in the Pennsylvania
     7     Bulletin a list of all the raw data reports it has prepared
     8     under section 10(f) and a description of the data obtained
     9     through each computer-to-computer access it has provided
    10     under section 10(f) and of the names of the parties to whom
    11     the council provided the reports or the computer-to-computer
    12     access during the previous month.
    13         (7)  Promote competition in the health care and health
    14     insurance markets.
    15         (8)  Assure that the use of council data does not raise
    16     access barriers to care.
    17         (10)  Make annual reports to the General Assembly on the
    18     rate of increase in the cost of health care in the
    19     Commonwealth and the effectiveness of the council in carrying
    20     out the legislative intent of this act. In addition, the
    21     council may make recommendations on the need for further
    22     health care cost containment legislation. The council shall
    23     also make annual reports to the General Assembly on the
    24     quality and effectiveness of health care and access to health
    25     care for all citizens of the Commonwealth.
    26         (12)  Conduct studies and publish reports thereon
    27     analyzing the effects that noninpatient, alternative health
    28     care delivery systems have on health care costs. These
    29     systems shall include, but not be limited to: HMO's; PPO's;
    30     primary health care facilities; home health care; attendant
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     1     care; ambulatory service facilities; freestanding emergency
     2     centers; birthing centers; and hospice care. These reports
     3     shall be submitted to the General Assembly and shall be made
     4     available to the public.
     5         (13)  Conduct studies and make reports concerning the
     6     utilization of experimental and nonexperimental transplant
     7     surgery and other highly technical and experimental
     8     procedures, including costs and mortality rates.
     9         (14)  In order to ensure that the council adopts and
    10     maintains both scientifically credible and cost-effective
    11     methodology to collect and disseminate data reflecting
    12     provider quality and effectiveness, the council shall, within
    13     one year of the effective date of this paragraph, utilizing
    14     current Commonwealth agency guidelines and procedures, issue
    15     a request for information from any vendor that wishes to
    16     provide data collection or risk adjustment methodology to the
    17     council to help meet the requirements of this subsection and
    18     section 6. The council shall establish an independent Request
    19     for Information Review Committee to review and rank all
    20     responses and to make a final recommendation to the council.
    21     The Request for Information Review Committee shall consist of
    22     the following members appointed by the Governor:
    23             (i)  One representative of the Hospital and
    24         Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania.
    25             (ii)  One representative of the Pennsylvania Medical
    26         Society.
    27             (iii)  One representative of insurance.
    28             (iv)  One representative of labor.
    29             (v)  One representative of business.
    30             (vi)  Two representatives of the general public.
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     1         (15)  The council shall execute a request for proposals
     2     with third-party vendors for the purpose of demonstrating a
     3     methodology for the collection, analysis and reporting of
     4     hospital-specific complication rates. The results of this
     5     demonstration shall be provided to the chairman and minority
     6     chairman of the Public Health and Welfare Committee of the
     7     Senate and the chairman and minority chairman of the Health
     8     and Human Services Committee of the House of Representatives.
     9     This methodology may be utilized by the council for public
    10     reporting on comparative hospital complication rates.
    11  Section 6.  Data submission and collection.
    12     (a)  (1)  Submission of data.--The council is hereby
    13     authorized to collect and data sources are hereby required to
    14     submit, upon request of the council, all data required in
    15     this section, according to uniform submission formats, coding
    16     systems and other technical specifications necessary to
    17     render the incoming data substantially valid, consistent,
    18     compatible and manageable using electronic data processing
    19     according to data submission schedules, such schedules to
    20     avoid, to the extent possible, submission of identical data
    21     from more than one data source, established and promulgated
    22     by the council in regulations pursuant to its authority under
    23     section 5(b). If payor data is requested by the council, it
    24     shall, to the extent possible, be obtained from primary payor
    25     sources. The council shall not require any data sources to
    26     contract with any specific vendor for submission of any
    27     specific data elements to the council.
    28         * * *
    29     (d)  Provider quality [and provider service effectiveness
    30  data elements].--In carrying out its duty to collect data on
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     1  provider quality [and provider service effectiveness] under
     2  section 5(d)(4) [and subsection (c)(21)], the council shall
     3  define a methodology to measure [provider service effectiveness]
     4  quality, which may include additional data elements to be
     5  specified by the council sufficient to carry out its
     6  responsibilities under section 5(d)(4). [The council may adopt a
     7  nationally recognized methodology of quantifying and collecting
     8  data on provider quality and provider service effectiveness
     9  until such time as the council has the capability of developing
    10  its own methodology and standard data elements. The council
    11  shall include in the Pennsylvania Uniform Claims and Billing
    12  Form a field consisting of the data elements required pursuant
    13  to subsection (c)(21) to provide information on each provision
    14  of covered services sufficient to permit analysis of provider
    15  quality and provider service effectiveness within 180 days of
    16  commencement of its operations pursuant to section 4. In
    17  carrying out its responsibilities, the council shall not require
    18  health care insurers to report on data elements that are not
    19  reported to nationally recognized accrediting organizations, to
    20  the Department of Health or to the Insurance Department in
    21  quarterly or annual reports. The council shall not require
    22  reporting by health care insurers in different formats than are
    23  required for reporting to nationally recognized accrediting
    24  organizations or on quarterly or annual reports submitted to the
    25  Department of Health or to the Insurance Department. The council
    26  may adopt the quality findings as reported to nationally
    27  recognized accrediting organizations.] Additional quality data
    28  elements must be defined and released for public comment prior
    29  to the promulgation of regulations pursuant to section 5(b).
    30     * * *
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     1  Section 10.  Access to council data.
     2     * * *
     3     (b)  Limitations on access.--Unless specifically provided for
     4  in this act, neither the council nor any contracting system
     5  vendor shall release and no data source, person, member of the
     6  public or other user of any data of the council shall gain
     7  access to:
     8         * * *
     9         (5)  Any raw data disclosing discounts or differentials
    10     between payments accepted by providers for services and their
    11     billed charges obtained by identified payors from identified
    12     providers unless the data is released in a Statewide,
    13     aggregate format that does not identify any individual payor
    14     or class of payors and the council assures that the release
    15     of such information is not prejudicial or inequitable to any
    16     individual payor or provider or group thereof. Payor data
    17     shall be released to individual providers for purposes of
    18     verification and validation prior to inclusion in a public
    19     report.
    20     * * *

    21  Section 19.  Sunset.
    22     This act shall expire [June 30, 2008] June 30, 2013, unless
    23  reenacted prior to that date. By September 1, [2007] 2012, a
    24  written report by the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee
    25  evaluating the management, visibility, awareness and performance
    26  of the council shall be provided to the Public Health and
    27  Welfare Committee of the Senate and the Health and Human
    28  Services Committee of the House of Representatives. The report
    29  shall include a review of the council's procedures and policies,
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     1  the availability and quality of data for completing reports [to
     2  hospitals and outside vendor purchasers, the ability of the
     3  council to become self-sufficient by selling data to outside
     4  purchasers], whether there is a more cost-efficient way of
     5  accomplishing the objectives of the council and the need for
     6  reauthorization of the council.
     7     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately. AS         <--
     8  FOLLOWS:
     9         (1)  THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 5(D)(4) AND 6 OF THE ACT
    10     SHALL TAKE EFFECT OCTOBER 1, 2009.
    12     IMMEDIATELY.

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