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same topic
                                 HOUSE AMENDED
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1366, 1618, 1875,        PRINTER'S NO. 2186



No. 1063 Session of 2007

           SEPTEMBER 10, 2007

           AS AMENDED, JUNE 16, 2008

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511),
     2     entitled "An act empowering cities of the second class,
     3     cities of the second class A, cities of the third class,
     4     boroughs, towns, townships of the first class, townships of
     5     the second class, school districts of the second class,
     6     school districts of the third class and school districts of
     7     the fourth class including independent school districts, to
     8     levy, assess, collect or to provide for the levying,
     9     assessment and collection of certain taxes subject to maximum
    10     limitations for general revenue purposes; authorizing the
    11     establishment of bureaus and the appointment and compensation
    12     of officers, agencies and employes to assess and collect such
    13     taxes; providing for joint collection of certain taxes,
    14     prescribing certain definitions and other provisions for
    15     taxes levied and assessed upon earned income, providing for
    16     annual audits and for collection of delinquent taxes, and
    17     permitting and requiring penalties to be imposed and
    18     enforced, including penalties for disclosure of confidential
    19     information, providing an appeal from the ordinance or
    20     resolution levying such taxes to the court of quarter
    21     sessions and to the Supreme Court and Superior Court," in
    22     local tax, further providing for definitions, for delegation
    23     of tax powers and restrictions, for recapture of tax, for
    24     payroll tax, for nonresident sports facility usage fees, for
    25     vacation of tax ordinances and resolutions, for advertising
    26     tax ordinances, for second class city tax rates, for taxpayer
    27     appeals, for filing ordinances, for limitation on tax rates,
    28     for withholding of local services taxes, for administrative
    29     personnel and joint agreements, for audits of earned income

     1     and other taxes, for payment of tax to other taxing
     2     authorities as credits or deductions, for personal property,
     3     for assessment limitations and for tax limitations; providing
     4     for legal representation, for restricted use, for
     5     consolidated collection of local income taxes, for collection
     6     of delinquent taxes and for miscellaneous provisions; further
     7     providing for penalties and for repeals; and making editorial
     8     changes.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  The act of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511),
    12  known as The Local Tax Enabling Act, is amended by adding a
    13  chapter heading to read:
    14                             CHAPTER 1
    15                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    16     Section 2.  Section 1 of the act is renumbered to read:
    17     Section [1] 101.  Short Title.--This act shall be known and
    18  may be cited as "The Local Tax Enabling Act."
    19     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding a chapter heading to
    20  read:
    21                             CHAPTER 3
    22                            LOCAL TAXES
    23     Section 3.1.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    24     Section 301.  Definitions.--(a)  The following words and
    25  phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings given
    26  to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates
    27  otherwise:
    28     "Family farm corporation" means a Pennsylvania corporation at
    29  least seventy-five percent of the assets of which are devoted to
    30  the business of agriculture, which business, for the purposes of
    31  this definition, shall not be deemed to include:
    32     (i)  recreational activities, such as, but not limited to,
    33  hunting, fishing, camping, skiing, show competition or racing;

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     1     (ii)  the raising, breeding or training of game animals or
     2  game birds, fish, cats, dogs or pets or animals intended for use
     3  in sporting or recreational activities;
     4     (iii)  fur farming;
     5     (iv)  stockyard and slaughterhouse operations; or
     6     (v)  manufacturing or processing operations of any kind:
     7  Provided, however, That at least seventy-five percent of all of
     8  the stock of the corporation must be owned by members of the
     9  same family.
    10     "Members of the same family" means an individual, such
    11  individual's brothers and sisters, the brothers and sisters of
    12  such individual's parents and grandparents, the ancestors and
    13  lineal descendents of any of the foregoing and a spouse of any
    14  of the foregoing. Individuals related by the half blood or by
    15  legal adoption shall be treated as if they were related by the
    16  whole blood.
    17     (b)  As used in this chapter, the terms "business entity,"
    18  "earned income," "employer," "net profits," "private agency"      <--
    19  AGENCY," "PUBLIC AGENCY" and "tax bureau" shall have the same     <--
    20  meanings as those terms are given in section 501.
    21     Section 4.  Section 2 of the act, amended June 21, 2007
    22  (P.L.13, No.7), is renumbered and amended to read:
    23     Section [2] 301.1.  Delegation of Taxing Powers and
    24  Restrictions Thereon.--(a)  The duly constituted authorities of
    25  the following political subdivisions, cities of the second
    26  class, cities of the second class A, cities of the third class,
    27  boroughs, towns, townships of the first class, townships of the
    28  second class, school districts of the second class, school
    29  districts of the third class, and school districts of the fourth
    30  class, in all cases including independent school districts may,
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     1  in their discretion, by ordinance or resolution, for general
     2  revenue purposes, levy, assess and collect or provide for the
     3  levying, assessment and collection of such taxes as they shall
     4  determine on persons, transactions, occupations, privileges,
     5  subjects and personal property within the limits of such
     6  political subdivisions, and upon the transfer of real property,
     7  or of any interest in real property, situate within the
     8  political subdivision levying and assessing the tax, regardless
     9  of where the instruments making the transfers are made, executed
    10  or delivered or where the actual settlements on such transfer
    11  take place. The taxing authority may provide that the transferee
    12  shall remain liable for any unpaid realty transfer taxes imposed
    13  by virtue of this [act] chapter.
    14     (b)  Each local taxing authority may, by ordinance or
    15  resolution, exempt any person whose total income from all
    16  sources is less than twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) per annum
    17  from the per capita or similar head tax, occupation tax or
    18  earned income tax, or any portion thereof, and may adopt
    19  regulations for the processing of claims for exemptions.
    20     (c)  (1)  Each political subdivision levying the local
    21  services tax shall exempt the following persons from the local
    22  services tax:
    23     (i)  Any person who has served in any war or armed conflict
    24  in which the United States was engaged and is honorably
    25  discharged or released under honorable circumstances from active
    26  service if, as a result of military service, the person is
    27  blind, paraplegic or a double or quadruple amputee or has a
    28  service-connected disability declared by the United States
    29  Veterans' Administration or its successor to be a total one
    30  hundred percent permanent disability.
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     1     (ii)  Any person who serves as a member of a reserve
     2  component of the armed forces and is called to active duty at
     3  any time during the taxable year.
     4     (2)  For purposes of this subsection, "reserve component of
     5  the armed forces" shall mean the United States Army Reserve,
     6  United States Navy Reserve, United States Marine Corps Reserve,
     7  United States Coast Guard Reserve, United States Air Force
     8  Reserve, the Pennsylvania Army National Guard or the
     9  Pennsylvania Air National Guard.
    10     (d)  Each political subdivision levying the local services
    11  tax at a rate exceeding ten dollars ($10) shall, and each
    12  political subdivision levying the local services tax at a rate
    13  of ten dollars ($10) or less may, by ordinance or resolution,
    14  exempt any person from the local services tax whose total earned
    15  income and net profits from all sources within the political
    16  subdivision is less than twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) for
    17  the calendar year in which the local services tax is levied.
    18     (e)  (1)  A person seeking to claim an exemption from the
    19  local services tax may annually file an exemption certificate
    20  with the political subdivision levying the tax and with the
    21  person's employer affirming that the person reasonably expects
    22  to receive earned income and net profits from all sources within
    23  the political subdivision of less than twelve thousand dollars
    24  ($12,000) in the calendar year for which the exemption
    25  certificate is filed. In the event the political subdivision
    26  utilizes a tax collection officer pursuant to section 10 of this
    27  act, the political subdivision shall provide a copy of the
    28  exemption certificate to that officer. The exemption certificate
    29  shall have attached to it a copy of all the employe's last pay
    30  stubs or W-2 forms from employment within the political
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     1  subdivision for the year prior to the fiscal year for which the
     2  employe is requesting to be exempted from the local services
     3  tax. Upon receipt of the exemption certificate and until
     4  otherwise instructed by the political subdivision levying the
     5  tax or except as required by clause (2), the employer shall not
     6  withhold the tax from the person during the calendar year or the
     7  remainder of the calendar year for which the exemption
     8  certificate applies. Employers shall ensure that the exemption
     9  certificate forms are readily available to employes at all times
    10  and shall furnish each new employe with a form at the time of
    11  hiring. The Department of Community and Economic Development
    12  shall develop and make available to political subdivisions and
    13  employers uniform exemption certificates required by this
    14  clause.
    15     (2)  With respect to a person who claimed an exemption for a
    16  given calendar year from the local services tax, upon
    17  notification to an employer by the person or by the political
    18  subdivision that the person has received earned income and net
    19  profits from all sources within that political subdivision equal
    20  to or in excess of twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) in that
    21  calendar year or that the person is otherwise ineligible for the
    22  tax exemption for that calendar year, or upon an employer's
    23  payment to the person of earned income within that political
    24  subdivision in an amount equal to or in excess of twelve
    25  thousand dollars ($12,000) in that calendar year, an employer
    26  shall withhold the local services tax from the person under
    27  clause (3).
    28     (3)  If a person who claimed an exemption for a given
    29  calendar year from the local services tax becomes subject to the
    30  tax for the calendar year under clause (2), the employer shall
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     1  withhold the tax for the remainder of that calendar year. The
     2  employer shall withhold from the person, for the first payroll
     3  period after receipt of the notification under clause (2), a
     4  lump sum equal to the amount of tax that was not withheld from
     5  the person due to the exemption claimed by the person under this
     6  subsection, plus the per payroll amount due for that first
     7  payroll period. The amount of tax withheld per payroll period
     8  for the remaining payroll periods in that calendar year shall be
     9  the same amount withheld for other employes. In the event the
    10  employment of a person subject to withholding of the tax under
    11  this clause is subsequently severed in that calendar year, the
    12  person shall be liable for any outstanding balance of tax due,
    13  and the political subdivision levying the tax may pursue
    14  collection under this act.
    15     (4)  Except as provided in clause (2), it is the intent of
    16  this subsection that employers shall not be responsible for
    17  investigating exemption certificates, monitoring tax exemption
    18  eligibility or exempting any employe from a local services tax.
    19     (f)  Such local authorities shall not have authority by
    20  virtue of this act:
    21     (1)  To levy, assess and collect or provide for the levying,
    22  assessment and collection of any tax on the transfer of real
    23  property when the transfer is by will or mortgage or the
    24  intestate laws of this Commonwealth or on a transfer by the
    25  owner of previously occupied residential premises to a builder
    26  of new residential premises when such previously occupied
    27  residential premises is taken in trade by such builder as part
    28  of the consideration from the purchaser of a new previously
    29  unoccupied single family residential premises or on a transfer
    30  between corporations operating housing projects pursuant to the
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     1  housing and redevelopment assistance law and the shareholders
     2  thereof, or on a transfer between nonprofit industrial
     3  development agencies and industrial corporations purchasing from
     4  them, or on transfer to or from nonprofit industrial development
     5  agencies, or on a transfer between husband and wife, or on a
     6  transfer between persons who were previously husband and wife
     7  but who have since been divorced; provided such transfer is made
     8  within three months of the date of the granting of the final
     9  decree in divorce, or the decree of equitable distribution of
    10  marital property, whichever is later, and the property or
    11  interest therein, subject to such transfer, was acquired by the
    12  husband and wife, or husband or wife, prior to the granting of
    13  the final decree in divorce, or on a transfer between parent and
    14  child or the spouse of such a child, or between parent and
    15  trustee for the benefit of a child or the spouse of such child,
    16  or on a transfer between a grandparent and grandchild or the
    17  spouse of such grandchild, or on a transfer between brother and
    18  sister or brother and brother or sister and sister or the spouse
    19  of such brother or sister, or on a transfer to a conservancy
    20  which possesses a tax-exempt status pursuant to section
    21  501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and which has as its
    22  primary purpose the preservation of land for historic,
    23  recreational, scenic, agricultural or open space opportunities,
    24  by and between a principal and straw party for the purpose of
    25  placing a mortgage or ground rent upon the premises, or on a
    26  correctional deed without consideration, or on a transfer to the
    27  United States, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or to any of
    28  their instrumentalities, agencies or political subdivisions, by
    29  gift, dedication or deed in lieu of condemnation, or deed of
    30  confirmation in connection with condemnation proceedings, or
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     1  reconveyance by the condemning body of the property condemned to
     2  the owner of record at the time of condemnation which
     3  reconveyance may include property line adjustments provided said
     4  reconveyance is made within one year from the date of
     5  condemnation, leases, or on a conveyance to a trustee under a
     6  recorded trust agreement for the express purpose of holding
     7  title in trust as security for a debt contracted at the time of
     8  the conveyance under which the trustee is not the lender and
     9  requiring the trustee to make reconveyance to the grantor-
    10  borrower upon the repayment of the debt, or a transfer within a
    11  family from a sole proprietor family member to a family farm
    12  corporation, or in any sheriff sale instituted by a mortgagee in
    13  which the purchaser of said sheriff sale is the mortgagee who
    14  instituted said sale, or on a privilege, transaction, subject,
    15  occupation or personal property which is now or does hereafter
    16  become subject to a State tax or license fee;
    17     (2)  To levy, assess or collect a tax on the gross receipts
    18  from utility service of any person or company whose rates and
    19  services are fixed and regulated by the Pennsylvania Public
    20  Utility Commission or on any public utility services rendered by
    21  any such person or company or on any privilege or transaction
    22  involving the rendering of any such public utility service;
    23     (3)  Except on sales of admission to places of amusement,
    24  other than on sales of admission to professional baseball events
    25  in a city of the third class with a population of not less than
    26  one hundred six thousand and not more than one hundred seven
    27  thousand based on the 2000 Federal decennial census, or on sales
    28  or other transfers of title or possession of property, to levy,
    29  assess or collect a tax on the privilege of employing such
    30  tangible property as is now or does hereafter become subject to
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     1  a State tax; and for the purposes of this clause, real property
     2  rented for camping purposes shall not be considered a place of
     3  amusement.
     4     (4)  To levy, assess and collect a tax on goods and articles
     5  manufactured in such political subdivision or on the by-products
     6  of manufacture, or on minerals, timber, natural resources and
     7  farm products produced in such political subdivision or on the
     8  preparation or processing thereof for use or market, or on any
     9  privilege, act or transaction related to the business of
    10  manufacturing, the production, preparation or processing of
    11  minerals, timber and natural resources, or farm products, by
    12  manufacturers, by producers and by farmers with respect to the
    13  goods, articles and products of their own manufacture,
    14  production or growth, or on any privilege, act or transaction
    15  relating to the business of processing by-products of
    16  manufacture, or on the transportation, loading, unloading or
    17  dumping or storage of such goods, articles, products or by-
    18  products; except that local authorities may levy, assess and
    19  collect a local services tax and taxes on the occupation, per
    20  capita and earned income or net profits of natural persons
    21  engaged in the above activities whether doing business as
    22  individual proprietorship or as members of partnerships or other
    23  associations;
    24     (5)  To levy, assess or collect a tax on salaries, wages,
    25  commissions, compensation and earned income of nonresidents of
    26  the political subdivisions: Provided, That this limitation (5)
    27  shall apply only to school districts of the second, third and
    28  fourth classes;
    29     (6)  To levy, assess or collect a tax on personal property
    30  subject to taxation by counties or on personal property owned by
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     1  persons, associations and corporations specifically exempted by
     2  law from taxation under the county personal property tax law:
     3  Provided, That this limitation (6) shall not apply to cities of
     4  the second class;
     5     (7)  To levy, assess or collect a tax on membership in or
     6  membership dues, fees or assessment of charitable, religious,
     7  beneficial or nonprofit organizations including but not limited
     8  to sportsmens, recreational, golf and tennis clubs, girl and boy
     9  scout troops and councils;
    10     (8)  To levy, assess or collect any tax on a mobilehome or
    11  house trailer subject to a real property tax unless the same tax
    12  is levied, assessed and collected on other real property in the
    13  political subdivision.
    14     (9)  To levy, assess or collect any tax on individuals for
    15  the privilege of engaging in an occupation except that such a
    16  tax, to be known as the local services tax, may be levied,
    17  assessed and collected only by the political subdivision of the
    18  taxpayer's place of employment. The following apply:
    19     (i)  If a local services tax is levied at a combined rate
    20  exceeding ten dollars ($10) in a calendar year, a person subject
    21  to the local services tax shall be assessed a pro rata share of
    22  the tax for each payroll period in which the person is engaging
    23  in an occupation. The pro rata share of the tax assessed on the
    24  person for a payroll period shall be determined by dividing the
    25  combined rate of the local services tax levied for the calendar
    26  year by the number of payroll periods established by the
    27  employer for the calendar year. For purposes of determining the
    28  pro rata share, an employer shall round down the amount of the
    29  tax collected each payroll period to the nearest one-hundredth
    30  of a dollar. Collection of the local services tax levied under
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     1  this subclause shall be made on a payroll period basis for each
     2  payroll period in which the person is engaging in an occupation,
     3  except as provided in subclause (v).
     4     (ii)  If a school district levied an emergency and municipal
     5  services tax on the effective date of this subclause, the school
     6  district may continue to levy the local services tax in the same
     7  amount the school district collected on the effective date of
     8  this subclause. However, if a municipality located in whole or
     9  in part within the school district subsequently levies the local
    10  services tax, the school district may only collect five dollars
    11  ($5) on persons employed within the municipality each calendar
    12  year. A school district that did not levy an emergency and
    13  municipal services tax on the effective date of this subclause
    14  shall be prohibited from levying the local services tax. If a
    15  school district and a municipality located in whole or in part
    16  within the school district both levy a local services tax at a
    17  combined rate exceeding ten dollars ($10), the school district's
    18  pro rata share of the aggregate local services taxes levied on
    19  persons employed within the municipality shall be collected by
    20  the municipality or its tax officer based on payroll periods as
    21  provided under subclause (i) and shall be paid to the school
    22  district on a quarterly basis within sixty days of receipt by
    23  the municipality or its tax officer.
    24     (iii)  Except as provided in subclause (ii), no person shall
    25  be subject to the payment of the local services tax by more than
    26  one political subdivision during each payroll period as
    27  established by subclause (iv).
    28     (iv)  With respect to a person subject to the local services
    29  tax at a combined rate exceeding ten dollars ($10), the situs of
    30  the tax shall be the place of employment on the first day the
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     1  person becomes subject to the tax during each payroll period.
     2  With respect to a person subject to the local services tax at a
     3  combined rate of not more than ten dollars ($10), the situs of
     4  the tax shall be the place of employment determined as of the
     5  day the person first becomes subject to the tax during the
     6  calendar year. In the event a person is engaged in more than one
     7  occupation, that is, concurrent employment, or an occupation
     8  which requires the person working in more than one political
     9  subdivision during a payroll period, the priority of claim to
    10  collect the local services tax shall be in the following order:
    11  first, the political subdivision in which a person maintains the
    12  person's principal office or is principally employed; second,
    13  the political subdivision in which the person resides and works,
    14  if the tax is levied by that political subdivision; and third,
    15  the political subdivision in which a person is employed and
    16  which imposes the tax nearest in miles to the person's home.
    17     (v)  In the case of concurrent employment, an employer shall
    18  refrain from withholding the local services tax if the employe
    19  provides a recent pay statement from a principal employer that
    20  includes the name of the employer, the length of the payroll
    21  period and the amount of the local services tax withheld and a
    22  statement from the employe that the pay statement is from the
    23  employe's principal employer and the employe will notify other
    24  employers of a change in principal place of employment within
    25  two weeks of its occurrence. The Department of Community and
    26  Economic Development shall develop a uniform employe statement
    27  form.
    28     (vi)  The local services tax shall be no more than fifty-two
    29  dollars ($52) on each person for each calendar year,
    30  irrespective of the number of political subdivisions within
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     1  which a person may be employed. A political subdivision shall
     2  provide a taxpayer a receipt of payment upon request by the
     3  taxpayer.
     4     (vii)  Political subdivisions shall adopt regulations for the
     5  processing of refund claims for overpaid local services taxes
     6  for any calendar year. The regulations shall be consistent with
     7  53 Pa.C.S. §§ 8425 (relating to refunds of overpayments) and
     8  8426 (relating to interest on overpayment). Refunds made within
     9  seventy-five days of a refund request or seventy-five days after
    10  the last day the employer is required to remit the local
    11  services tax for the last quarter of the calendar year under
    12  section 9 of this act, whichever is later, shall not be subject
    13  to interest imposed under 53 Pa.C.S. § 8426. Political
    14  subdivisions shall only provide refunds for amounts overpaid in
    15  a calendar year that exceed one dollar ($1).
    16     (viii)  The Department of Community and Economic Development
    17  shall provide suggested forms and technical assistance to
    18  facilitate the administration of the local services tax for
    19  political subdivisions and reduce the burden of implementation,
    20  accounting and compliance for employers and taxpayers.
    21     (ix)  For purposes of this clause, "combined rate" shall mean
    22  the aggregate annual rate of the local services tax levied by a
    23  school district and a municipality located in whole or in part
    24  within the school district.
    25     (10)  To levy, assess or collect a tax on admissions to
    26  motion picture theatres: Provided, That this limitation (10)
    27  shall not apply to cities of the second class.
    28     (11)  To levy, assess or collect a tax on the construction of
    29  or improvement to residential dwellings or upon the application
    30  for or issuance of permits for the construction of or
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     1  improvements to residential dwellings.
     2     (12)  To levy, assess and collect a mercantile or business
     3  privilege tax on gross receipts or part thereof which are: (i)
     4  discounts allowed to purchasers as cash discounts for prompt
     5  payment of their bills; (ii) charges advanced by a seller for
     6  freight, delivery or other transportation for the purchaser in
     7  accordance with the terms of a contract of sale; (iii) received
     8  upon the sale of an article of personal property which was
     9  acquired by the seller as a trade-in to the extent that the
    10  gross receipts in the sale of the article taken in trade does
    11  not exceed the amount of trade-in allowance made in acquiring
    12  such article; (iv) refunds, credits or allowances given to a
    13  purchaser on account of defects in goods sold or merchandise
    14  returned; (v) Pennsylvania sales tax; (vi) based on the value of
    15  exchanges or transfers between one seller and another seller who
    16  transfers property with the understanding that property of an
    17  identical description will be returned at a subsequent date;
    18  however, when sellers engaged in similar lines of business
    19  exchange property and one of them makes payment to the other in
    20  addition to the property exchanged, the additional payment
    21  received may be included in the gross receipts of the seller
    22  receiving such additional cash payments; (vii) of sellers from
    23  sales to other sellers in the same line where the seller
    24  transfers the title or possession at the same price for which
    25  the seller acquired the merchandise; or (viii) transfers between
    26  one department, branch or division of a corporation or other
    27  business entity of goods, wares and merchandise to another
    28  department, branch or division of the same corporation or
    29  business entity and which are recorded on the books to reflect
    30  such interdepartmental transactions.
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     1     (13)  To levy, assess or collect an amusement or admissions
     2  tax on membership, membership dues, fees or assessments,
     3  donations, contributions or monetary charges of any character
     4  whatsoever paid by the general public, or a limited or selected
     5  number thereof, for such persons to enter into any place,
     6  indoors or outdoors, to engage in any activities, the
     7  predominant purpose or nature of which is exercise, fitness,
     8  health maintenance, improvement or rehabilitation, health or
     9  nutrition education, or weight control.
    10     (14)  Except by cities of the second class, to levy, assess
    11  or collect a tax on payroll amounts generated as a result of
    12  business activity.
    13     (15)  Except by cities of the second class in which a sports
    14  stadium or arena that has received public funds in connection
    15  with its construction or maintenance is located, to levy, assess
    16  and collect a publicly funded facility usage fee upon those
    17  nonresident individuals who use such facility to engage in an
    18  athletic event or otherwise render a performance for which they
    19  receive remuneration.
    20     (16)  To levy, assess or collect an amusement or admissions
    21  tax on the charge imposed upon a patron for the sale of
    22  admission to or for the privilege of admission to a bowling
    23  alley or bowling lane to engage in one or more games of bowling.
    24     [(g)  For the purposes of this section, the terms "earned
    25  income" and "net profits" shall have the same meanings as those
    26  terms are given in Division I of section 13.]
    27     Section 5.  Section 2.1 of the act, added October 11, 1984
    28  (P.L.885, No.172), is renumbered and amended to read:
    29     Section [2.1] 302.  Recapture of Tax.--(a)  Notwithstanding
    30  the provisions of section [2(1) of this act] 301.1(f)(1), if any
    20070S1063B2186                 - 16 -     

     1  stock of a family farm corporation is transferred to a person
     2  who is not a family member within ten years from the date of the
     3  conveyance from a sole proprietor family member to a family farm
     4  corporation, the tax imposed by this article shall become
     5  immediately due and payable.
     6     [(b)  As used in this act:
     7     "Family farm corporation" means a Pennsylvania corporation at
     8  least seventy-five percent of the assets of which are devoted to
     9  the business of agriculture, which business, for the purposes of
    10  this definition, shall not be deemed to include (i) recreational
    11  activities such as, but not limited to, hunting, fishing,
    12  camping, skiing, show competition or racing; (ii) the raising,
    13  breeding or training of game animals or game birds, fish, cats,
    14  dogs or pets or animals intended for use in sporting or
    15  recreational activities; (iii) fur farming; (iv) stockyard and
    16  slaughterhouse operations; or (v) manufacturing or processing
    17  operations of any kind: Provided, however, That at least
    18  seventy-five percent of all of the stock of the corporation must
    19  be owned by members of the same family.
    20     "Members of the same family" means an individual, such
    21  individual's brothers and sisters, the brothers and sisters of
    22  such individual's parents and grandparents, the ancestors and
    23  lineal descendents of any of the foregoing and a spouse of any
    24  of the foregoing. Individuals related by the half blood or by
    25  legal adoption shall be treated as if they were related by the
    26  whole blood.]
    27     Section 6.  Sections 2.2 and 2.3 of the act, added December
    28  1, 2004 (P.L.1729, No.222), are renumbered and amended to read:
    29     Section [2.2] 303.  Payroll Tax.--(a)  A city of the second
    30  class may levy, assess or collect a tax that does not exceed
    20070S1063B2186                 - 17 -     

     1  fifty-five hundredths percent on payroll amounts generated as a
     2  result of an employer conducting business activity within a city
     3  of the second class. For purposes of a payroll tax levied,
     4  assessed or collected by a city of the second class, the
     5  business activity shall be directly attributable to activity
     6  within a city of the second class. For purposes of computation
     7  of the payroll tax imposed pursuant to this section, the payroll
     8  amount attributable to the city shall be determined by applying
     9  an apportionment factor to total payroll expense based on that
    10  portion of payroll expense which the total number of days an
    11  employe, partner, member, shareholder or other individual works
    12  within the city bears to the total number of days such employe
    13  or person works within and outside of the city.
    14     (a.1)  A charitable organization that qualifies for tax
    15  exemption pursuant to the act of November 26, 1997 (P.L.508,
    16  No.55), known as the "Institutions of Purely Public Charity
    17  Act," shall calculate the tax that would otherwise be
    18  attributable to the city, but shall only pay the tax on that
    19  portion of its payroll expense attributable to business activity
    20  for which a tax may be imposed pursuant to section 511 of the
    21  Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law [95-223] 99-514, 26
    22  U.S.C. § 1 et seq.). If the charity has purchased or is
    23  operating branches, affiliates, subsidiaries or other business
    24  entities that do not independently meet the standards of the
    25  "Institutions of Purely Public Charity Act," the tax shall be
    26  paid on the payroll attributable to such for-profit branches,
    27  affiliates or subsidiaries, whether or not the employes are
    28  leased or placed under the auspices of the charity's umbrella or
    29  parent organization. Nothing in this subsection shall restrict
    30  the ability of a charitable organization to contract with the
    20070S1063B2186                 - 18 -     

     1  city to provide services to the city in lieu of some or all
     2  taxes due under this section.
     3     (b)  For purposes of the payroll tax assessed pursuant to
     4  this section, an employer is conducting business within a city
     5  of the second class if the employer engages, hires, employs or
     6  contracts with one or more individuals as employes and, in
     7  addition, the employer does at least one of the following:
     8     (1)  maintains a fixed place of business within the city;
     9     (2)  owns or leases real property within the city for
    10  purposes of such business;
    11     (3)  maintains a stock of tangible personal property in the
    12  city for sale in the ordinary course of such business;
    13     (4)  conducts continuous solicitation within the city related
    14  to such business; or
    15     (5)  utilizes the streets of the city in connection with the
    16  operation of such business other than transportation through the
    17  city.
    18     (c)  All employers in a city of the second class shall file
    19  quarterly returns and make quarterly payments as provided for by
    20  ordinance enacted by a city of the second class. Every employer
    21  making a return shall certify the correctness thereof. A city of
    22  the second class may audit, examine or inspect the books,
    23  records or accounts of all employers subject to the tax imposed
    24  pursuant to this section.
    25     (d)  A city of the second class may enact ordinances and
    26  regulations necessary to implement this section. The ordinance
    27  levying the tax authorized by this section shall permanently
    28  replace the city's existing mercantile tax and shall reduce the
    29  business privilege tax rate as follows:
    30     (1)  In tax years 2005 and 2006, the business privilege tax
    20070S1063B2186                 - 19 -     

     1  shall be two mills.
     2     (2)  In tax years 2007, 2008 and 2009, the business privilege
     3  tax shall be one mill unless the revenues collected from the
     4  payroll expense tax exceed fifty million five hundred thousand
     5  dollars ($50,500,000) in any fiscal year, at which time the
     6  business privilege tax shall be replaced for the subsequent
     7  fiscal year. After the phaseout of the business privilege tax,
     8  all amounts of moneys in excess of fifty million five hundred
     9  thousand dollars ($50,500,000) shall be used by the city of the
    10  second class to further accelerate the reduction of the tax
    11  imposed by the city of the second class on parking as provided
    12  in section [5.1] 308.
    13     (3)  In tax year 2010 and thereafter, the business privilege
    14  tax may not be imposed.
    15     (e)  All taxes, additions and penalties collected pursuant to
    16  this section shall be used by a city of the second class
    17  exclusively for the general revenue purposes of the city.
    18     (f)  An employer shall not offset the amount of tax paid
    19  pursuant to this section by reducing compensation or benefits
    20  paid to employes.
    21     (g)  A city of the second class may bring suit for the
    22  recovery of taxes due and unpaid under this section. Any suit
    23  brought to recover the tax imposed by this section shall be
    24  commenced within three years after such tax is due or within
    25  three years after the declaration or return has been filed,
    26  whichever is later: Provided, however, That this limitation
    27  shall not prevent the institution of a suit for the collection
    28  of any tax due or determined to be due in the following cases:
    29     (1)  Where no declaration or return was filed by any person
    30  although a declaration or return was required to be filed by him
    20070S1063B2186                 - 20 -     

     1  under provisions of this section, there shall be no limitation.
     2     (2)  Where an examination of the declaration or return filed
     3  by any person or of other evidence relating to such declaration
     4  or return in the possession of the city of the second class
     5  reveals a fraudulent evasion of taxes, there shall be no
     6  limitation.
     7     (3)  In the case of substantial understatement of tax
     8  liability of twenty-five percent or more and no fraud, suit
     9  shall be begun within six years.
    10     (4)  This section shall not be construed to limit the
    11  governing body from recovering delinquent taxes by any other
    12  means provided by law.
    13     (h)  If for any reason the payroll tax is not paid when due,
    14  interest at the rate of six percent per annum on the amount of
    15  said tax and an additional penalty of one percent of the amount
    16  of the unpaid tax for each month or fraction thereof during
    17  which the tax remains unpaid shall be added and collected. Where
    18  suit is brought for the recovery of any such tax, the employer
    19  shall, in addition, be liable for the costs of collection and
    20  the interest and penalties herein imposed. A city of the second
    21  class may, by ordinance or resolution, establish a one-time
    22  period during which interest or interest and penalties that
    23  would otherwise be imposed for the nonreporting or
    24  underreporting of payroll tax liabilities or for the nonpayment
    25  of payroll taxes previously imposed and due shall be waived in
    26  total or in part if the taxpayer voluntarily files delinquent
    27  returns and pays the taxes in full during the period so
    28  established.
    29     (i)  In addition to any other additions, penalties or
    30  enforcement proceedings provided for by ordinance of a city of
    20070S1063B2186                 - 21 -     

     1  the second class or a law of this Commonwealth for the
     2  collection and enforcement of taxes or the submission of
     3  information to a government entity:
     4     (1)  Any employer who wilfully makes any false or untrue
     5  statement on the employer's return commits a misdemeanor of the
     6  second degree and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a
     7  fine of not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000) or to
     8  imprisonment for not more than two years, or both.
     9     (2)  Any employer who wilfully fails or refuses to file a
    10  return required by this section commits a misdemeanor of the
    11  third degree and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a
    12  fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or to
    13  imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.
    14     (3)  Any person who wilfully fails or refuses to appear
    15  before the collector in person with the employer's books,
    16  records or accounts for examination when required under the
    17  provisions of this section or of an ordinance to do so, or who
    18  wilfully refuses to permit inspection of the books, records or
    19  accounts of any employer in the person's custody or control when
    20  the right to make such inspection by the collector is requested,
    21  commits a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced
    22  to pay a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500) or to
    23  imprisonment for not more than six months, or both.
    24     (j)  As used in this section:
    25     "Employer" means all persons conducting business activity
    26  within a city of the second class except for a governmental
    27  entity.
    28     "Payroll amounts" means all amounts paid by an employer as
    29  salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, net earnings and
    30  incentive payments, whether based on profits or otherwise, fees
    20070S1063B2186                 - 22 -     

     1  and similar remuneration for services rendered, whether directly
     2  or through an agent and whether in cash, in property or the
     3  right to receive property.
     4     Section [2.3] 304.  Nonresident Sports Facility Usage Fee.--A
     5  city of the second class in which is located a sports stadium or
     6  arena that has received public funds in connection with its
     7  construction or maintenance may enact a publicly funded facility
     8  usage fee upon those nonresident individuals who use such
     9  facility to engage in an athletic event or otherwise render a
    10  performance for which they receive remuneration. The fee may be
    11  a flat dollar amount or a percentage of the individual's income
    12  attributable to such individual's usage of the facility. If the
    13  fee is a percentage, it may not exceed three percent of the
    14  earned income of the individual attributable to the usage of the
    15  facility. If any fee is imposed, those individuals liable for
    16  the fee shall be exempt from any earned income tax imposed by
    17  the city of the second class pursuant to this [act] chapter and
    18  any such tax imposed under section 652.1 of the act of March 10,
    19  1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the "Public School Code of 1949."
    20  Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine this
    21  provision to be invalid for any reason, persons subject to the
    22  publicly funded facility usage fee shall not be exempt from any
    23  previously applicable earned income tax.
    24     Section 7.  Section 3 of the act is renumbered and amended to
    25  read:
    26     Section [3] 305.  Vacation of Tax Ordinances and Resolutions
    27  by State Tax Measures.--If, subsequent to the passage of any
    28  ordinance or resolution under the authority of this [act]
    29  chapter, the General Assembly shall impose a tax or license fee
    30  on any privilege, transactions, subject or occupation, or on
    20070S1063B2186                 - 23 -     

     1  personal property or on sales of admission to places of
     2  amusement or on sales or other transfer of title or possession
     3  of property taxed by any such political subdivision hereunder,
     4  the act of Assembly imposing the State tax or license fee
     5  thereon shall automatically vacate the ordinance or resolution
     6  passed under the authority of this [act] chapter as to all taxes
     7  accruing subsequent to the end of the current fiscal year of
     8  such political subdivision. It is the intention of this section
     9  to confer upon such political subdivision the power to levy,
    10  assess and collect taxes upon any and all subjects of taxation,
    11  except as above restricted and limited, which the Commonwealth
    12  has power to tax but which it does not tax or license, subject
    13  only to the foregoing provision that any tax or license shall
    14  automatically terminate at the end of the current fiscal year of
    15  the political subdivision.
    16     Section 8.  Sections 4 and 5 of the act, amended October 9,
    17  1967 (P.L.361, No.160), are renumbered and amended to read:
    18     Section [4] 306.  Advertisement of Intention to Adopt Tax
    19  Ordinance or Resolution.--Prior to the passage of any ordinance
    20  or the adoption of any resolution imposing a tax or license fee
    21  under the authority hereunder granted, such political
    22  subdivision shall give notice of the intention to pass such
    23  ordinance or adopt such resolution. Such notice shall be given
    24  in addition to all other notices required by law to be given and
    25  shall set forth the substantial nature of the tax or license fee
    26  to be imposed by the proposed ordinance or resolution, the
    27  reason which, in the judgment of the officials of the
    28  subdivision, necessitates the imposition of the tax, and the
    29  amount of revenue estimated to be derived from the tax.
    30  Publication of such notice shall be made by advertisement once a
    20070S1063B2186                 - 24 -     

     1  week for three weeks in a newspaper of general circulation
     2  within such political subdivision if there is such newspaper
     3  and, if there is not, then such publication shall be made in a
     4  newspaper of general circulation within the county in which the
     5  advertising political subdivision is located.
     6     Every such tax shall continue in force on a calendar or
     7  fiscal year basis, as the case may be, without annual
     8  reenactment unless the rate of the tax is subsequently changed.
     9     Section [5] 307.  Rate, Amount, Court Approval; Revision of
    10  Budget.--Any tax imposed under this [act] chapter shall not be
    11  subject to any limitations under existing laws as to rate or
    12  amount or as to the necessity of securing court approval or as
    13  to budgetary requirements. Any city, borough or township
    14  imposing a tax under this [act] chapter may revise its budget
    15  during any fiscal year by increasing or making additional
    16  appropriations from funds to be provided from such tax.
    17     The ordinance or resolution may be passed or adopted prior to
    18  the beginning of the fiscal year and prior to the preparation of
    19  the budget when desirable.
    20     Every ordinance or resolution which imposed a tax under the
    21  authority of this [act] chapter shall be passed or adopted, if
    22  for a school district, during the period other school taxes are
    23  required by law to be levied and assessed by such district. Each
    24  ordinance and resolution shall state that it is enacted under
    25  the authority of this [act] chapter, known as "The Local Tax
    26  Enabling Act".
    27     Section 9.  Section 5.1 of the act, added December 1, 2004
    28  (P.L.1729, No.222), is renumbered to read:
    29     Section [5.1] 308.  Second Class City Parking Tax Rates.--The
    30  rate of the tax imposed on parking transactions shall not differ
    20070S1063B2186                 - 25 -     

     1  from the rate contained in City of Pittsburgh Ordinance Number
     2  43-2003 as of January 1, 2004, except as follows:
     3     (1)  In tax year 2007, the rate of tax shall not exceed 45%.
     4     (2)  In tax year 2008, the rate of tax shall not exceed 40%.
     5     (3)  In tax year 2009, the rate of tax shall not exceed
     6  37.5%.
     7     (4)  In tax year 2010, the rate of tax shall not exceed 35%
     8  as existed prior to the adoption of the ordinance.
     9     Section 10.  Section 6 of the act, repealed in part June 3,
    10  1971 (P.L.118, No.6), is renumbered and amended to read:
    11     Section [6] 309.  Appeals by Taxpayers.--No tax levied for
    12  the first time by any political subdivision to which this [act]
    13  chapter applies shall go into effect until thirty days from the
    14  time of the adoption of the ordinance or resolution levying the
    15  tax. Within said thirty days, taxpayers representing twenty-five
    16  percent or more of the total valuation of real estate in the
    17  political subdivision as assessed for taxation purposes, or
    18  taxpayers of the political subdivision not less than twenty-five
    19  in number aggrieved by the ordinance or resolution shall have
    20  the right to appeal therefrom to the court of quarter sessions
    21  of the county upon giving bond with sufficient security in the
    22  amount of five hundred dollars ($500), approved by the court, to
    23  prosecute the appeal with effect and for the payment of costs.
    24  The petition shall set forth the objections to the tax and the
    25  facts in support of such objections, and shall be accompanied by
    26  the affidavit of at least five of the petitioners that the
    27  averments of the petition are true and the petition is not filed
    28  for the purpose of delay.
    29     No such appeal shall act as a supersedeas unless specifically
    30  allowed by the court to which the appeal is taken or a judge
    20070S1063B2186                 - 26 -     

     1  thereof.
     2     Immediately upon the filing of any such petition, the
     3  petitioners shall serve a copy of the petition and any rule
     4  granted by the court upon the president, chairman, secretary or
     5  clerk of the legislative body levying the tax.
     6     The court shall fix a day for a hearing not less than fifteen
     7  days nor more than thirty days after the filing of the petition.
     8  Notice of the time of such hearing shall be given to all
     9  interested parties as the court shall direct. The court shall
    10  promptly hear and dispose of the appeal.
    11     It shall be the duty of the court to declare the ordinance
    12  and the tax imposed thereby to be valid unless it concludes that
    13  the ordinance is unlawful or finds that the tax imposed is
    14  excessive or unreasonable; but the court shall not interfere
    15  with the reasonable discretion of the legislative body in
    16  selecting the subjects or fixing the rates of the tax. The court
    17  may declare invalid all or any portion of the ordinance or of
    18  the tax imposed or may reduce the rates of tax.
    19     Section 11.  Sections 7, 8 and 9 of the act, amended June 21,
    20  2007 (P.L.13, No.7), are renumbered and amended to read:
    21     Section [7] 310.  Filing of Certified Copies of Ordinances
    22  and Resolutions.--When an ordinance or a resolution is first
    23  passed or adopted by a political subdivision imposing a tax or
    24  license fee under the authority of this [act] chapter, an exact
    25  printed or typewritten copy thereof, certified to by the
    26  secretary of the taxing body, shall be filed with the Department
    27  of Community and Economic Development within fifteen days after
    28  the same becomes effective.
    29     Any secretary or person acting as the clerk or secretary of
    30  the taxing body of any political subdivision during the meeting
    20070S1063B2186                 - 27 -     

     1  at which an ordinance or resolution imposing a tax or license
     2  fee is passed or adopted as herein provided who shall fail to
     3  file the certified copy or statement relative thereto with the
     4  Department of Community and Economic Development as herein
     5  required, shall, upon summary conviction thereof in the county
     6  in which the political subdivision is located, be sentenced to
     7  pay a fine of not less than five dollars ($5) nor more than
     8  twenty-five dollars ($25), and the costs of prosecution.
     9     Section [8] 311.  Limitations on Rates of Specific Taxes.--No
    10  taxes levied under the provisions of this [act] chapter shall be
    11  levied by any political subdivision on the following subjects
    12  exceeding the rates specified in this section:
    13     (1)  Per capita, poll or other similar head taxes, ten
    14  dollars ($10).
    15     (2)  On each dollar of the whole volume of business
    16  transacted by wholesale dealers in goods, wares and merchandise,
    17  one mill, by retail dealers in goods, wares and merchandise and
    18  by proprietors of restaurants or other places where food, drink
    19  and refreshments are served, one and one-half mills; except in
    20  cities of the second class, where rates shall not exceed one
    21  mill on wholesale dealers and two mills on retail dealers and
    22  proprietors. No such tax shall be levied on the dollar volume of
    23  business transacted by wholesale and retail dealers derived from
    24  the resale of goods, wares and merchandise, taken by any dealer
    25  as a trade-in or as part payment for other goods, wares and
    26  merchandise, except to the extent that the resale price exceeds
    27  the trade-in allowance.
    28     (3)  On wages, salaries, commissions and other earned income
    29  of individuals, one percent.
    30     (4)  On retail sales involving the transfer of title or
    20070S1063B2186                 - 28 -     

     1  possession of tangible personal property, two percent.
     2     (5)  On the transfer of real property, one percent.
     3     (6)  On admissions to places of amusement, athletic events
     4  and the like, and on motion picture theatres in cities of the
     5  second class, ten percent.
     6     (7)  Flat rate occupation taxes not using a millage or
     7  percentage as a basis, ten dollars ($10).
     8     (8)  Local services taxes, fifty-two dollars ($52).
     9     (9)  On admissions to ski facilities, ten percent. The tax
    10  base upon which the tax shall be levied shall not exceed forty
    11  percent of the cost of the lift ticket. The lift ticket shall
    12  include all costs of admissions to the ski facility.
    13     (10)  On admissions to golf courses, ten percent. The tax
    14  base upon which the tax shall be levied shall not exceed forty
    15  percent of the greens fee. The greens fee shall include all
    16  costs of admissions to the golf course.
    17     (12)  On payrolls, fifty-five hundredths percent.
    18     Except as otherwise provided in this [act] chapter, at any
    19  time two political subdivisions shall impose any one of the
    20  above taxes on the same person, subject, business, transaction
    21  or privilege, located within both such political subdivisions,
    22  during the same year or part of the same year, under the
    23  authority of this [act] chapter then the tax levied by a
    24  political subdivision under the authority of this [act] chapter
    25  shall, during the time such duplication of the tax exists,
    26  except as hereinafter otherwise provided, be one-half of the
    27  rate, as above limited, and such one-half rate shall become
    28  effective by virtue of the requirements of this [act] chapter
    29  from the day such duplication becomes effective without any
    30  action on the part of the political subdivision imposing the tax
    20070S1063B2186                 - 29 -     

     1  under the authority of this [act] chapter. When any one of the
     2  above taxes has been levied under the provisions of this [act]
     3  chapter by one political subdivision and a subsequent levy is
     4  made either for the first time or is revived after a lapse of
     5  time by another political subdivision on the same person,
     6  subject, business, transaction or privilege at a rate that would
     7  make the combined levies exceed the limit allowed by this
     8  subdivision, the tax of the second political subdivision shall
     9  not become effective until the end of the fiscal year for which
    10  the prior tax was levied, unless:
    11     (1)  Notice indicating its intention to make such levy is
    12  given to the first taxing body by the second taxing body as
    13  follows: (i) when the notice is given to a school district it
    14  shall be given at least forty-five days prior to the last day
    15  fixed by law for the levy of its school taxes; (ii) when given
    16  to any other political subdivision it shall be prior to the
    17  first day of January immediately preceding, or if a last day for
    18  the adoption of the budget is fixed by law, at least forty-five
    19  days prior to such last day; or
    20     (2)  Unless the first taxing body shall indicate by
    21  appropriate resolution its desire to waive notice requirements
    22  in which case the levy of the second taxing body shall become
    23  effective on such date as may be agreed upon by the two taxing
    24  bodies.
    25     It is the intent and purpose of this provision to limit rates
    26  of taxes referred to in this section so that the entire burden
    27  of one tax on a person, subject, business, transaction or
    28  privilege shall not exceed the limitations prescribed in this
    29  section: Provided, however, That any two political subdivisions
    30  which impose any one of the above taxes, on the same person,
    20070S1063B2186                 - 30 -     

     1  subject, business, transaction or privilege during the same year
     2  or part of the same year may agree among themselves that,
     3  instead of limiting their respective rates to one-half of the
     4  maximum rate herein provided, they will impose respectively
     5  different rates, the total of which shall not exceed the maximum
     6  rate as above permitted.
     7     Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, any city of
     8  the second class A may enact a tax upon wages, salaries,
     9  commissions and other earned income of individuals resident
    10  therein, not exceeding one percent, even though a school
    11  district levies a similar tax on the same person provided that
    12  the aggregate of both taxes does not exceed two percent.
    13     Section [9] 312.  Register for [Earned Income] and
    14  Withholding of Local Services Taxes.--It shall be the duty of
    15  the Department of Community and Economic Development to have
    16  available an official continuing register supplemented annually
    17  of all [earned income and] local services taxes levied under
    18  authority of this [act] chapter. The register and its
    19  supplements, hereinafter referred to as the register, shall list
    20  such jurisdictions levying [earned income and] local services
    21  taxes, the rate of the tax as stated in the tax levying
    22  ordinance or resolution, and the effective rate on resident and
    23  nonresident taxpayers, if different from the stated rate because
    24  of a coterminous levy, the name and address of the officer
    25  responsible for administering the collection of the tax and from
    26  whom information, forms for reporting and copies of rules and
    27  regulations are available. With each jurisdiction listed, all
    28  jurisdictions making coterminous levies shall also be noted and
    29  their tax rates shown.
    30     Information for the register shall be furnished by the
    20070S1063B2186                 - 31 -     

     1  secretary of each taxing body to the Department of Community and
     2  Economic Development in such manner and on such forms as the
     3  Department of Community and Economic Development may prescribe.
     4  The information must be received by the Department of Community
     5  and Economic Development by certified mail not later than May 31
     6  of each year to show new tax enactments, repeals and changes.
     7  Failure to comply with this date for filing may result in the
     8  omission of the levy from the register for that year. Failure of
     9  the Department of Community and Economic Development to receive
    10  information of taxes continued without change may be construed
    11  by the department to mean that the information contained in the
    12  previous register remains in force.
    13     The Department of Community and Economic Development shall
    14  have the register with such annual supplements as may be
    15  required by new tax enactments, repeals or changes available
    16  upon request not later than July 1 of each year. The effective
    17  period for each register shall be from July 1 of the year in
    18  which it is issued to June 30 of the following year.
    19     Employers shall not be required by any local ordinance to
    20  withhold from the wages, salaries, commissions or other
    21  compensation of their employes any tax imposed under the
    22  provisions of this act, which is not listed in the register, or
    23  make reports of wages, salaries, commissions or other
    24  compensation in connection with taxes not so listed: Provided,
    25  That if the register is not available by July 1, the register of
    26  the previous year shall continue temporarily in effect for an
    27  additional period not to exceed one year. The provisions of this
    28  section shall not affect the liability of any taxpayer for taxes
    29  lawfully imposed under this act.
    30     Ordinances or resolutions imposing [earned income or] local
    20070S1063B2186                 - 32 -     

     1  services taxes under authority of this [act] chapter may contain
     2  provisions requiring employers doing business within the
     3  jurisdiction of the political subdivision imposing the tax to
     4  withhold the tax from the compensation of those of their
     5  employes who are subject to the tax: Provided, That [no employer
     6  shall be held liable for failure to withhold earned income taxes
     7  or for the payment of such withheld tax money to a political
     8  subdivision other than the political subdivision entitled to
     9  receive such money if such failure to withhold or such incorrect
    10  transmittal of withheld taxes arises from incorrect information
    11  as to the employe's place of residence submitted by the employe:
    12  And provided further, That] no employer shall be held liable for
    13  failure to withhold the local services tax or for the payment of
    14  the withheld tax money to a political subdivision if the failure
    15  to withhold taxes arises from incorrect information submitted by
    16  the employe as to the employe's place or places of employment,
    17  the employe's principal office or where the employe is
    18  principally employed: And provided further, That an employer
    19  shall not be liable for payment of the local services tax in an
    20  amount exceeding the amount withheld by the employer if the
    21  employer complies with the provisions of section [2(e)] 301.1(e)
    22  and (f)(9) and remits the amount so withheld in accordance with
    23  this section: And provided further, That the local services tax
    24  shall be applicable to employment in the period beginning
    25  January 1, of the current year and ending December 31 of the
    26  current year, except that taxes imposed for the first time shall
    27  become effective from January 1 of the year specified in the
    28  ordinance or resolution, and the tax shall continue in force on
    29  a calendar year basis: And provided further, That employers
    30  shall be required to remit the local services taxes thirty days
    20070S1063B2186                 - 33 -     

     1  after the end of each quarter of a calendar year.
     2     Section 12.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     3     Section 312.1.  (Reserved).
     4     Section 13.  Section 10 of the act, amended November 30, 2004
     5  (P.L.1520, No.192) and December 1, 2004 (P.L.1729, No.222), is
     6  renumbered and amended to read:
     7     Section [10] 313.  Collection of Taxes.--(a)  Administrative
     8  Personnel; Joint Agreements.--
     9     (1)  Except as provided in [subsections (b) and (c)] section
    10  506, any [such] political subdivision is hereby authorized to
    11  provide by ordinance or resolution for the creation or
    12  designation of [such] tax bureaus or the appointment and
    13  compensation of [such officers, clerks, collectors, private
    14  agencies or other person and other assistants and employes,
    15  either under existing departments, or otherwise as may be deemed
    16  necessary,] a political subdivision, public employe, tax bureau
    17  or PUBLIC OR private agency for the assessment and collection of  <--
    18  taxes imposed under authority of this [act] chapter. Each
    19  ordinance or resolution under this section authorizing a
    20  [person] political subdivision, public employe, tax bureau or
    21  PUBLIC OR private agency to act in the capacity and with the      <--
    22  authority of a tax collector shall continue in force without
    23  annual reauthorization unless otherwise repealed or revoked by
    24  the political subdivision or unless otherwise provided by this
    25  act.
    26     (2)  Except as provided in [subsections (b) and (c), any]
    27  section 506, political subdivisions imposing taxes under
    28  authority of this [act] chapter are authorized to make joint
    29  agreements for the collection of such taxes or any of them. The
    30  same [person or] political subdivision, tax bureau or PUBLIC OR   <--
    20070S1063B2186                 - 34 -     

     1  private agency may be employed by two or more political
     2  subdivisions to collect any taxes imposed by them under
     3  authority of this [act] chapter.
     4     [(b)  Single Collector for Earned Income Taxes When Certain
     5  School Districts Impose Such Taxes.-- Except as provided in
     6  subsection (c), whenever a school district of the second, third
     7  or fourth class shall be established pursuant to section 296,
     8  act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30), known as the "Public School Code
     9  of 1949," added August 8, 1963 (P.L. 564), and such school
    10  district shall levy, assess and collect or provide for the
    11  levying, assessment and collection of a tax upon earned income,
    12  such school district and all cities, boroughs, towns and
    13  townships within its geographical limits which levy, assess and
    14  collect or provide for the levying, assessment and collection of
    15  a tax upon earned income, may on January 1, 1967, or as soon
    16  thereafter as the school district shall provide for the levying,
    17  assessment and collection of taxes upon earned income, select
    18  one person or agency to collect the taxes upon earned income
    19  imposed by all such political subdivisions. In selecting such
    20  person or agency, each political subdivision shall share in the
    21  selection upon a basis agreed upon by each political
    22  subdivision, or in the absence of any agreement on the basis of
    23  voting according to the proportion that the population of each
    24  bears to the entire population of the combined collection
    25  district, according to the latest official Federal census, and
    26  the majority of such votes cast shall determine the person or
    27  agency selected to collect the taxes. The provisions of this
    28  paragraph shall not prohibit school districts and other
    29  political subdivisions which levy, assess and collect or provide
    30  for the levying, assessment and collection of taxes upon earned
    20070S1063B2186                 - 35 -     

     1  income, under authority of this act, from selecting the same
     2  person or agency to collect such tax upon earned income in an
     3  area larger than the geographical limits of a school district
     4  established pursuant to section 296 of the "Public School Code
     5  of 1949."
     6     (c)  Single Tax Collector in Certain Home Rule
     7  Municipality.--In a municipality having a population under the
     8  2000 Federal decennial census of at least forty thousand and
     9  less than ninety thousand located in a second class county and
    10  which municipality has adopted a home rule charter under 53
    11  Pa.C.S. Pt. III Subpt. E (relating to home rule and optional
    12  plan government), the person or persons appointed by the board
    13  of school directors for the school district in which the
    14  municipality is located as collector or collectors of taxes
    15  levied by the school district under this act shall also serve as
    16  the collector or collectors of taxes levied by the municipality
    17  under this act.]
    18     Section 14.  Section 11 of the act is repealed:
    19     [Section 11.  Audits of Earned Income Taxes.--Except in
    20  cities of the second class, the governing body of each political
    21  subdivision which levies, assesses and collects or provides for
    22  the levying, assessment and collection of a tax upon earned
    23  income, shall provide for not less than one examination each
    24  year of the books, accounts and records of the income tax
    25  collector, by a certified public accountant, a firm of certified
    26  public accountants, a competent independent public accountant,
    27  or a firm of independent public accountants appointed by the
    28  governing body. Whenever one person or agency is selected to
    29  collect earned income taxes for more than one political
    30  subdivision, the books, accounts and records of such person or
    20070S1063B2186                 - 36 -     

     1  agency shall be examined as provided above in the case of a tax
     2  collector for each political subdivision, except that the
     3  accountant shall be selected in the manner provided for
     4  selection of one person or agency to collect earned income taxes
     5  for the school district established under section 296 of the
     6  "Public School Code of 1949," and the cities, boroughs, towns
     7  and townships within the geographical limits of such school
     8  district. The reports of the audit shall be sent to the
     9  governing body or bodies of the political subdivision or
    10  political subdivisions employing the accountant. No further or
    11  additional audit shall be performed by elected or appointed
    12  auditors.]
    13     Section 15.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    14     Section 314.  (Reserved).
    15     Section 16.  Section 12 of the act is renumbered and amended
    16  to read:
    17     Section [12] 315.  Audits of Taxes Other Than Earned Income
    18  Taxes.--The books, accounts and records of [persons collecting
    19  taxes] tax collectors pursuant to this [act] chapter, other than
    20  taxes levied, assessed and collected upon earned income, shall
    21  be audited, adjusted and settled in the manner prescribed by law
    22  for the auditing, adjusting and settling of accounts of persons
    23  receiving or expending funds of the political subdivision which
    24  has levied, assessed and collected the taxes pursuant to this
    25  [act] chapter, other than taxes levied, assessed and collected
    26  upon earned income.
    27     Section 17.  Section 13 of the act, amended October 4, 1978
    28  (P.L.930, No.177), July 9, 1987 (P.L.203, No.30), December 9,
    29  2002 (P.L.1364, No.166), April 5, 2004 (P.L.208, No.24) and
    30  November 30, 2004 (P.L.1520, No.192), is repealed:
    20070S1063B2186                 - 37 -     

     1     [Section 13.  Earned Income Taxes.--On and after the
     2  effective date of this act the remaining provisions of this
     3  section shall be included in or construed to be a part of each
     4  tax levied and assessed upon earned income by any political
     5  subdivision levying and assessing such tax pursuant to this act.
     6  The definitions contained in this section shall be exclusive for
     7  any tax upon earned income and net profits levied and assessed
     8  pursuant to this act, and shall not be altered or changed by any
     9  political subdivision levying and assessing such tax.
    10                          I.  Definitions
    11     "Association." A partnership, limited partnership, or any
    12  other unincorporated group of two or more persons.
    13     "Business." An enterprise, activity, profession or any other
    14  undertaking of an unincorporated nature conducted for profit or
    15  ordinarily conducted for profit whether by a person,
    16  partnership, association, or any other entity.
    17     "Corporation." A corporation or joint stock association
    18  organized under the laws of the United States, the Commonwealth
    19  of Pennsylvania, or any other state, territory, foreign country
    20  or dependency.
    21     "Current year." The calendar year for which the tax is
    22  levied.
    23     "Domicile." The place where one lives and has his permanent
    24  home and to which he has the intention of returning whenever he
    25  is absent. Actual residence is not necessarily domicile, for
    26  domicile is the fixed place of abode which, in the intention of
    27  the taxpayer, is permanent rather than transitory. Domicile is
    28  the voluntarily fixed place of habitation of a person, not for a
    29  mere special or limited purpose, but with the present intention
    30  of making a permanent home, until some event occurs to induce
    20070S1063B2186                 - 38 -     

     1  him to adopt some other permanent home. In the case of
     2  businesses, or associations, the domicile is that place
     3  considered as the center of business affairs and the place where
     4  its functions are discharged.
     5     "Earned income." Compensation as determined under section 303
     6  of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the "Tax
     7  Reform Code of 1971," and regulations in 61 Pa. Code Pt. I
     8  Subpt. B Art. V (relating to personal income tax), not
     9  including, however, wages or compensation paid to individuals on
    10  active military service. Employe business expenses are allowable
    11  deductions as determined under Article III of the "Tax Reform
    12  Code of 1971." The amount of any housing allowance provided to a
    13  member of the clergy shall not be taxable as earned income.
    14     "Income tax officer or officer." Person, public employe or
    15  private agency designated by governing body to collect and
    16  administer the tax on earned income and net profits.
    17     "Employer." A person, partnership, association, corporation,
    18  institution, governmental body or unit or agency, or any other
    19  entity employing one or more persons for a salary, wage,
    20  commission or other compensation.
    21     "Net profits." The net income from the operation of a
    22  business, profession, or other activity, except corporations,
    23  determined under section 303 of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6,
    24  No.2), known as the "Tax Reform Code of 1971," and regulations
    25  in 61 Pa. Code Pt. I Subpt. B Art. V (relating to personal
    26  income tax). The term does not include income which is not paid
    27  for services provided and which is in the nature of earnings
    28  from an investment. For taxpayers engaged in the business,
    29  profession or activity of farming, the term shall not include:
    30     (1)  any interest earnings generated from any monetary
    20070S1063B2186                 - 39 -     

     1  accounts or investment instruments of the farming business;
     2     (2)  any gain on the sale of farm machinery;
     3     (3)  any gain on the sale of livestock held twelve months or
     4  more for draft, breeding or dairy purposes; and
     5     (4)  any gain on the sale of other capital assets of the
     6  farm.
     7     "Nonresident." A person, partnership, association or other
     8  entity domiciled outside the taxing district.
     9     "Person or individual." A natural person.
    10     "Preceding year." The calendar year before the current year.
    11     "Resident." A person, partnership, association or other
    12  entity domiciled in the taxing district.
    13     "Succeeding year." The calendar year following the current
    14  year.
    15     "Taxpayer." A person, partnership, association, or any other
    16  entity, required hereunder to file a return of earned income or
    17  net profits, or to pay a tax thereon.
    18                       II.  Imposition of Tax
    19     The tax levied under this act shall be applicable to earned
    20  income received and to net profits earned in the period
    21  beginning January 1, of the current year, and ending December
    22  31, of the current year or for taxpayer fiscal years beginning
    23  in the current year, except that taxes imposed for the first
    24  time shall become effective from the date specified in the
    25  ordinance or resolution, and the tax shall continue in force on
    26  a calendar year or taxpayer fiscal year basis, without annual
    27  reenactment, unless the rate of the tax is subsequently changed.
    28  Changes in rate shall become effective on the date specified in
    29  the ordinance.
    30                III.  Declaration and Payment of Tax
    20070S1063B2186                 - 40 -     

     1                          A.  Net Profits.
     2     (1)  Every taxpayer making net profits shall, as the
     3  governing body elects, (i) pay to the officer an annual payment
     4  of tax due on or before April 15, of the succeeding year for the
     5  period beginning January 1, and ending December 31, of the
     6  current year, or (ii) on or before April 15, of the current
     7  year, make and file with the officer on a form prescribed or
     8  approved by the officer, a declaration of his estimated net
     9  profits during the period beginning January 1, and ending
    10  December 31, of the current year, and pay to the officer in four
    11  equal quarterly installments the tax due thereon as follows: the
    12  first installment at the time of filing the declaration, and the
    13  other installments on or before June 15, of the current year,
    14  September 15, of the current year, and January 15, of the
    15  succeeding year, respectively.
    16     (2)  Where the governing body elects to require the filing of
    17  a declaration and quarterly payments, any taxpayer who first
    18  anticipates any net profit after April 15, of the current year,
    19  shall make and file the declaration hereinabove required on or
    20  before June 15, of the current year, September 15, of the
    21  current year, or December 31, of the current year, whichever of
    22  these dates next follows the date on which the taxpayer first
    23  anticipates such net profit, and pay to the officer in equal
    24  installments the tax due thereon on or before the quarterly
    25  payment dates which remain after the filing of the declaration.
    26     (3)  Where the governing body requires a declaration of
    27  estimated net profits and quarterly payments of tax due on such
    28  profits, every taxpayer shall, on or before April 15, of the
    29  succeeding year, make and file with the officer on a form
    30  prescribed or approved by the officer a final return showing the
    20070S1063B2186                 - 41 -     

     1  amount of net profits earned during the period beginning January
     2  1, of the current year, and ending December 31, of the current
     3  year, the total amount of tax due thereon and the total amount
     4  of tax paid thereon. At the time of filing the final return, the
     5  taxpayer shall pay to the officer the balance of tax due or
     6  shall make demand for refund or credit in the case of
     7  overpayment.
     8     Any taxpayer may, in lieu of paying the fourth quarterly
     9  installment of his estimated tax, elect to make and file with
    10  the officer on or before January 31, of the succeeding year, the
    11  final return as hereinabove required.
    12     (4)  The officer may be authorized to provide by regulation
    13  for the making and filing of adjusted declarations of estimated
    14  net profits, and for the payments of the estimated tax in cases
    15  where a taxpayer who has filed the declaration hereinabove
    16  required anticipates additional net profits not previously
    17  declared or finds that he has overestimated his anticipated net
    18  profits.
    19     (5)  Every taxpayer who discontinues business prior to
    20  December 31, of the current year, shall, within thirty days
    21  after the discontinuance of business, file his final return as
    22  hereinabove required and pay the tax due.
    23                         B.  Earned Income.
    24                  Annual Earned Income Tax Return.
    25     At the election of the governing body every taxpayer shall,
    26  on or before April 15, of the succeeding year, make and file
    27  with the officer on a form prescribed or approved by the officer
    28  a final return showing the amount of earned income received
    29  during the period beginning January 1, of the current year, and
    30  ending December 31, of the current year, the total amount of tax
    20070S1063B2186                 - 42 -     

     1  due thereon, the amount of tax paid thereon, the amount of tax
     2  thereon that has been withheld pursuant to the provisions
     3  relating to the collection at source and the balance of tax due.
     4  At the time of filing the final return, the taxpayer shall pay
     5  the balance of the tax due or shall make demand for refund or
     6  credit in the case of overpayment.
     7             Earned Income Not Subject to Withholding.
     8     Every taxpayer who is employed for a salary, wage,
     9  commission, or other compensation and who received any earned
    10  income not subject to the provisions relating to collection at
    11  source, shall as the governing body elects:
    12     (1)  Make and file with the officer on a form prescribed or
    13  approved by the officer, an annual return setting forth the
    14  aggregate amount of earned income not subject to withholding
    15  from him during the period beginning January 1, and ending
    16  December 31, of the current year, and such other information as
    17  the officer may require, and pay to the officer the amount of
    18  tax shown as due thereon on or before April 15, of the
    19  succeeding year, or
    20     (2)  Make and file with the officer on a form prescribed or
    21  approved by the officer, a quarterly return on or before April
    22  30, of the current year, July 31, of the current year, October
    23  31, of the current year, and January 31, of the succeeding year,
    24  setting forth the aggregate amount of earned income not subject
    25  to withholding by him during the three-month periods ending
    26  March 31, of the current year, June 30, of the current year,
    27  September 30, of the current year, and December 31, of the
    28  current year, respectively, and subject to the tax, together
    29  with such other information as the officer may require. Every
    30  taxpayer making such return shall, at the time of filing
    20070S1063B2186                 - 43 -     

     1  thereof, pay to the officer the amount of tax shown as due
     2  thereon.
     3                     IV.  Collection at Source
     4     (a)  Every employer having an office, factory, workshop,
     5  branch, warehouse, or other place of business within the taxing
     6  jurisdiction imposing a tax on earned income or net profits
     7  within the taxing district who employs one or more persons,
     8  other than domestic servants, for a salary, wage, commission or
     9  other compensation, who has not previously registered, shall,
    10  within fifteen days after becoming an employer, register with
    11  the officer his name and address and such other information as
    12  the officer may require.
    13     (b)  Every employer having an office, factory, workshop,
    14  branch, warehouse, or other place of business within the taxing
    15  jurisdiction imposing a tax on earned income or net profits
    16  within the taxing district who employs one or more persons,
    17  other than domestic servants, for a salary, wage, commission, or
    18  other compensation, shall deduct at the time of payment thereof,
    19  the tax imposed by ordinance or resolution on the earned income
    20  due to his employe or employes, and shall, on or before April
    21  30, of the current year, July 31, of the current year, October
    22  31, of the current year, and January 31, of the succeeding year,
    23  file a return and pay to the officer the amount of taxes
    24  deducted during the preceding three-month periods ending March
    25  31, of the current year, June 30, of the current year, September
    26  30, of the current year, and December 31, of the current year,
    27  respectively. Such return unless otherwise agreed upon between
    28  the officer and employer shall show the name and social security
    29  number of each such employe, the earned income of such employe
    30  during such preceding three-month period, the tax deducted
    20070S1063B2186                 - 44 -     

     1  therefrom, the political subdivisions imposing the tax upon such
     2  employe, the total earned income of all such employes during
     3  such preceding three-month period, and the total tax deducted
     4  therefrom and paid with the return.
     5     Any employer who for two of the preceding four quarterly
     6  periods has failed to deduct the proper tax, or any part
     7  thereof, or has failed to pay over the proper amount of tax to
     8  the taxing authority, may be required by the officer to file his
     9  return and pay the tax monthly. In such cases, payments of tax
    10  shall be made to the officer on or before the last day of the
    11  month succeeding the month for which the tax was withheld.
    12     (c)  On or before February 28, of the succeeding year, every
    13  employer shall file with the officer:
    14     (1)  An annual return showing the total amount of earned
    15  income paid, the total amount of tax deducted, and the total
    16  amount of tax paid to the officer for the period beginning
    17  January 1, of the current year, and ending December 31, of the
    18  current year.
    19     (2)  A return withholding statement for each employe employed
    20  during all or any part of the period beginning January 1, of the
    21  current year, and ending December 31, of the current year,
    22  setting forth the employe's name, address and social security
    23  number, the amount of earned income paid to the employe during
    24  said period, the amount of tax deducted, the political
    25  subdivisions imposing the tax upon such employe, the amount of
    26  tax paid to the officer. Every employer shall furnish two copies
    27  of the individual return to the employe for whom it is filed.
    28     (d)  Every employer who discontinues business prior to
    29  December 31, of the current year, shall, within thirty days
    30  after the discontinuance of business, file the returns and
    20070S1063B2186                 - 45 -     

     1  withholding statements hereinabove required and pay the tax due.
     2     (e)  Except as otherwise provided in section 9, every
     3  employer who wilfully or negligently fails or omits to make the
     4  deductions required by this section shall be liable for payment
     5  of the taxes which he was required to withhold to the extent
     6  that such taxes have not been recovered from the employe.
     7     (f)  The failure or omission of any employer to make the
     8  deductions required by this section shall not relieve any
     9  employe from the payment of the tax or from complying with the
    10  requirements of the ordinance or resolution relating to the
    11  filing of declarations and returns.
    12                  V.  Powers and Duties of Officer
    13     (a)  It shall be the duty of the officer to collect and
    14  receive the taxes, fines and penalties imposed by the ordinance
    15  or resolution. It shall also be his duty to keep a record
    16  showing the amount received by him from each person or business
    17  paying the tax and the date of such receipt.
    18     (b)  Each officer, before entering upon his official duties
    19  shall give and acknowledge a bond to the political subdivision
    20  or political subdivisions appointing him. If such political
    21  subdivision or political subdivisions shall by resolution
    22  designate any bond previously given by the officer as adequate,
    23  such bond shall be sufficient to satisfy the requirements of the
    24  subsection.
    25     Each such bond shall be joint and several, with one or more
    26  corporate sureties which shall be surety companies authorized to
    27  do business in this Commonwealth and duly licensed by the
    28  Insurance Commissioner of this Commonwealth.
    29     Each bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful discharge by
    30  the officer, his clerks, assistants and appointees of all trusts
    20070S1063B2186                 - 46 -     

     1  confided in him by virtue of his office, upon the faithful
     2  execution of all duties required of him by virtue of his office,
     3  upon the just and faithful accounting or payment over, according
     4  to law, of all moneys and all balances thereof paid to, received
     5  or held by him by virtue of his office and upon the delivery to
     6  his successor or successors in office of all books, papers,
     7  documents or other official things held in right of his office.
     8     Each such bond shall be taken in the name of the appointing
     9  authority or authorities, and shall be for the use of the
    10  political subdivision or political subdivisions appointing the
    11  officer, and for the use of such other person or persons for
    12  whom money shall be collected or received, or as his or her
    13  interest shall otherwise appear, in case of a breach of any of
    14  the conditions thereof by the acts or neglect of the principal
    15  on the bond.
    16     The political subdivision or political subdivisions
    17  appointing the officer, or any person may sue upon the said bond
    18  in its or his own name for its or his own use.
    19     Each such bond shall contain the name or names of the surety
    20  company or companies bound thereon. The political subdivision or
    21  political subdivisions appointing the officer shall fix the
    22  amount of the bond at an amount equal to the maximum amount of
    23  taxes which may be in the possession of the officer at any given
    24  time.
    25     The political subdivision or political subdivisions
    26  appointing the officer may, at any time, upon cause shown and
    27  due notice to the officer, and his surety or sureties, require
    28  or allow the substitution or the addition of a surety company
    29  acceptable to such political subdivision or political
    30  subdivisions for the purpose of making the bond sufficient in
    20070S1063B2186                 - 47 -     

     1  amount, without releasing the surety or sureties first approved
     2  from any accrued liability or previous action on such bond.
     3     The political subdivision or political subdivisions
     4  appointing the officer shall designate the custodian of the bond
     5  required to be given by the officer.
     6     (c)  The officer charged with the administration and
     7  enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance or resolution is
     8  hereby empowered to prescribe, adopt, promulgate and enforce,
     9  rules and regulations relating to any matter pertaining to the
    10  administration and enforcement of the ordinance or resolution,
    11  including provisions for the re-examination and correction of
    12  declarations and returns, and of payments alleged or found to be
    13  incorrect, or as to which an overpayment is claimed or found to
    14  have occurred, and to make refunds in case of overpayment, for
    15  any period of time not to exceed six years subsequent to the
    16  date of payment of the sum involved, and to prescribe forms
    17  necessary for the administration of the ordinance or resolution.
    18  No rule or regulation of any kind shall be enforceable unless it
    19  has been approved by resolution by the governing body. A copy of
    20  such rules and regulations currently in force shall be available
    21  for public inspection.
    22     (d)  The officer shall refund, on petition of, and proof by
    23  the taxpayer, earned income tax paid on the taxpayer's ordinary
    24  and necessary business expenses, to the extent that such
    25  expenses are not paid by the taxpayer's employer.
    26     (e)  The officer and agents designated by him are hereby
    27  authorized to examine the books, papers, and records of any
    28  employer or of any taxpayer or of any person whom the officer
    29  reasonably believes to be an employer or taxpayer, in order to
    30  verify the accuracy of any declaration or return, or if no
    20070S1063B2186                 - 48 -     

     1  declaration or return was filed, to ascertain the tax due. Every
     2  employer and every taxpayer and every person whom the officer
     3  reasonably believes to be an employer or taxpayer, is hereby
     4  directed and required to give to the officer, or to any agent
     5  designated by him, the means, facilities and opportunity for
     6  such examination and investigations, as are hereby authorized.
     7     (f)  Any information gained by the officer, his agents, or by
     8  any other official or agent of the taxing district, as a result
     9  of any declarations, returns, investigations, hearings or
    10  verifications required or authorized by the ordinance or
    11  resolution, shall be confidential, except for official purposes
    12  and except in accordance with a proper judicial order, or as
    13  otherwise provided by law.
    14     (g)  The officer is authorized to establish different filing,
    15  reporting and payment dates for taxpayers whose fiscal years do
    16  not coincide with the calendar year.
    17     (h)  The officer shall distribute earned income taxes to the
    18  appropriate political subdivisions within sixty days of the
    19  deadline for payment by an employer as set forth in Division
    20  IV(b). The political subdivisions shall not be required to
    21  request the officer to distribute the funds collected but shall
    22  at least annually reconcile their receipts with the records of
    23  the officer and return to or credit the officer with any
    24  overpayment. A political subdivision shall not be required to
    25  pay a fee or commission to the other political subdivision or
    26  its tax officer for tax revenue distributed under this
    27  subsection. If the officer, within one year after receiving a
    28  tax payment, cannot identify the taxing jurisdiction entitled to
    29  a tax payment, he shall make payment to the municipality in
    30  which the tax was collected. If earned income taxes are not
    20070S1063B2186                 - 49 -     

     1  distributed to the appropriate political subdivision within one
     2  year of receipt, the political subdivision may make a written
     3  demand on a tax officer or political subdivision for tax
     4  revenues collected and attributable to residents of the
     5  political subdivision making the demand. If the taxes
     6  attributable to residents of the political subdivision making
     7  the demand are not paid within thirty days from the date of the
     8  demand, the political subdivision, person, public employe or
     9  private agency designated by the political subdivision may enter
    10  into an arbitration agreement with the officer under 42 Pa.C.S.
    11  Ch. 73 Subch. A (relating to statutory arbitration) or bring an
    12  action in an appropriate court of common pleas in the name of
    13  the taxing district for the recovery of taxes not distributed in
    14  accordance with this subsection. The action must be brought
    15  within seven years of the collection of the taxes.
    16              VI.  Compensation of Income Tax Officer
    17     The income tax officer shall receive such compensation for
    18  his services and expenses as determined by the governing body.
    19  In the case of a single collector established pursuant to
    20  subsection (b) of section 10 of this act, the taxing
    21  jurisdictions shall share in the compensation and expenses of a
    22  single officer according to the proportionate share that the
    23  total annual collections for each jurisdiction bears to the
    24  total annual collection for all political subdivisions in a
    25  single collector district, except that with the agreement of
    26  two-thirds of all participating political subdivisions, a
    27  different manner of sharing may be substituted.
    28                  VII.  Suit for Collection of Tax
    29     (a)  The officer may sue in the name of the taxing district
    30  for the recovery of taxes due and unpaid under this ordinance.
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     1     (b)  Any suit brought to recover the tax imposed by the
     2  ordinance or resolution shall be begun within three years after
     3  such tax is due, or within three years after the declaration or
     4  return has been filed, whichever date is later: Provided,
     5  however, That this limitation shall not prevent the institution
     6  of a suit for the collection of any tax due or determined to be
     7  due in the following cases:
     8     (1)  Where no declaration or return was filed by any person
     9  although a declaration or return was required to be filed by him
    10  under provisions of the ordinance or resolution, there shall be
    11  no limitation.
    12     (2)  Where an examination of the declaration or return filed
    13  by any person, or of other evidence relating to such declaration
    14  or return in the possession of the officer, reveals a fraudulent
    15  evasion of taxes, there shall be no limitation.
    16     (3)  In the case of substantial understatement of tax
    17  liability of twenty-five percent or more and no fraud, suit
    18  shall be begun within six years.
    19     (4)  Where any person has deducted taxes under the provisions
    20  of the ordinance or resolution, and has failed to pay the
    21  amounts so deducted to the officer, or where any person has
    22  wilfully failed or omitted to make the deductions required by
    23  this section, there shall be no limitation.
    24     (5)  This section shall not be construed to limit the
    25  governing body from recovering delinquent taxes by any other
    26  means provided by this act.
    27     (c)  The officer may sue for recovery of an erroneous refund
    28  provided such suit is begun two years after making such refund,
    29  except that the suit may be brought within five years if it
    30  appears that any part of the refund was induced by fraud or
    20070S1063B2186                 - 51 -     

     1  misrepresentation of material fact.
     2                   VIII.  Interest and Penalties
     3     (a)  If for any reason the tax is not paid when due, interest
     4  at the rate of six percent per annum on the amount of said tax,
     5  and an additional penalty of one-half of one percent of the
     6  amount of the unpaid tax for each month or fraction thereof
     7  during which the tax remains unpaid, shall be added and
     8  collected. Where suit is brought for the recovery of any such
     9  tax, the person liable therefor shall, in addition, be liable
    10  for the costs of collection and the interest and penalties
    11  herein imposed.
    12     (b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), the
    13  governing body may, by ordinance or resolution, establish a one-
    14  time period during which interest or interest and penalties that
    15  would otherwise be imposed for the nonreporting or
    16  underreporting of earned income tax liabilities or for the
    17  nonpayment of earned income taxes previously imposed and due
    18  shall be waived in total or in part if the taxpayer voluntarily
    19  files delinquent returns and pays the taxes in full during the
    20  period so established. Each governing body may adopt regulations
    21  to implement the provisions of this subsection.
    22     (c)  The provisions of subsection (b) shall not affect or
    23  terminate any petitions, investigations, prosecutions or other
    24  proceedings pending under the provisions of this act, or prevent
    25  the commencement or further prosecution of any proceedings by
    26  the proper authorities for violations of this act. No
    27  proceedings shall, however, be commenced on the basis of
    28  delinquent returns filed pursuant to subsection (b) if the
    29  returns are determined to be substantially true and correct and
    30  the taxes are paid in full within the prescribed time.
    20070S1063B2186                 - 52 -     

     1               IX.  Fines and Penalties for Violation
     2                    of Ordinances or Resolutions
     3     (a)  Any person who fails, neglects, or refuses to make any
     4  declaration or return required by the ordinance or resolution,
     5  any employer who fails, neglects or refuses to register or to
     6  pay the tax deducted from his employes, or fails, neglects or
     7  refuses to deduct or withhold the tax from his employes, any
     8  person who refuses to permit the officer or any agent designated
     9  by him to examine his books, records, and papers, and any person
    10  who knowingly makes any incomplete, false or fraudulent return,
    11  or attempts to do anything whatsoever to avoid the full
    12  disclosure of the amount of his net profits or earned income in
    13  order to avoid the payment of the whole or any part of the tax
    14  imposed by the ordinance or resolution, shall, upon conviction
    15  thereof before any justice of the peace, alderman or magistrate,
    16  or court of competent jurisdiction in the county or counties in
    17  which the political subdivision imposing the tax is located, be
    18  sentenced to pay a fine of not more than five hundred dollars
    19  ($500) for each offense, and costs, and, in default of payment
    20  of said fine and costs to be imprisoned for a period not
    21  exceeding thirty days.
    22     (b)  Any person who divulges any information which is
    23  confidential under the provisions of the ordinance or
    24  resolution, shall, upon conviction thereof before any justice of
    25  the peace, alderman or magistrate, or court of competent
    26  jurisdiction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than five
    27  hundred dollars ($500) for each offense, and costs, and, in
    28  default of payment of said fines and costs to be imprisoned for
    29  a period not exceeding thirty days.
    30     (c)  The penalties imposed under this section shall be in
    20070S1063B2186                 - 53 -     

     1  addition to any other penalty imposed by any other section of
     2  the ordinance or resolution.
     3     (d)  The failure of any person to receive or procure forms
     4  required for making the declaration or returns required by the
     5  ordinance or resolution shall not excuse him from making such
     6  declaration or return.]
     7     Section 18.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     8     Section 316.  (Reserved).
     9     Section 19.  Section 14 of the act, amended October 26, 1972
    10  (P.L.1043, No.261), is renumbered and amended to read:
    11     Section [14] 317.  Payment of Tax to Other Political
    12  Subdivisions or States as Credit or Deduction; Withholding
    13  Tax.--Payment of any tax to any political subdivision pursuant
    14  to an ordinance or resolution passed or adopted prior to the
    15  effective date of this act shall be credited to and allowed as a
    16  deduction from the liability of taxpayers for any like tax
    17  respectively on salaries, wages, commissions, other compensation
    18  or on net profits of businesses, professions or other activities
    19  and for any income tax imposed by any other political
    20  subdivision of this Commonwealth under the authority of this
    21  [act] chapter.
    22     Payment of any tax on salaries, wages, commissions, other
    23  compensation or on net profits of business, professions or other
    24  activities to a political subdivision by residents thereof
    25  pursuant to an ordinance or resolution passed or adopted under
    26  the authority of this [act] chapter shall be credited to and
    27  allowed as a deduction from the liability of such persons for
    28  any other like tax respectively on salaries, wages, commissions,
    29  other compensation or on net profits of businesses, professions
    30  or other activities imposed by any other political subdivision
    20070S1063B2186                 - 54 -     

     1  of this Commonwealth under the authority of this [act] chapter.
     2     Payment of any tax on income to any political subdivision by
     3  residents thereof pursuant to an ordinance or resolution passed
     4  or adopted under the authority of this [act] chapter shall, to
     5  the extent that such income includes salaries, wages,
     6  commissions, other compensation or net profits of businesses,
     7  professions or other activities, but in such proportion as
     8  hereinafter set forth, be credited to and allowed as a deduction
     9  from the liability of such persons for any other tax on
    10  salaries, wages, commissions, other compensation or on net
    11  profits of businesses, professions, or other activities imposed
    12  by any other political subdivision of this Commonwealth under
    13  the authority of this [act] chapter.
    14     Payment of any tax on income to any state or to any political
    15  subdivision thereof by residents thereof, pursuant to any State
    16  or local law, may, at the discretion of the Pennsylvania
    17  political subdivision imposing such tax, to the extent that such
    18  income includes salaries, wages, commissions, or other
    19  compensation or net profits of businesses, professions or other
    20  activities but in such proportions as hereinafter set forth, be
    21  credited to and allowed as a deduction from the liability of
    22  such person for any other tax on salaries, wages, commissions,
    23  other compensation or net profits of businesses, professions or
    24  other activities imposed by any political subdivision of this
    25  Commonwealth under the authority of this [act] chapter, if
    26  residents of the political subdivision in Pennsylvania receive
    27  credits and deductions of a similar kind to a like degree from
    28  the tax on income imposed by the other state or political
    29  subdivision thereof.
    30     Payment of any tax on income to any State other than
    20070S1063B2186                 - 55 -     

     1  Pennsylvania or to any political subdivision located outside the
     2  boundaries of this Commonwealth, by residents of a political
     3  subdivision located in Pennsylvania shall, to the extent that
     4  such income includes salaries, wages, commissions, or other
     5  compensation or net profits of businesses, professions or other
     6  activities but in such proportions as hereinafter set forth, be
     7  credited to and allowed as a deduction from the liability of
     8  such person for any other tax on salaries, wages, commissions,
     9  other compensation or net profits of businesses, professions or
    10  other activities imposed by any political subdivision of this
    11  Commonwealth under the authority of this [act.] chapter.
    12     Where a credit or a deduction is allowable in any of the
    13  several cases hereinabove provided, it shall be allowed in
    14  proportion to the concurrent periods for which taxes are imposed
    15  by the other state or respective political subdivisions, but not
    16  in excess of the amount previously paid for a concurrent period.
    17     No credit or deduction shall be allowed against any tax on
    18  earned income imposed under authority of this [act] chapter to
    19  the extent of the amount of credit or deduction taken for the
    20  same period by the taxpayer against any income tax imposed by
    21  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania under section 314 of the act of
    22  March 4, 1971 (P.L.6) known as the "Tax Reform Code of 1971," on
    23  account of taxes imposed on income by other states or by their
    24  political subdivisions.
    25     Section 20.  Section 15 of the act, amended June 27, 1968
    26  (P.L.271, No.128), is renumbered and amended to read:
    27     Section [15] 318.  Personal Property.--Any assessment of a
    28  tax on personal property of a decedent shall include all
    29  property owned, held or possessed by a decedent, which should
    30  have been returned by him for taxation for any former year or
    20070S1063B2186                 - 56 -     

     1  years not exceeding five years prior to the year in which the
     2  decedent died. Wherever any personal property taxable under the
     3  provisions of this [act] chapter, was owned by a decedent at the
     4  time of his death and is held by his executor or administrator,
     5  return of such personal property shall be made and the tax paid,
     6  if such decedent was domiciled at the time of his death in the
     7  political subdivision imposing the tax, notwithstanding the
     8  residence or location of such executor or administrator or of
     9  any beneficiary, or the place which such securities are kept.
    10     Section 21.  Sections 16 and 17 of the act are renumbered and
    11  amended to read:
    12     Section [16] 319.  Limitation on Assessment.--No assessment
    13  may be made of any tax imposed under this [act] chapter more
    14  than five years after the date on which such tax should have
    15  been paid except where a fraudulent return or no return has been
    16  filed.
    17     Section [17] 320.  Tax Limitations.--(a)  Over-all Limit of
    18  Tax Revenues.--The aggregate amount of all taxes imposed by any
    19  political subdivision under this section and in effect during
    20  any fiscal year shall not exceed an amount equal to the product
    21  obtained by multiplying the latest total market valuation of
    22  real estate in such political subdivision, as determined by the
    23  board for the assessment and revision of taxes or any similar
    24  board established by the assessment laws which determines market
    25  values of real estate within the political subdivision, by
    26  twelve mills. In school districts of the second class, third
    27  class and fourth class and in any political subdivision within a
    28  county where no market values of real estate have been
    29  determined by the board for the assessment and revision of
    30  taxes, or any similar board, the aggregate amount of all taxes
    20070S1063B2186                 - 57 -     

     1  imposed under this section and in effect during any fiscal year
     2  shall not exceed an amount equal to the product obtained by
     3  multiplying the latest total market valuation of real estate in
     4  such school district, or other political subdivision, as
     5  certified by the State Tax Equalization Board, by twelve mills.
     6  In school districts of the third and fourth class, taxes imposed
     7  on sales involving the transfer of real property shall not be
     8  included in computing the aggregate amount of taxes for any
     9  fiscal year in which one hundred or more new homes or other
    10  major improvements on real estate were constructed in the school
    11  district.
    12     The aggregate amount of all taxes imposed by any independent
    13  school district under this section during any fiscal year shall
    14  not exceed an amount equal to the product obtained by
    15  multiplying the latest total valuation of real estate in such
    16  district by fifteen mills.
    17     (b)  Reduction of Rates Where Taxes Exceed Limitations; Use
    18  of Excess Moneys.--If, during any fiscal year, it shall appear
    19  that the aggregate revenues from taxes levied and collected
    20  under the authority of this [act] chapter will materially exceed
    21  the limitations imposed by this [act] chapter, the political
    22  subdivision shall forthwith reduce the rate or rates of such tax
    23  or taxes to stay within such limitations as nearly as may be.
    24  Any one or more persons liable for the payment of taxes levied
    25  and collected under the authority of this [act] chapter shall
    26  have the right to complain to the court of common pleas of the
    27  county in an action of mandamus to compel compliance with the
    28  preceding provision of this subsection. Tax moneys levied and
    29  collected in any fiscal year in excess of the limitations
    30  imposed by this [act] chapter shall not be expended during such
    20070S1063B2186                 - 58 -     

     1  year, but shall be deposited in a separate account in the
     2  treasury of the political subdivision for expenditure in the
     3  following fiscal year. The rates of taxes imposed under this
     4  [act] chapter for the following fiscal year shall be so fixed
     5  that the revenues thereby produced, together with the excess tax
     6  moneys on deposit as aforesaid, shall not exceed the limitations
     7  imposed by this [act] chapter.
     8     Section 22.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
     9     Section 329.  Legal Representation.--When bringing a suit
    10  under any provision of this chapter, the taxing district or the
    11  person, public employe or private agency designated by the
    12  taxing district shall be represented by an attorney.
    13     Section 330.  Restricted Use.--(a)  Any municipality deriving
    14  funds from the local services tax may only use the funds for:
    15     (1)  Emergency services, which shall include emergency
    16  medical services, police services and/or fire services.
    17     (2)  Road construction and/or maintenance.
    18     (3)  Reduction of property taxes.
    19     (4)  Property tax relief through implementation of a
    20  homestead and farmstead exclusion in accordance with 53 Pa.C.S.
    21  Ch. 85 Subch. F (relating to homestead property exclusion).
    22     (a.1)  A municipality shall use no less than twenty-five
    23  percent of the funds derived from the local services tax for
    24  emergency services.
    25     (b)  In the event that a municipality decides to implement a
    26  homestead and farmstead exclusion for purposes of providing
    27  property tax relief in accordance with subsection (a)(4), the
    28  following shall apply:
    29     (1)  The decision to provide a homestead and farmstead
    30  exclusion shall be made, by ordinance, prior to December 1, with
    20070S1063B2186                 - 59 -     

     1  the homestead and farmstead exclusion to take effect for the
     2  fiscal year beginning the first day of January following
     3  adoption of the ordinance. Upon adopting an ordinance in
     4  accordance with this paragraph, a municipality shall, by first
     5  class mail, notify the assessor, as defined in 53 Pa.C.S. § 8582
     6  (relating to definitions), of its decision to provide a
     7  homestead and farmstead exclusion.
     8     (2)  The assessor shall provide a municipality that will be
     9  imposing a homestead and farmstead exclusion in accordance with
    10  subsection (a)(4) with a certified report, as provided in 53
    11  Pa.C.S. § 8584(i) (relating to administration and procedure),
    12  listing information regarding homestead and farmstead properties
    13  in the municipality as determined pursuant to applications filed
    14  with the assessor in connection with this or any other law under
    15  which a homestead or farmstead exclusion has been adopted. In
    16  the year in which an ordinance is adopted in accordance with
    17  paragraph (1), the assessor shall provide the certified report
    18  after being notified by the municipality of its decision to
    19  provide a homestead and farmstead exclusion. In each succeeding
    20  year, the assessor shall provide the certified report by
    21  December 1 or at the same time the tax duplicate is certified to
    22  the municipality, whichever occurs first. Any duty placed on an
    23  assessor in accordance with this paragraph shall be in addition
    24  to those established in 53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 85 Subch. F and the act
    25  of June 27, 2006 (1st Sp.Sess. P.L.1873, No.1), known as the
    26  "Taxpayer Relief Act."
    27     (3)  Only homestead or farmstead properties identified in the
    28  certified report of the assessor obtained in any year shall be
    29  eligible to receive the exclusion for the next fiscal year.
    30     (4)  In the year in which a municipality adopts the ordinance
    20070S1063B2186                 - 60 -     

     1  evidencing its decision to implement a homestead and farmstead
     2  exclusion, the municipality shall notify by first class mail the
     3  owner of each parcel of residential property within the
     4  municipality which is not approved as a homestead or farmstead
     5  property or for which the approval is due to expire of the
     6  following:
     7     (i)  That the homestead and farmstead exclusion program is to
     8  be implemented to provide property tax relief as authorized by
     9  subsection (a)(4), beginning in the next fiscal year.
    10     (ii)  That only properties currently identified in the
    11  certified report of the assessor as having been approved in
    12  whole or in part as homestead or farmstead properties shall be
    13  entitled to an exclusion in the next fiscal year.
    14     (iii)  That owners of properties that have not been approved
    15  by the assessor as homestead or farmstead properties may file an
    16  application in accordance with 53 Pa.C.S. § 8584(a) by the
    17  annual application deadline of March 1 in order to qualify for
    18  the program in the year following the next fiscal year.
    19     (5)  The one-time notice required by paragraph (4) may be
    20  combined and made together with the annual notice required by
    21  paragraph (7) or with an annual notice by a coterminous
    22  political subdivision that has implemented a homestead and
    23  farmstead exclusion.
    24     (6)  In the year in which the initial decision to provide a
    25  homestead and farmstead exclusion is made and in each succeeding
    26  year, a municipality shall, by resolution, fix the dollar amount
    27  that is to be excluded from the assessed value of each homestead
    28  and farmstead property for the next fiscal year, consistent with
    29  53 Pa.C.S. §§ 8583 (relating to exclusion for homestead
    30  property) and 8586 (relating to limitations). This determination
    20070S1063B2186                 - 61 -     

     1  of the amount of the homestead and farmstead exclusion shall be
     2  made, after receipt of the tax duplicate and the certified
     3  report from the assessor, at the time the governing body of a
     4  municipality determines the municipal budget and estimates
     5  revenues to be derived from the local services tax for the next
     6  fiscal year.
     7     (7)  Each year after the year in which the municipality
     8  implements a homestead and farmstead exclusion and no later than
     9  one hundred twenty days prior to the application deadline, the
    10  municipality shall give notice of the existence of the
    11  municipality's homestead and farmstead exclusion program; the
    12  need to file an application in accordance with 53 Pa.C.S. §
    13  8584(a) in order to qualify for the program; and the application
    14  deadline, which, notwithstanding 53 Pa.C.S. § 8584(b), shall be
    15  December 15. This annual notice, which shall be given by first
    16  class mail, need only be sent to the owner of each parcel of
    17  residential property in the municipality which is not approved
    18  as homestead or farmstead property or for which the approval is
    19  due to expire.
    20     (c)  For purposes of this section, the term "municipality"
    21  does not include a school district.
    22     Section 23.  The act is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    23                             CHAPTER 5
    25  Section 501.  Definitions.
    26     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    27  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    28  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    29     "Article XIII tax officer."  The tax officer authorized by a
    30  political subdivision to collect income taxes levied prior to
    20070S1063B2186                 - 62 -     

     1  January 1, 2012.
     2     "Business."  An enterprise, activity, profession or any other
     3  undertaking of an unincorporated nature conducted for profit or
     4  ordinarily conducted for profit whether by a person,
     5  partnership, association or any other entity.
     6     "Business entity."  A sole proprietorship, corporation,
     7  joint-stock association or company, partnership, limited
     8  partnership, limited liability company, association, business
     9  trust, syndicate or other commercial or professional activity
    10  organized under the laws of this Commonwealth or any other
    11  jurisdiction.
    12     "Certified public accountant" or "public accountant."  A
    13  certified public accountant, public accountant or firm, as
    14  provided for in the act of May 26, 1947 (P.L.318, No.140), known
    15  as the CPA Law.
    16     "Claim."  A written demand for payment made by a tax officer
    17  or tax collection district for income taxes collected by another
    18  tax officer or tax collection district.
    19     "Corporation."  A corporation or joint stock association
    20  organized under the laws of the United States, the Commonwealth
    21  of Pennsylvania or any other state, territory, foreign country
    22  or dependency. The term shall include an entity which is
    23  classified as a corporation for Federal income tax purposes.
    24     "Current year."  The calendar year for which the tax is
    25  levied.
    26     "Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
    27  Development of the Commonwealth.
    28     "Domicile."  The place where a person lives and has a
    29  permanent home and to which the person has the intention of
    30  returning whenever absent. Actual residence is not necessarily
    20070S1063B2186                 - 63 -     

     1  domicile, for domicile is the fixed place of abode which, in the
     2  intention of the taxpayer, is permanent rather than transitory.
     3  Domicile is the voluntarily fixed place of habitation of a
     4  person, not for a mere special or limited purpose, but with the
     5  present intention of making a permanent home, until some event
     6  occurs to induce the person to adopt some other permanent home.
     7  In the case of a business, domicile is that place considered as
     8  the center of business affairs and the place where its functions
     9  are discharged.
    10     "Earned income."  The compensation as required to be reported
    11  to or as determined by the Department of Revenue under section
    12  303 of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax
    13  Reform Code of 1971, and rules and regulations promulgated under
    14  that section. Employee business expenses as reported to or
    15  determined by the Department of Revenue under Article III of the
    16  Tax Reform Code of 1971 shall constitute allowable deductions in
    17  determining earned income. The term does not include offsets for
    20     "Earned income and net profits tax."  The tax levied by a
    21  political subdivision on earned income and net profits.
    22     "Effective local services tax rate."  The actual local
    23  services tax rate levied by a political subdivision on taxpayers
    24  based on the total of all local services taxes imposed under
    25  this act and all other acts, adjusted under section 311.
    26     "Effective income tax rate."  The actual tax rate levied by a
    27  political subdivision on a taxpayer based on the total of all
    28  income taxes imposed under this act and all other acts, adjusted
    29  under section 311.
    30     "Employer."  A person, business entity or other entity,
    20070S1063B2186                 - 64 -     

     1  employing one or more persons for a salary, wage, commission or
     2  other compensation. The term includes the Commonwealth, a
     3  political subdivision and an instrumentality or public authority
     4  of either.
     5     "Income tax."  Except as set forth in section 511(b), an
     6  earned income and net profits tax, personal income tax or other
     7  tax that is assessed on the income of a taxpayer levied by a
     8  political subdivision under the authority of this act or any
     9  other act.
    10     "Joint tax collection committee."  An entity formed by two or
    11  more tax collection committees for the purpose of income tax
    12  collection in more than one tax collection district.
    13     "Local services tax."  A tax on individuals for the privilege
    14  of engaging in an occupation that is levied, assessed and
    15  collected only by the political subdivision of the taxpayer's
    16  place of employment under the authority of this act or any other
    17  act.
    18     "Municipality."  A city of the second class, city of the
    19  second class A, city of the third class, borough, town, township
    20  of the first class or township of the second class.
    21     "Net profits."  The net income from the operation of a
    22  business, other than a corporation, as required to be reported
    23  to or as determined by the Department of Revenue under section
    24  303 of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax
    25  Reform Code of 1971, and rules and regulations promulgated under
    26  that section. The term does not include income which:             <--
    27         (1)  is not paid for services provided; and
    28         (2)  is in the nature of earnings from an investment.
    29  UNDER ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPHS:                            <--
    30         (1)  INCOME WHICH:
    20070S1063B2186                 - 65 -     

     3         INVESTMENT.
     4         (2)  INCOME WHICH REPRESENTS:
     6             (II)  ANY GAIN ON THE SALE OF LIVESTOCK HELD 12
     9         OF A FARM.
    10     "Nonresident."  A person or business domiciled outside the
    11  political subdivision levying the tax.
    12     "Nonresident tax."  An income tax levied by a municipality on
    13  a nonresident.
    14     "Official register."  The part of the tax register that
    15  includes withholding tax rates as provided in section 511(a)(3).
    16     "Person."  A natural person.
    17     "Political subdivision."  A city of the second class, city of
    18  the second class A, city of the third class, borough, town,
    19  township of the first class, township of the second class,
    20  school district of the first class A, school district of the
    21  second class, school district of the third class, school
    22  district of the fourth class or municipal authority.
    23     "Preceding year."  The calendar year before the current year.
    24     "Private agency."  A business entity or person appointed as a
    25  tax officer by a tax collection committee.
    30     "Resident."  A person or business domiciled in the political
    20070S1063B2186                 - 66 -     

     1  subdivision levying the tax.
     2     "Resident tax."  An income tax levied by:
     3         (1)  a municipality on a resident of that municipality;
     4     or
     5         (2)  a school district on a resident of that school
     6     district.
     7     "Resident tax officer."  The tax officer administering and
     8  collecting income taxes for the tax collection district in which
     9  a taxpayer is domiciled.
    10     "Succeeding year."  The calendar year following the current
    11  year.
    12     "Tax bureau."  A public nonprofit entity established for the
    13  administration and collection of taxes.
    14     "Tax collection committee."  The committee established to
    15  govern each tax collection district for the purpose of income
    16  tax collection. The term shall include a joint tax collection
    17  committee.
    18     "Tax collection district."  A tax collection district
    19  established under section 504.
    20     "Tax officer."  A political subdivision, public employee, tax
    21  bureau, county, except a county of the first class, or private
    22  agency which administers and collects income taxes for one or
    23  more tax collection districts. Unless otherwise specifically
    24  provided, for purposes of the obligations of an employer, the
    25  term shall mean the tax officer for the tax collection district
    26  within which the employer is located, or, if an employer
    27  maintains workplaces in more than one district, the tax officer
    28  for each such district with respect to employees principally
    29  employed therein.
    30     "Tax records."  Tax returns, supporting schedules,
    20070S1063B2186                 - 67 -     

     1  correspondence with auditors or taxpayers, account books and
     2  other documents, including electronic records, obtained or
     3  created by the tax officer to administer or collect a tax under
     4  this act. The term includes documents required by section
     5  509(e). The term "electronic records" includes data and
     6  information inscribed on a tangible medium or stored in an
     7  electronic or other medium and which is retrievable in
     8  perceivable form.
     9     "Tax register."  A database of all county, municipal and
    10  school tax rates available on the Internet as provided in
    11  section 511(a)(1).
    12     "Taxable income."  Includes:
    13         (1)  In the case of an earned income and net profits tax,
    14     earned income and net profits.
    15         (2)  In the case of a personal income tax, income
    16     enumerated in section 303 of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6,
    17     No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, as reported to
    18     and determined by the Department of Revenue, subject to
    19     correction for fraud, evasion or error, as finally determined
    20     by the Commonwealth.
    21     "Taxpayer."  A person or business required under this act to
    22  file a return of an income tax or to pay an income tax.
    23     "Withholding tax."  An income tax or a local services tax
    24  levied by a political subdivision under the authority of this
    25  act or any other act, or any other tax levied by a municipality
    26  or school district for which employer withholding may be
    27  required under this act or any other act.
    28  Section 502.  Declaration and payment of income taxes.
    29     (a)  Application.--
    30         (1)  Income taxes shall be applicable to taxable income
    20070S1063B2186                 - 68 -     

     1     earned or received based on the method of accounting used by
     2     the taxpayer in the period beginning January 1 of the current
     3     year and ending December 31 of the current year; except that
     4     taxes imposed for the first time and changes to existing tax
     5     rates shall become effective on January 1 or July 1, as
     6     specified in the ordinance or resolution, and the tax shall
     7     continue in force on a calendar year or taxpayer fiscal year
     8     basis, without annual reenactment, unless the rate of the tax
     9     is subsequently changed.
    10         (2)  For a taxpayer whose fiscal year is not a calendar
    11     year, the tax officer shall establish deadlines for filing,
    12     reporting and payment of taxes which provide time periods
    13     equivalent to those provided for a calendar year taxpayer.
    14     (b)  Partial domicile.--The taxable income subject to tax of
    15  a taxpayer who is domiciled in a political subdivision for only
    16  a portion of the tax year shall be an amount equal to the
    17  taxpayer's taxable income multiplied by a fraction, the
    18  numerator of which is the number of calendar months during the
    19  tax year that the individual is domiciled in the political
    20  subdivision, and the denominator of which is 12. A taxpayer
    21  shall include in the numerator any calendar month during which
    22  the taxpayer is domiciled for more than half the calendar month.
    23  A day that a taxpayer's domicile changes shall be included as a
    24  day the individual is in the new domicile and not the old
    25  domicile. If the number of days in the calendar month in which
    26  the individual lived in the old and new domiciles are equal, the
    27  calendar month shall be included in calculating the number of
    28  months in the new domicile.
    29     (c)  Declaration and payment.--Except as provided in
    30  subsection (a)(2), taxpayers shall declare and pay income taxes
    20070S1063B2186                 - 69 -     

     1  as follows:
     2         (1)  Every taxpayer shall, on or before April 15 of the
     3     succeeding year, make and file with the resident tax officer,
     4     a final return showing the amount of taxable income received
     5     during the period beginning January 1 of the current year and
     6     ending December 31 of the current year, the total amount of
     7     tax due on the taxable income, the amount of tax paid, the
     8     amount of tax that has been withheld under section 512 and
     9     the balance of tax due. All amounts reported shall be rounded
    10     to the nearest whole dollar. At the time of filing the final
    11     return, the taxpayer shall pay the resident tax officer the
    12     balance of the tax due or shall make demand for refund or
    13     credit in the case of overpayment.
    14         (2)  (i)  Every taxpayer making net profits shall, by
    15         April 15 of the current year, make and file with the
    16         resident tax officer a declaration of the taxpayer's
    17         estimated net profits during the period beginning January
    18         1 and ending December 31 of the current year, and shall
    19         pay to the resident tax officer in four equal quarterly
    20         installments the tax due on the estimated net profits.
    21         The first installment shall be paid at the time of filing
    22         the declaration, and the other installments shall be paid
    23         on or before June 15 of the current year, September 15 of
    24         the current year and January 15 of the succeeding year,
    25         respectively.
    26             (ii)  Any taxpayer who first anticipates any net
    27         profit after April 15 of the current year, shall make and
    28         file the declaration required on or before June 15 of the
    29         current year, September 15 of the current year or
    30         December 31 of the current year, whichever date next
    20070S1063B2186                 - 70 -     

     1         follows the date on which the taxpayer first anticipates
     2         such net profit, and shall pay to the resident tax
     3         officer in equal installments the tax due on or before
     4         the quarterly payment dates that remain after the filing
     5         of the declaration.
     6             (iii)  Every taxpayer shall, on or before April 15 of
     7         the succeeding year, make and file with the resident tax
     8         officer a final return showing the amount of net profits
     9         earned or received based on the method of accounting used
    10         by the taxpayer during the period beginning January 1 of
    11         the current year, and ending December 31 of the current
    12         year, the total amount of tax due on the net profits and
    13         the total amount of tax paid. At the time of filing the
    14         final return, the taxpayer shall pay to the resident tax
    15         officer the balance of tax due or shall make demand for
    16         refund or credit in the case of overpayment. Any taxpayer
    17         may, in lieu of paying the fourth quarterly installment
    18         of the estimated tax, elect to make and file with the
    19         resident tax officer on or before January 31 of the
    20         succeeding year, the final return.
    21             (iv)  The department, in consultation with the
    22         Department of Revenue, shall provide by regulation for
    23         the filing of adjusted declarations of estimated net
    24         profits and for the payments of the estimated tax in
    25         cases where a taxpayer who has filed the declaration
    26         required under this subsection anticipates additional net
    27         profits not previously declared or has overestimated
    28         anticipated net profits.
    29             (v)  Every taxpayer who discontinues business prior
    30         to December 31 of the current year, shall, within 30 days
    20070S1063B2186                 - 71 -     

     1         after the discontinuance of business, file a final return
     2         as required under this paragraph and pay the tax due.
     3         (3)  Every taxpayer who receives any other taxable income
     4     not subject to withholding under section 512(3) shall make
     5     and file with the resident tax officer a quarterly return on
     6     or before April 15 of the current year, June 15 of the
     7     current year, September 15 of the current year, and January
     8     15 of the succeeding year, setting forth the aggregate amount
     9     of taxable income not subject to withholding by the taxpayer
    10     during the three-month periods ending March 31 of the current
    11     year, June 30 of the current year, September 30 of the
    12     current year, and December 31 of the current year,
    13     respectively, and subject to income tax, together with such
    14     other information as the department may require. Every
    15     taxpayer filing a return shall, at the time of filing the
    16     return, pay to the resident tax officer the amount of income
    17     tax due. The department shall establish criteria under which
    18     the tax officer may waive the quarterly return and payment of
    19     the income tax and permit a taxpayer to file the receipt of
    20     taxable income on the taxpayer's annual return and pay the
    21     income tax due on or before April 15 of the succeeding year.
    22  Section 503.  (Reserved).
    23  Section 504.  Tax collection districts.
    24     (a)  General rule.--A tax collection district is established
    25  in each county, except a county of the first class or second      <--
    26  class, for purposes of collecting income taxes. The geographic
    27  boundaries of a tax collection district shall be coterminous
    28  with the county in which it is created, except as provided in
    29  this section. A school district located in more than one county
    30  shall be included in the tax collection district with the
    20070S1063B2186                 - 72 -     

     1  greatest share of the school district's population based on the
     2  2000 Federal Decennial Census. A municipality shall be included
     3  in the tax collection district in which its school district is
     4  located. If a municipality is located in more than one school
     5  district, each of which is in a different tax collection
     6  district, the portion of the municipality in each school
     7  district shall be included in the tax collection district for
     8  that school district. The department shall establish a list of
     9  all tax collection districts and the political subdivisions in
    10  each tax collection district. By January 16, 2009, the list
    11  shall be transmitted to the Legislative Reference Bureau for
    12  publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin; and by January 28,
    13  2009, the list shall be made available on the department's
    14  Internet website.
    15     (b)  Counties of the second class.--Each county of the second
    16  class with a population of over 1,000,000 persons, and which
    17  also contains a city of the second class, shall be divided into
    18  four tax collection districts, each to be as consistent as
    19  practicable with the general rules pertaining to municipalities
    20  and school districts contained in subsection (a), and to be
    21  further established as follows:
    22         (1)  One district shall be comprised of a city of the
    23     second class and any municipality and school district
    24     geographically located within the boundaries of such city.
    25         (2)  The remainder of the county shall be divided into
    26     three tax collection districts of relatively equal population
    27     which contain coterminous municipalities and school districts
    28     that are bordered by the county boundaries and by
    29     commercially navigable rivers which are at least 100 miles in
    30     length.
    20070S1063B2186                 - 73 -     

     1         (3)  The department shall develop a map and a list of all
     2     tax collection districts in each county of the second class
     3     and the political subdivisions in each tax collection
     4     district. By January 16, 2009, the list shall be transmitted
     5     to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the
     6     Pennsylvania Bulletin and by January 28, 2009, the list shall
     7     be made available on the department's Internet website.
    17  SECTION 505(M).
    18  Section 505.  Tax collection committees.
    19     (a)  General rule.--Each SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF          <--
    20  SUBSECTION (M), EACH tax collection district shall be governed
    21  by a tax collection committee constituted and operated as set
    22  forth in this section. Meetings of the tax collection committee
    23  shall be conducted under 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to open
    24  meetings) and the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212),
    25  referred to as the Right-to-Know Law.
    26     (a.1)  Duties.--A tax collection committee has the following
    27  duties:
    28         (1)  To keep records of all votes and other actions taken
    29     by the tax collection committee.
    30         (2)  To appoint and oversee a tax officer for the tax
    20070S1063B2186                 - 74 -     

     1     collection district as provided in section 507(a).
     2         (3)  To set the compensation of the tax officer under
     3     section 507(c).
     4         (4)  To require, hold, set and review the tax officer's
     5     bond required by section 509(d).
     6         (5)  To establish the manner and extent of financing of
     7     the tax collection committee.
     8         (6)  To adopt, amend and repeal bylaws for the management
     9     of its affairs consistent with subsection (f) and regulations
    10     under section 508.
    11         (7)  To adopt, amend and repeal policies and procedures
    12     consistent with the regulations under section 508 for the
    13     administration of income taxes within the tax collection
    14     district. The procedures shall supersede any contrary
    15     resolutions or ordinances adopted by a political subdivision.
    16     This authority shall not be construed to permit a tax
    17     collection committee to change the rate or subject of any
    18     tax.
    19     (a.2)  Powers.--A tax collection committee has the following
    20  powers:
    21         (1)  To adopt, amend and repeal resolutions to carry out
    22     its powers and duties under this section.
    23         (2)  To create a tax bureau and to provide for its
    24     operation and administration. The department shall, upon
    25     request of a tax collection committee, provide technical
    26     assistance to the tax collection committee in the creation of
    27     a tax bureau.
    28         (3)  To enter into contracts as necessary.
    29         (4)  To appoint a director for the tax collection
    30     committee and other employees as necessary and to fix their
    20070S1063B2186                 - 75 -     

     1     compensation.
     2         (5)  To retain counsel, auditors and other consultants or
     3     advisors to render professional services as necessary.
     4         (6)  To acquire, lease, rent or dispose of real or
     5     personal property.
     6         (7)  To enter into agreements with one or more other tax
     7     collection committees to form a joint tax collection
     8     committee. Such agreements may assign to a joint tax
     9     collection committee some or all of the powers and duties
    10     enumerated in subsection (a.1) and this subsection with
    11     respect to all tax collection districts from which the joint
    12     tax collection committee is formed.
    13         (8)  To sue and be sued, and complain and defend in all
    14     courts.
    15         (9)  To borrow money, accept grants, incur indebtedness
    16     and issue notes, debentures and other obligations to evidence
    17     borrowing for the purposes for which it is organized in an
    18     amount not to exceed 50% of the total revenues anticipated in
    19     the following fiscal year.
    20     (b)  Delegates.--
    21         (1)  The governing body of each political subdivision
    22     within a tax collection district that imposed an income tax
    23     prior to July 1, 2009, shall appoint one voting delegate and
    24     one or more alternates to represent the political subdivision
    25     on the tax collection committee by September 15, 2009. The
    26     governing body of each political subdivision that after June
    27     30, 2009, imposes an income tax for the first time shall
    28     appoint one voting delegate and one or more alternates to
    29     represent the political subdivision on the tax collection
    30     committee. A voting delegate or alternate shall serve at the
    20070S1063B2186                 - 76 -     

     1     pleasure of the governing body of the political subdivision.
     2         (2)  The governing body of each political subdivision
     3     within a tax collection district that prior to July 1, 2009,
     4     does not impose an income tax may appoint one nonvoting
     5     delegate and one or more alternates to represent the
     6     political subdivision on the tax collection committee. If,
     7     after June 30, 2009, the political subdivision imposes an
     8     income tax, the nonvoting delegate shall become a voting
     9     delegate to represent the political subdivision on the tax
    10     collection committee.
    11     (b.1)  Quorum.--Unless otherwise provided for in the bylaws
    12  of a tax collection committee, a majority of the delegates of a
    13  tax collection committee appointed under subsection (b)(1)
    14  constitutes a quorum. A quorum must be present in order to take
    15  official action.
    16     (b.2)  Lack of quorum AT FIRST MEETING.--If a quorum is not    <--
    17  present at the first meeting, the chair of the governing body of
    18  the county in which the tax collection district is located or
    19  the chair's designee shall reschedule the meeting within three
    20  weeks. The chair or the chair's designee shall provide, by first
    21  class mail, notice of the rescheduled meeting to the department
    22  and to the governing bodies of all political subdivisions in the
    23  tax collection district on a form prescribed by the department.
    24  The form shall include the date, time and location of the
    25  rescheduled meeting and a notice that the delegates present at
    26  the rescheduled meeting shall constitute a quorum. The
    27  rescheduled meeting shall be deemed to be the first meeting for
    28  purposes of this chapter.
    29     (c)  Voting rights.--
    30         (1)  Only a delegate appointed by the governing body of a
    20070S1063B2186                 - 77 -     

     1     political subdivision may represent a political subdivision
     2     at a tax collection committee meeting. If a delegate cannot
     3     be present for a tax collection committee meeting, the
     4     alternate appointed under this section may represent the
     5     political subdivision. Each delegate or alternate shall be
     6     entitled to vote upon any action authorized or required of
     7     the tax collection committee under this chapter.
     8         (2)  For the first meeting of the tax collection
     9     committee, actions of the tax collection committee shall be
    10     determined by a majority vote of those delegates present.
    11     Votes shall be weighted among the governing bodies of the
    12     member political subdivisions according to the following
    13     formula: 50% shall be allocated according to the proportional
    14     population of each political subdivision in proportion to the
    15     population of each tax collection district as determined by
    16     the most recent Federal decennial census data and 50% shall
    17     be weighted in direct proportion to income tax revenues
    18     collected in each political subdivision, based on each
    19     political subdivision's most recent annual financial report
    20     submitted to the department or the Department of Education.
    21     For subsequent meetings, votes shall be taken in accordance
    22     with this paragraph unless the bylaws provide otherwise.
    23         (3)  No later than September 1, 2009, the department
    24     shall calculate the weighted vote for each political
    25     subdivision within each tax collection district based on the
    26     formula specified in paragraph (2). By July 1 of the year
    27     following the first meeting, and of each year thereafter,
    28     each tax collection committee shall recalculate the weighted
    29     vote unless the bylaws provide for a more frequent
    30     recalculation.
    20070S1063B2186                 - 78 -     

     1         (4)  If a political subdivision within the tax collection
     2     district imposes an income tax for the first time, the tax
     3     collection committee shall recalculate the weighted vote or
     4     other method of voting under the bylaws.
     5     (d)  First meeting schedule.--The first meeting of the tax
     6  collection committee in each tax collection district shall be on
     7  or before November 15, 2009. The chair of the county
     8  commissioners or the chief executive of the county in which the
     9  tax collection district is primarily located or the chair's
    10  designee shall schedule the first meeting of the tax collection
    11  committee and shall provide, at least 21 days before the
    12  meeting, public notice, as required by 65 Pa.C.S. § 703
    13  (relating to definitions), and notice by first class mail by
    14  September 15, 2009, to the department and to the governing body
    15  of each political subdivision located in the tax collection
    16  district.
    17     (e)  First meeting agenda.--The chair of the county
    18  commissioners or the chair's designee or the chief executive of
    19  the county or his designee shall convene the first meeting of
    20  the tax collection committee, conduct the meeting and record all
    21  votes until a chairperson, vice chairperson and secretary are
    22  elected by the tax collection committee. The voting delegates of
    23  the tax collection committee shall elect a chairperson and a
    24  vice chairperson, each of whom must be duly appointed voting
    25  delegates, and a secretary who need not be a duly appointed
    26  voting delegate. The chairperson shall schedule meetings, set
    27  the agenda, conduct meetings, record votes and perform other
    28  duties as determined by the tax collection committee. The
    29  secretary shall maintain the minutes and records of the tax
    30  collection committee and provide public notices and all notices
    20070S1063B2186                 - 79 -     

     1  to each delegate and alternate appointed to the tax collection
     2  committee.
     3     (f)  Bylaws.--No later than April 15, 2010, the delegates of
     4  each tax collection committee shall adopt bylaws to govern the
     5  tax collection committee and notify the department within 30
     6  days of adoption. The department shall provide sample bylaws to
     7  the tax collection committee. Written notice shall be provided
     8  to each delegate and alternate delegate that the adoption or
     9  amendment of bylaws will be considered at a meeting. Notice
    10  shall include copies of the proposed bylaws or amendments. The
    11  bylaws for each tax collection committee shall provide for the
    12  following:
    13         (1)  Rules of procedure, quorum requirements, voting
    14     rights and provisions for managing the affairs of the tax
    15     collection committee.
    16         (2)  A list of officers, their terms and powers and a
    17     process for their election.
    18         (3)  Meetings, including special meetings.
    19         (4)  The process for adopting and amending bylaws.
    20         (5)  The procedure for the addition of new political
    21     subdivisions to the tax collection committee.
    22     (g)  Officers.--Upon the election of any new officers, the
    23  tax collection committee shall notify the department within 30
    24  days and shall provide the department with the name and address
    25  of each officer.
    26     (h)  Audits of taxes received and disbursed.--
    27         (1)  By the end of each calendar year, the tax collection
    28     committee shall provide for at least one examination for each
    29     calendar year of the books, accounts, financial statements,
    30     compliance reports and records of the tax officer by a
    20070S1063B2186                 - 80 -     

     1     certified public accountant or public accountant approved by
     2     the tax collection committee. The examination shall include
     3     an audit of all records relating to the cash basis receipt
     4     and disbursement of all public money by the tax officer, a
     5     reconciliation of the monthly reports required by section
     6     509(b), an analysis of the bond amount under section 509(d)
     7     and an analysis of the collection fees charged to the tax
     8     collection committee. In the case of a private agency, the
     9     examination shall not include payroll and other proprietary
    10     information. The examination shall be conducted according to
    11     generally accepted governmental auditing standards.
    12         (2)  The certified public accountant or public accountant
    13     shall issue a report, in a format prescribed by the
    14     department, to the tax collection committee, which shall
    15     include an auditor's opinion letter, a financial statement, a
    16     reconciliation of the monthly reports required by section
    17     509(b) with the receipts and disbursements, a summary of
    18     collection fees charged to the tax collection committee, a
    19     report on the tax officer's compliance with this act, a list
    20     of any findings of noncompliance with this act and a copy of
    21     a management letter if one is issued by the auditor. If there
    22     are findings of noncompliance, a copy of the report shall be
    23     filed with the Department of the Auditor General and the
    24     department. A copy of the report shall be filed with all
    25     political subdivisions within the tax collection district and
    26     the department on or before September 1 of the succeeding
    27     year. The department may make available on its Internet
    28     website summary data from the reports filed under this
    29     subsection.
    30     (i)  Applicability of statutes.--Each tax collection
    20070S1063B2186                 - 81 -     

     1  committee shall be subject to the provisions of the following:
     2         (1)  The Right-to-Know Law.
     3         (2)  The act of July 19, 1957 (P.L.1017, No.451), known
     4     as the State Adverse Interest Act.
     5         (3)  65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to open meetings).
     6         (4)  65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 11 (relating to ethics standards and
     7     financial disclosure).
     8     (j)  Appeals board.--
     9         (1)  By June 1, 2010, each tax collection committee shall
    10     establish an appeals board comprised of a minimum of three
    11     delegates OR, IN THE CASE OF A TAX COLLECTION COMMITTEE        <--
    14         (2)  A determination of the tax officer relating to the
    15     assessment, collection, refund, withholding, remittance or
    16     distribution of income taxes may be appealed to the appeals
    17     board by a taxpayer, employer, political subdivision or
    18     another tax collection district.
    19         (3)  All appeals, other than those brought under
    20     subsection (k), shall be conducted in a manner consistent
    21     with 53 Pa.C.S. §§ 8431 (relating to petitions), 8432
    22     (relating to practice and procedure), 8433 (relating to
    23     decisions), 8434 (relating to appeals) and 8435 (relating to
    24     equitable and legal principles to apply).
    25         (4)  A tax collection committee may enter into agreement
    26     with another tax collection committee to establish a joint
    27     appeals board.
    28         (5)  No member of an appeals board or joint appeals board
    29     may be a tax officer or an employee, agent or attorney for a
    30     tax officer.
    20070S1063B2186                 - 82 -     

     1         (6)  An appeals board appointed pursuant to this section
     2     shall constitute a joint local tax appeals board as provided
     3     for in 53 Pa.C.S. § 8430 (relating to administrative appeals)
     4     for purposes of taxes collected under the supervision of the
     5     appointing tax collection committee.
     6     (k)  Mediation and appeals of tax collector actions.--
     7         (1)  Any dispute among the affected parties involving a
     8     10% or greater deviation from taxes received in the previous
     9     tax year shall be subject to mandatory mediation under this
    10     section, in accordance with regulations and guidelines to be
    11     adopted by the department. A dispute involving less than the
    12     10% threshold may be the subject of voluntary mediation in
    13     accordance with regulations and guidelines to be adopted by
    14     the department.
    15         (2)  One or more affected political subdivisions shall
    16     give written notice to the tax collection committee and the
    17     department of its desire to submit the disputed matter to
    18     mediation by the department. Thereafter, the affected
    19     political subdivisions, tax collection committee and tax
    20     officer shall submit to mediation to which the following
    21     provisions shall apply:
    22             (i)  Within 20 days of submission of the written
    23         notice, the affected political subdivisions, tax
    24         collection committee and tax officer shall each submit to
    25         the mediator and each other party to the mediation a
    26         statement of no more than five pages, stating the
    27         position of such party as to the disputed and undisputed
    28         facts and issues in the case and whether prior settlement
    29         negotiations have occurred.
    30             (ii)  Within 30 days of submission of the written
    20070S1063B2186                 - 83 -     

     1         notice, the department shall determine whether the
     2         dispute meets the threshold conditions for mandatory
     3         mediation under paragraph (1), which decision shall be
     4         final and not appealable. Notice of such determination
     5         shall be given in writing to all affected parties.
     6             (iii)  If the mediator determines that the dispute
     7         meets the threshold conditions of paragraph (1), a
     8         mediation shall be commenced in accordance with
     9         procedures established under guidelines adopted by the
    10         department. The mediation efforts shall be completed no
    11         later than 30 days following the notice that the dispute
    12         has met the threshold requirement of paragraph (1),
    13         unless the time period is extended by mutual agreement of
    14         the parties to the mediation. The parties shall have any
    15         official authorized to settle the matter on their behalf
    16         available at the mediation. At the discretion of the
    17         mediator, the mediation may be held via telephonic
    18         communication or in person.
    19             (iv)  The mediation sessions shall be closed to the
    20         public and shall not be subject to the requirements of 65
    21         Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to open meetings).
    22             (v)  No offers or statements made in a mediation
    23         session, excluding the final written settlement
    24         agreement, if any, shall be admissible as evidence in any
    25         subsequent judicial or administrative proceedings in
    26         accordance with the provisions of 42 Pa.C.S. § 5949
    27         (relating to confidential mediation communications and
    28         documents).
    29             (vi)  If a settlement is reached during the
    30         mediation, the department shall prepare a written
    20070S1063B2186                 - 84 -     

     1         settlement agreement and obtain all necessary signatures
     2         of the parties within 30 days of the agreement of the
     3         parties to settle the issue. The settlement agreement
     4         shall be binding upon the parties to the agreement. Such
     5         settlement agreement shall be subject to the provisions
     6         of the Right-to-Know Law. Such agreements shall be
     7         admissible as evidence in any subsequent judicial or
     8         administrative proceedings in accordance with the
     9         provisions of the Pennsylvania Rules of Court, the
    10         Pennsylvania Rules of Evidence and 42 Pa.C.S. § 5949.
    11             (vii)  If the mediation has not resulted in a written
    12         agreement signed by the parties as provided in
    13         subparagraph (vi), the mediation shall be deemed to have
    14         been unsuccessful unless all parties and the department
    15         agree in writing to extend the mediation. The mediator
    16         shall have the right to determine that the mediation has
    17         been unsuccessful and to terminate the mediation if the
    18         parties have not executed a settlement agreement by the
    19         ending date of the extension, or any further extension
    20         agreeable to the affected parties and the mediator.
    21             (viii)  Costs incurred by the department for a
    22         mandatory mediation under this section shall be equitably
    23         assessed by the department against the parties to the
    24         mediation. The assessment of costs shall be final and not
    25         appealable.
    26         (3)  The department shall adopt guidelines to further
    27     provide for the mandatory and voluntary mediation processes
    28     in this subsection.
    29     (l)  Annual budget required.--
    30         (1)  Each tax collection committee shall adopt an annual
    20070S1063B2186                 - 85 -     

     1     budget providing for compensation of the tax officer and
     2     other expenses of operating the tax collection district.
     3         (2)  The expenses of operating the tax collection
     4     district shall be shared among and paid by all political
     5     subdivisions within the tax collection district that are
     6     represented by voting delegates on the tax collection
     7     committee and shall be weighted in direct proportion to
     8     income tax revenues collected in each participating political
     9     subdivision based on the political subdivision's most recent
    10     annual audit report required under this section.
    20070S1063B2186                 - 86 -     

     2             (I)  SUBSECTION (B).
     3             (II)  SUBSECTION (B.1).
     4             (III)  SUBSECTION (B.2).
     5             (IV)  SUBSECTION (C).
     6             (V)  SUBSECTION (D).
     7             (VI)  SUBSECTION (E).
    11             (VIII)  SUBSECTION (L)(2).
    15     SUBSECTION:
    18         (A.1)(6).
    21         SUBSECTION (A.1)(7).
    20070S1063B2186                 - 87 -     

    28  Section 506.  Tax officer.
    29     (a)  Collection and administration.--Notwithstanding any
    30  other provision of law to the contrary, income taxes shall be
    20070S1063B2186                 - 88 -     

     1  collected and administered by one tax officer in each tax
     2  collection district appointed under section 507(a). Two or more
     3  tax collection districts may appoint the same tax officer. If
     4  two or more tax collection districts form a joint tax collection
     5  committee, the joint tax collection committee shall appoint a
     6  single tax officer.
     7     (b)  Standards.--A tax collection committee may not appoint a
     8  tax officer that:
     9         (1)  has been convicted of a felony involving fraud,
    10     extortion or dishonesty in any jurisdiction;
    11         (2)  has engaged in conduct which significantly adversely
    12     reflects on the applicant's credibility, honesty or
    13     integrity;
    14         (3)  is unable to obtain the bond required by section
    15     509(d);
    16         (4)  has not satisfied the mandatory education
    17     requirements under section 508(e); or
    18         (5)  does not meet the qualifications and requirements
    19     established by the department under section 508(f).
    20  Section 507.  Appointment of tax officer.
    21     (a)  Appointment.--By September 15, 2010, each tax collection
    22  committee shall appoint a tax officer by resolution and shall
    23  notify the department of the appointment, including the tax
    24  officer's name, address and telephone number and any other
    25  information required by the department within ten days of the
    26  appointment. The name, telephone number and address of the tax
    27  officer appointed shall be added to the official register and
    28  shall be effective for the assessment, collection and
    29  administration of income taxes levied, imposed and collected in
    30  fiscal years beginning on and after January 1, 2012. If the
    20070S1063B2186                 - 89 -     

     1  position of tax officer becomes vacant, the tax collection
     2  committee shall appoint a new tax officer by resolution.
     3     (b)  Court selection.--
     4         (1)  If a tax collection committee has not appointed a
     5     tax officer under subsection (a) or if a tax officer ceases
     6     to hold office and a successor has not been appointed within
     7     30 days of the vacancy, the tax collection committee shall
     8     immediately notify the department and shall submit the names
     9     of at least two nominees for the position of tax officer to
    10     the court of common pleas in the county in which the tax
    11     collection district is located. The court shall select a tax
    12     officer from among the nominees submitted by the tax
    13     collection committee.
    14         (2)  If the tax collection committee fails to submit
    15     nominees in accordance with this subsection, any political
    16     subdivision within the tax collection district may, after
    17     notifying the department, petition the court to select a tax
    18     officer. The court may provide for other persons to submit
    19     nominations for the position of tax officer. The court may
    20     select a tax officer from among the nominees.
    21         (3)  In the event that a tax officer is to be selected by
    22     the court under this subsection, the department shall inform
    23     the court of the time frame by which an appointment of a tax
    24     officer is needed and of upcoming deadlines which the tax
    25     officer must meet in order to timely fulfill the duties of
    26     appointment.
    27         (4)  Upon the selection of a tax officer by the court,
    28     the tax collection committee shall appoint the person
    29     selected.
    30     (c)  Compensation.--The tax officer shall receive reasonable
    20070S1063B2186                 - 90 -     

     1  compensation for services and expenses as determined by the tax
     2  collection committee. At the discretion of the tax collection
     3  committee, the tax officer may be permitted to withhold the
     4  amount of the tax officer's compensation from income taxes
     5  collected, if the monthly reports required by section 509(b)
     6  submitted by the tax officer include an accounting for all
     7  compensation withheld.
     8     (d)  Written agreement.--Except when a tax collection
     9  committee establishes a tax bureau under section 505(a.2)(2),
    10  all appointments of a tax officer shall be made pursuant to a
    11  written agreement between the tax officer and the tax collection
    12  committee. The agreement shall be approved by the committee by
    13  resolution.
    27  Section 508.  Powers and duties of the department.
    28     (a)  Additional powers.--In addition to the powers and duties
    29  provided for in this act, the department, in consultation with
    30  the Department of Revenue, shall prescribe standardized forms,
    20070S1063B2186                 - 91 -     

     1  reports, notices, returns and schedules and shall promulgate
     2  regulations as necessary to carry out the provisions of this
     3  act.
     4     (b)  Temporary regulations.--The department may promulgate
     5  temporary regulations, for a period of two years, as necessary,
     6  which shall be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The
     7  temporary regulations promulgated by the department shall expire
     8  no later than three years following the effective date of this
     9  part or upon promulgation of regulations as generally provided
    10  by law. The temporary regulations shall not be subject to any of
    11  the following:
    12         (1)  Sections 201, 202, 203 and 204 of the act of July
    13     31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the Commonwealth
    14     Documents Law.
    15         (2)  The act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as
    16     the Regulatory Review Act.
    17     (c)  Interim regulations.--Until promulgation of the
    18  temporary or permanent regulations under this section, rules and
    19  regulations in use by tax officers under the former Division
    20  V(c) of section 13 shall remain valid.
    21     (d)  Departmental study.--
    22         (1)  Immediately upon the earliest effective date of this
    23     section, the department shall commence a study of existing
    24     local earned income tax collection methods and practices
    25     within this Commonwealth, with particular attention to the
    26     practices and methods of previously existing cooperative
    27     collection bureaus established by one or more political
    28     subdivisions, for the purpose of identifying, collecting and
    29     comparing those practices, methods, structures, procedures,
    30     regulations, software, information systems, governance
    20070S1063B2186                 - 92 -     

     1     alternatives, risk management strategies and other
     2     characteristics that appear to promote the greatest
     3     likelihood of effectiveness, cost efficiency, loss prevention
     4     and willing intergovernmental cooperation.
     5         (2)  No later than December 31, 2009, the department
     6     shall furnish each tax collection committee a report of the
     7     findings and recommendations resulting from the study,
     8     including sample bylaws, procedures, regulations, forms,
     9     agreements, requests for proposals for the selection of tax
    10     officers, requests for proposals for the procurement of
    11     software systems and other critical systems and other
    12     appropriate samples.
    13         (3)  As a part of the study, the department shall also
    14     investigate and report upon the feasibility of contracting on
    15     a Statewide basis for the development and/or procurement of
    16     appropriate software systems that may be adopted and
    17     purchased by county tax collection districts or their
    18     appointed tax officers through the Commonwealth's cooperative
    19     purchasing programs.
    20         (4)  Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to
    21     authorize the department to compel the disclosure of
    22     information that is confidential, proprietary or a trade
    23     secret.
    24     (e)  Mandatory education for tax officers.--Persons and
    25  entities seeking or maintaining appointment as tax officers
    26  shall complete mandatory education as a prerequisite for their
    27  appointment and, for continuing appointment, not less than
    28  annually. The department shall provide the mandatory education
    29  and shall adopt regulations, guidelines and procedures for the
    30  mandatory education sufficient to meet the requirements of this
    20070S1063B2186                 - 93 -     

     1  act.
     2     (f)  Establishment of qualifications and requirements.--
     3         (1)  The department shall, by regulation, establish the
     4     qualifications and requirements a tax officer must meet prior
     5     to being appointed and must meet for continuing appointment.
     6         (2)  A tax collection committee may establish additional
     7     qualifications and requirements a tax officer must meet prior
     8     to being appointed and must meet for continuing appointment.
     9  Section 509.  Powers and duties of tax officer.
    10     (a)  Tax collection.--In addition to any other power and duty
    11  conferred upon a tax officer in this act, it shall be the duty
    12  of the tax officer:
    13         (1)  To collect, reconcile, administer and enforce income
    14     taxes imposed on residents and nonresidents of each political
    15     subdivision included in the tax collection district.
    16         (2)  To receive and distribute income taxes and to
    17     enforce withholding by employers located in the tax
    18     collection district.
    19         (3)  To receive income taxes distributed by tax officers
    20     for other tax collection districts.
    21         (4)  To distribute income taxes to political subdivisions
    22     as required by section 513.
    23         (5)  To comply with all regulations adopted by the
    24     department under this act and all resolutions, policies and
    25     procedures adopted by the tax collection committee.
    26         (6)  To invest all income taxes in the custody of the tax
    27     officer in authorized investments, subject to the approval of
    28     the tax collection committee. The tax officer shall observe
    29     the standard of care that would be observed by a prudent
    30     person dealing with property of another. For the purposes of
    20070S1063B2186                 - 94 -     

     1     this paragraph, the term "authorized investment" shall
     2     include all of the following:
     3             (i)  Short-term obligations of the United States
     4         Government or its agencies or instrumentalities which are
     5         backed by the full faith and credit of the United States
     6         or are rated in the highest category by a nationally
     7         recognized statistical rating organization.
     8             (ii)  Deposits in savings accounts, time deposits,
     9         share accounts or certificates of deposit of
    10         institutions, insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
    11         Corporation or the National Credit Union Share Insurance
    12         Fund, or their successor agencies, to the extent that the
    13         accounts are insured and, for the amount above the
    14         insured maximum, that collateral, free from other liens,
    15         for the amount is pledged by the depository institution.
    16             (iii)  Deposits in investment pools established by
    17         the State Treasurer or established by local governments
    18         pursuant to 53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 23 Subch. A (relating to
    19         intergovernmental cooperation) and related statutes,
    20         provided that the investment pools are rated in the
    21         highest category by a nationally recognized statistical
    22         rating organization.
    23             (iv)  Repurchase agreements which are fully
    24         collateralized by obligations of the United States
    25         Government or its agencies or instrumentalities, which
    26         are free from other liens and backed by the full faith
    27         and credit of the United States or are rated in the
    28         highest category by a nationally recognized statistical
    29         rating organization.
    30         (7)  To distribute income generated from investments
    20070S1063B2186                 - 95 -     

     1     authorized under paragraph (6) as determined by the tax
     2     collection committee.
     3     (b)  Monthly reports.--The tax officer shall, within 20 days
     4  after the end of each month, provide a written report, on forms
     5  prescribed by the department, to the secretary of the tax
     6  collection committee and to the secretary of each political
     7  subdivision in the tax collection district for which taxes were
     8  collected during the previous month. The report shall include a
     9  breakdown of all income taxes, income generated from investments
    10  under subsection (a)(6), penalties, costs and other money
    11  received, collected, expended and distributed for each political
    12  subdivision served by the tax officer and of all money
    13  distributed to tax officers for other tax collection districts.
    14     (c)  Overpayments.--A tax officer shall refund, under 53
    15  Pa.C.S. §§ 8425 (relating to refunds of overpayments) and 8426
    16  (relating to interest on overpayment), on petition of and proof
    17  by the taxpayer, income taxes paid in excess of income taxes
    18  rightfully due.
    19     (d)  Bonds.--Prior to initiating any official duties, each
    20  tax officer shall give and acknowledge a bond to the appointing
    21  tax collection committee as follows:
    22         (1)  The tax collection committee shall fix the amount of
    23     the bond in an amount equal to the maximum amount of taxes
    24     that may be in the possession of the tax officer at any given
    25     time or an amount sufficient, in combination with fiscal
    26     controls, insurance and other risk management and loss
    27     prevention measures used by the tax collection district, to
    28     secure the financial responsibility of the tax officer in
    29     accordance with guidelines adopted by the department. The
    30     amount of the bond shall be revised annually by the tax
    20070S1063B2186                 - 96 -     

     1     collection committee based upon the annual examination
     2     required under section 505(h).
     3         (2)  Each bond shall be joint and several, with one or
     4     more corporate sureties, which shall be surety companies
     5     authorized to do business in this Commonwealth and licensed
     6     by the Insurance Department.
     7         (3)  Each bond shall be conditioned upon the completion
     8     of all of the following by the tax officer's employees and
     9     appointees:
    10             (i)  The faithful execution of all duties required of
    11         the tax officer.
    12             (ii)  The just and faithful accounting or payment
    13         over of all moneys and balances paid to, received or held
    14         by the tax officer by virtue of the office in accordance
    15         with law.
    16             (iii)  The delivery of all tax records or other
    17         official items held in right as the tax officer to the
    18         tax officer's successor in office.
    19         (4)  Each bond shall be taken in the name of the tax
    20     collection district and shall be for the use of the tax
    21     collection district appointing the tax officer, and for the
    22     use of any other political subdivision or tax collection
    23     district for which income taxes shall be collected or
    24     distributed in case of a breach of any conditions of the bond
    25     by the acts or neglect of the principal on the bond.
    26         (5)  A tax collection committee or any political
    27     subdivision may sue upon the bond for the payment or
    28     distribution of income taxes.
    29         (6)  Each bond shall contain the name of the surety
    30     company bound on the bond.
    20070S1063B2186                 - 97 -     

     1         (7)  The tax collection committee may, upon cause shown
     2     and due notice to the tax officer and the tax officer's
     3     sureties, require or allow the substitution or the addition
     4     of a surety company acceptable to the tax collection
     5     committee for the purpose of making the bond sufficient in
     6     amount, without releasing the sureties first approved from
     7     any accrued liability or previous action on the bond.
     8         (8)  The tax collection committee shall designate the
     9     custodian of the bond.
    10         (9)  The tax officer shall file copies of all bonds in
    11     effect with each political subdivision in the tax collection
    12     district.
    13         (10)  A copy of all bonds in effect shall be made
    14     available upon request and at no cost to the department or to
    15     a tax collection district or political subdivision seeking
    16     payment or distribution of income taxes authorized by this
    17     act.
    18     (e)  Records.--It shall be the duty of the tax officer to
    19  keep a record showing the amount of income taxes received from
    20  each taxpayer or other tax officer, the date of receipt, the
    21  amount and date of all other moneys received or distributed and
    22  any other information required by the department. All tax
    23  records shall be the property of the political subdivision and
    24  the tax collection district in which the taxes were collected.
    25  The tax collection district and tax officer shall retain all tax
    26  records as directed by the tax collection committee and, when
    27  applicable, in accordance with retention and disposition
    28  schedules established by the Local Government Records Committee
    29  of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission under 53
    30  Pa.C.S. Ch. 13 Subch. F (relating to records). Tax records under
    20070S1063B2186                 - 98 -     

     1  this subsection may be retained electronically as permitted by
     2  law.
     3     (f)  Employer and taxpayer audits.--
     4         (1)  In order to verify the accuracy of any income tax
     5     declaration or return or, if no declaration or return was
     6     filed, to ascertain the income tax due, the tax officer and
     7     the tax officer's designated employees may examine or audit
     8     the records pertaining to income taxes due of any of the
     9     following:
    10             (i)  An employer.
    11             (ii)  A taxpayer.
    12             (iii)  A person whom the tax officer reasonably
    13         believes to be an employer or taxpayer.
    14         (2)  The examination or audit conducted by the tax
    15     officer and the tax officer's designated employees shall
    16     conform to the requirements set forth in 53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 84,
    17     Subch. C (relating to local taxpayers bill of rights).
    18         (3)  Every employer and taxpayer or other person whom the
    19     tax officer reasonably believes to be an employer or taxpayer
    20     shall provide to the tax officer and the tax officer's
    21     designated employees the means, facilities and opportunity
    22     for the examination and investigation authorized under
    23     paragraph (1).
    24         (4)  For purposes of this subsection, the term "records"
    25     shall include any books, papers, and relevant Federal or
    26     State tax returns and accompanying schedules, or supporting
    27     documentation for any income taxable under this act.
    28     (g)  Exchange of information.--
    29         (1)  The tax officer of each tax collection district
    30     shall ensure that the tax collection district enters into an
    20070S1063B2186                 - 99 -     

     1     agreement with the Department of Revenue for the exchange of
     2     information as necessary for the collection of income taxes.
     3         (2)  The Department of Revenue may enter into agreements
     4     with each tax collection district and shall establish
     5     procedures under which tax collection, filing and other
     6     taxpayer and locality information in its custody will be made
     7     available to tax officers for purposes of collection,
     8     reconciliation and enforcement no later than one year after
     9     the deadline for filing returns for the tax year in question.
    10     (h)  Actions for collection of income taxes.--The tax officer
    11  may file an action in the name of a political subdivision within
    12  the tax collection district for the recovery of income taxes due
    13  to the political subdivision and unpaid. Nothing in this
    14  subsection shall affect the authority of a political subdivision
    15  to file an action in its own name for collection of income taxes
    16  under this chapter. This subsection shall not be construed to
    17  limit a tax officer, a tax collection district or political
    18  subdivision from recovering delinquent income taxes by any other
    19  means provided by this act. Actions for collection of income
    20  taxes shall be subject to the following:
    21         (1)  Except as set forth in paragraph (2) or (4), an
    22     action brought to recover income taxes must be commenced
    23     within three years of the later of the date:
    24             (i)  the income taxes are due;
    25             (ii)  the declaration or return has been filed; or
    26             (iii)  of a redetermination of compensation or net
    27         profits by the Department of Revenue.
    28         (2)  If there is substantial understatement of income tax
    29     liability of 25% or more and there is no fraud, an action
    30     must be commenced within six years.
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     1         (3)  Except as set forth in paragraph (4)(ii), (iii) or
     2     (iv), an action by a tax officer for recovery of an erroneous
     3     refund must be commenced as follows:
     4             (i)  Except as set forth in subparagraph (ii), within
     5         two years after making the refund.
     6             (ii)  If it appears that any part of the refund was
     7         induced by fraud or misrepresentation of material fact,
     8         within five years after making the refund.
     9         (4)  There is no limitation of action if any of the
    10     following apply:
    11             (i)  A taxpayer fails to file a declaration or return
    12         required under this act.
    13             (ii)  An examination of a declaration or return or of
    14         other evidence in the possession of the tax officer
    15         relating to the declaration or return reveals a
    16         fraudulent evasion of income taxes.
    17             (iii)  An employer has deducted income taxes under
    18         section 512 and has failed to pay the amount deducted to
    19         the tax officer.
    20             (iv)  An employer has intentionally failed to make
    21         deductions required by this act.
    22     (i)  Interest and penalties.--
    23         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), if the income
    24     tax is not paid when due, interest at the rate the taxpayer
    25     is required to pay to the Commonwealth under section 806 of
    26     the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The
    27     Fiscal Code, on the amount of the income tax, and an
    28     additional penalty of 1% of the amount of the unpaid income
    29     tax for each month or fraction of a month during which the
    30     income tax remains unpaid shall be added and collected but
    20070S1063B2186                 - 101 -    

     1     the amount shall not exceed 15% in the aggregate. Where an
     2     action is brought for the recovery of the income tax, the
     3     taxpayer liable for the income tax shall, in addition, be
     4     liable for the costs of collection, interest and penalties.
     5         (2)  The department may establish conditions under which
     6     a tax officer, with the concurrence of the tax collection
     7     committee, may abate interest or penalties that would
     8     otherwise be imposed for the nonreporting or underreporting
     9     of income tax liabilities or for the nonpayment of income
    10     taxes previously imposed and due if the taxpayer voluntarily
    11     files delinquent returns and pays the income taxes in full.
    12         (3)  The provisions of paragraph (2) shall not affect or
    13     terminate any petitions, investigations, prosecutions or
    14     other proceedings pending under of this chapter, or prevent
    15     the commencement or further prosecution of any proceedings by
    16     the proper authorities for violations of this act. No
    17     proceedings shall, however, be commenced on the basis of
    18     delinquent returns filed pursuant to subsection (h) if the
    19     returns are determined to be substantially true and correct
    20     and the income taxes are paid in full within the prescribed
    21     time.
    22     (j)  Fines and penalties for violations.--
    23         (1)  Any taxpayer who fails, neglects or refuses to make
    24     any declaration or return required by this chapter, any
    25     employer who fails, neglects or refuses to register, keep or
    26     supply records or returns required by section 512 or to pay
    27     the income tax deducted from employees, or fails, neglects or
    28     refuses to deduct or withhold the income tax from employees,
    29     any taxpayer or employer who refuses to permit the tax
    30     officer appointed by a tax collection committee or an
    20070S1063B2186                 - 102 -    

     1     employee or agent of the tax officer to examine books,
     2     records and papers, and any taxpayer or employer who
     3     knowingly makes any incomplete, false or fraudulent return,
     4     or attempts to do anything whatsoever to avoid the full
     5     disclosure of the amount of income in order to avoid the
     6     payment of income taxes shall, upon conviction thereof, be
     7     sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $2,500 for each
     8     offense and reasonable costs, and in default of payment of
     9     said fine and costs, to imprisonment for not more than six
    10     months.
    11         (2)  Any employer required under this chapter to collect,
    12     account for and distribute income taxes who willfully fails
    13     to collect or truthfully account for and distribute income
    14     taxes, commits a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be
    15     sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $25,000 or to
    16     imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both.
    17         (3)  The penalties imposed under this subsection shall be
    18     in addition to any other costs and penalties imposed by this
    19     act.
    20         (4)  The failure of any person to obtain forms required
    21     for making the declaration or returns required by this act
    22     shall not excuse the person from making the declaration or
    23     return.
    24     (k)  Collection.--In addition to the powers and duties
    25  enumerated in this section, when designated by the tax
    26  collection committee a tax officer may collect other taxes
    27  levied pursuant to this act, the act of June 27, 2006 (1st
    28  Sp.Sess., P.L.1873, No.1), known as the Taxpayer Relief Act, or
    29  other statutory law.
    30  Section 510.  Fines and penalties against tax officers.
    20070S1063B2186                 - 103 -    

     1     (a)  Distribution of nonresident taxes.--The Attorney          <--
     2  General, a A tax collection district or a political subdivision   <--
     3  that brings an action under subsection (e) with respect to
     4  distribution of income taxes under section 513 may seek
     5  equitable relief from a tax officer, including an accounting of
     6  all undistributed income taxes and monetary damages, in the form
     7  of recovery of the income taxes not previously distributed plus
     8  interest calculated from the date that the income taxes should
     9  have been distributed. In addition, the court may impose a civil
    10  penalty not to exceed $2,500 for each quarter for which income
    11  taxes were not distributed in accordance with section 513, plus
    12  reasonable costs and attorney fees. If a tax officer fails to
    13  distribute income taxes to the appropriate political subdivision
    14  as required under section 513 for four consecutive tax quarters,
    15  the court may impose a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000. In
    16  addition, the court may impose a fine not to exceed $100 per day
    17  for every day past the deadline that a tax officer does not
    18  respond to a claim under section 513(b).
    19     (b)  Monthly reports and audits of income taxes.--If a tax
    20  officer fails to submit the report required under section
    21  509(b), a tax collection district or a political subdivision
    22  entitled to receive the report may bring an action in the court
    23  of common pleas of the county in which the tax collection
    24  district is primarily located. The court may impose a civil
    25  penalty of $20 a day for each day that the report is overdue,
    26  not to exceed $500. If an examination submitted under section
    27  505(h) includes any findings of noncompliance, the court may
    28  impose an additional civil penalty of not less than $500 but not
    29  more than $2,500.
    30     (c)  Failure of duty.--An action may be brought against the
    20070S1063B2186                 - 104 -    

     1  tax officer to compel the performance of duties required by this
     2  chapter or imposed by regulations adopted pursuant to this
     3  chapter, including the duty to deliver all tax records and other
     4  official items held in right as tax officer to the tax officer's
     5  successor. Upon a finding of failure to perform a duty, the
     6  court may impose a penalty not to exceed $5,000; and the tax
     7  officer may be held liable for the cost of reproducing tax
     8  records if they are lost or cannot be delivered.
     9     (d)  Other violations.--A tax officer who violates any other
    10  provision of this act shall be subject to a civil penalty of up
    11  to $2,500 for each violation.
    12     (e)  Actions against a tax officer.--An action against a tax
    13  officer for a violation of this chapter may be brought by a tax
    14  collection district or a political subdivision for which the tax
    15  officer collects income taxes, a political subdivision or tax
    16  collection committee owed income taxes by the tax officer or by
    17  a surety.
    18     (f)  Rescinded appointment.--
    19         (1)  A tax collection committee shall temporarily remove
    20     a tax officer if a criminal action is commenced against the
    21     tax officer for an offense which would constitute a violation
    22     of the standards of office under section 506(b). If the tax
    23     officer is convicted or pleads guilty or nolo contendere in
    24     the action, the tax collection committee shall rescind the
    25     appointment and remove the tax officer permanently.
    26         (2)  A tax collection committee may remove or rescind the
    27     appointment of a tax officer where the tax officer or an
    28     employee or agent of the tax officer violates the provisions
    29     under section 514(b).
    30         (3)  A tax collection committee may remove or rescind the
    20070S1063B2186                 - 105 -    

     1     appointment of a tax officer for cause.
     2         (4)  A tax collection committee may not retain a tax
     3     officer who has been penalized under subsection (a), (b), (c)
     4     or (d) more than three times or who fails to satisfy the
     5     requirements under section 506.
     6     (g)  Interpretation.--A tax officer shall not be considered a
     7  debt collector for purposes of the act of March 28, 2000
     8  (P.L.23, No.7), known as the Fair Credit Extension Uniformity
     9  Act. Except as otherwise authorized in this act, a tax officer
    10  shall be subject to the restrictions and prohibitions imposed on
    11  creditors. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Fair Credit
    12  Extension Uniformity Act, this act shall supersede any
    13  restrictions and prohibitions on creditors otherwise applicable
    14  under the Fair Credit Extension Uniformity Act.
    15     (h)  Withdrawal from tax collection district.--
    16         (1)  In an action brought by a political subdivision
    17     under this section after January 1, 2014, the court may, in
    18     addition to other available remedies, grant a request by the
    19     political subdivision to withdraw from the tax collection
    20     district for good cause, provided the court determines, after
    21     hearing, that all of the following conditions exist:
    22             (i)  The political subdivision has suffered loss in
    23         income tax revenues that is directly and primarily
    24         attributable to the willful and continued failure of the
    25         tax officer or tax collection committee to comply with
    26         the provisions of this act.
    27             (ii)  The tax collection committee has failed to take
    28         reasonable measures to correct the deficiencies in the
    29         performance of the tax officer and otherwise assure
    30         compliance with the requirements of this act.
    20070S1063B2186                 - 106 -    

     1             (iii)  The political subdivision and the tax
     2         collection committee have engaged in good faith mediation
     3         before a special master appointed by the court, but
     4         nonetheless have failed to reach agreement about
     5         alternative corrective measures in lieu of withdrawal of
     6         the political subdivision from the tax collection
     7         district.
     8             (iv)  Other relief available that could be ordered by
     9         the court would not be adequate to provide a reasonable
    10         prospect of compliance by the tax officer and tax
    11         collection committee with the requirements of this act
    12         and that withdrawal of the political subdivision from the
    13         tax collection district is otherwise in the best
    14         interests of the political subdivision, taxpayers and
    15         employers.
    16         (2)  (i)  In the event the court grants a request by a
    17         political subdivision under this section to withdraw from
    18         the tax collection district in which it is located, the
    19         governing body of the political subdivision may withdraw
    20         by adopting a resolution to that effect and appointing a
    21         tax officer to collect the income tax levied by that
    22         political subdivision, effective for the next calendar
    23         year beginning at least six months after the adoption of
    24         such resolution.
    25             (ii)  With respect to the income tax levied by that
    26         political subdivision, a tax officer appointed pursuant
    27         to this paragraph shall have the same powers and duties
    28         as a tax officer appointed by a tax collection district
    29         and all other requirements of this act pertaining to the
    30         functions and qualifications of tax collection districts
    20070S1063B2186                 - 107 -    

     1         and tax officers, and the related obligations of
     2         employers and taxpayers shall apply equally to the
     3         political subdivision, its governing body and a tax
     4         officer appointed by that political subdivision.
     5  Section 511.  Tax registers.
     6     (a)  Requirement.--The department shall maintain a tax
     7  register and an official register. All of the following shall
     8  apply:
     9         (1)  The department shall maintain a tax register on the
    10     department's Internet website. Information for the tax
    11     register shall be furnished by each county and each political
    12     subdivision to the department as prescribed by the
    13     department. The department shall continuously update the tax
    14     register.
    15         (2)  As part of the tax register under paragraph (1), the
    16     department shall maintain an official register. The
    17     requirement to maintain an official register in accordance
    18     with this section shall supersede the requirements for an
    19     official register in any act.
    20         (3)  The official register shall be organized by
    21     municipality and shall list:
    22             (i)  Each municipality and coterminous school
    23         district.
    24             (ii)  The effective income tax rate on taxpayers who
    25         reside in the municipality.
    26             (iii)  The effective income tax rate on taxpayers who
    27         reside in the school district.
    28             (iv)  The combined municipal and school district
    29         income tax rate on taxpayers residing in each
    30         municipality.
    20070S1063B2186                 - 108 -    

     1             (v)  The income tax rate on taxpayers working within
     2         the municipality.
     3             (vi)  Whether an income tax is a personal income tax
     4         levied under the act of June 27, 2006 (1st Sp.Sess.,
     5         P.L.1873, No.1), known as the Taxpayer Relief Act, or any
     6         other act.
     7             (vii)  The effective emergency and municipal services
     8         tax rate on taxpayers working within the municipality.
     9             (viii)  The effective emergency and municipal
    10         services tax rate on taxpayers working within the school
    11         district.
    12             (ix)  The combined municipal and school district
    13         emergency and municipal services tax rate.
    14             (x)  The amount of any other withholding tax.
    15             (xi)  The name, telephone number, address, e-mail and
    16         Internet address, where available, of the tax officer
    17         responsible for administering the collection of the tax.
    18             (xii)  Any other information deemed necessary by the
    19         department.
    20         (4)  Each year the department shall update and officially
    21     release withholding tax rates on the official register on
    22     June 15 and December 15. Tax rates released on June 15 shall
    23     become effective July 1. Tax rates released on December 15
    24     shall become effective January 1 of the following year. The
    25     department may revise the notification, official release and
    26     effective dates of the register for good cause. Six months
    27     prior to the revision, the department shall notify each
    28     affected political subdivision of the revision and shall
    29     publish notice of the revision in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    30         (5)  Information for the official register shall be
    20070S1063B2186                 - 109 -    

     1     furnished by each political subdivision to the department as
     2     prescribed by the department and shall include a copy of the
     3     ordinance or resolution enacting, repealing or changing the
     4     tax. The department shall be notified of changes to the
     5     official register as follows:
     6             (i)  New withholding tax enactments, repeals and
     7         changes shall be received by the department no later than
     8         June 1 to require withholding of a new tax, withholding
     9         at a new rate or to suspend withholding of such tax
    10         effective July 1 of that year. All new withholding tax
    11         enactments, repeals and changes received by the
    12         department by June 1 shall be officially released by the
    13         department June 15 and become effective July 1. Failure
    14         of the department to receive information by June 1 from
    15         political subdivisions regarding current withholding tax
    16         rates, new withholding tax enactments, repeals and
    17         changes shall be construed by the department to mean that
    18         the information contained in the previous December 15
    19         release of the official register is still in force.
    20         Information received by the department after June 1 but
    21         before December 1 shall be officially released on
    22         December 15.
    23             (ii)  New withholding tax enactments, repeals and
    24         changes shall be received by the department no later than
    25         December 1 to require withholding of a new tax,
    26         withholding at a new rate or to suspend withholding of
    27         such tax effective January 1 of the following year. All
    28         new withholding tax enactments, repeals and changes
    29         received by the department by December 1 shall be
    30         officially released by the department on December 15 and
    20070S1063B2186                 - 110 -    

     1         become effective January 1 of the following year. Failure
     2         of the department to receive information by December 1
     3         from political subdivisions regarding current withholding
     4         tax rates, new withholding tax enactments, repeals and
     5         changes shall be construed by the department to mean that
     6         the information contained in the previous June 15 release
     7         of the official register is still in force. Information
     8         received by the department after December 1 but before
     9         June 1 shall be officially released on June 15.
    10         (6)  (i)  Employers shall not be required to deduct from
    11         compensation of their employees or make reports of
    12         compensation in connection with any withholding tax that
    13         is not released on the official register as of June 15
    14         and December 15 of each year as provided in paragraphs
    15         (4) and (5), unless the political subdivision imposing
    16         the tax has provided written notice to the employer of
    17         the tax or tax rate and the withholding requirement.
    18             (ii)  Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no
    19         political subdivision or tax officer may require any
    20         employer to deduct a withholding tax at a rate or amount
    21         that is not released on the official register, unless the
    22         political subdivision imposing the tax has provided
    23         written notice to the employer of the tax or tax rate and
    24         the withholding requirement.
    25             (iii)  The provisions of this paragraph shall not
    26         affect the liability of any taxpayer for withholding
    27         taxes lawfully imposed under this act.
    28         (7)  An employer may withhold at the most recently
    29     available rate on the tax register even if such rate is
    30     different than the tax rate released on the official register
    20070S1063B2186                 - 111 -    

     1     as provided in paragraphs (4) and (5), provided that an
     2     employer shall not be required to withhold at a tax rate that
     3     is not released on the official register, unless the
     4     political subdivision imposing the tax has provided written
     5     notice to the employer of the current tax rate.
     6         (8)  No employer shall be held liable for failure to
     7     withhold an income tax from an employee if the failure to
     8     withhold the income tax arises from incorrect information
     9     submitted by the employee as to the employee's place of
    10     residence.
    11         (9)  No employer shall be held liable for failure to
    12     withhold the emergency and municipal services tax or for the
    13     payment of tax money withheld to a tax officer if the failure
    14     to withhold the taxes arises from incorrect information
    15     submitted by the employee as to the employee's place of
    16     employment, the employee's principal office or where the
    17     employee is principally employed.
    18     (b)  Definition.--As used in this section, notwithstanding
    19  section 501, the terms "income tax" and "withholding tax"
    20  include a tax assessed on the income of a taxpayer and levied by
    21  a municipality under the act of August 5, 1932 (Sp.Sess.,
    22  P.L.45, No.45), referred to as the Sterling Act.
    23  Section 512.  Withholding and remittance.
    24     For taxable years commencing on and after January 1, 2012, OR  <--
    26  income taxes shall be withheld, remitted and reported as
    27  follows:
    28         (1)  Every employer having an office, factory, workshop,
    29     branch, warehouse or other place of business within a tax
    30     collection district who employs one or more persons, other
    20070S1063B2186                 - 112 -    

     1     than domestic servants, for a salary, wage, commission or
     2     other compensation, who has not previously registered, shall,
     3     within 15 days after becoming an employer, register with the
     4     tax officer the name and address of the employer and such
     5     other information as the department may require.
     6         (2)  An employer shall require each new employee to
     7     complete a certificate of residency form, which shall be an
     8     addendum to the Federal Employee's Withholding Allowance
     9     Certificate (Form W-4). An employer shall also require any
    10     employee who changes their address or domicile to complete a
    11     certificate of residency form. Upon request, certificate of
    12     residency forms shall be provided by the department. The
    13     certificate of residency form shall provide information to
    14     help identify the political subdivisions where an employee
    15     lives and works.
    16         (3)  Every employer having an office, factory, workshop,
    17     branch, warehouse or other place of business within a tax
    18     collection district that employs one or more persons, other
    19     than domestic servants, for a salary, wage, commission or
    20     other compensation, shall, at the time of payment, deduct
    21     from the compensation due each employee employed at such
    22     place of business the greater of the employee's resident tax
    23     or the employee's nonresident tax as released in the official
    24     register under section 511.
    25         (4)  Except as set forth in paragraph (5), within 30 days
    26     following the end of each calendar quarter, every employer
    27     shall file a quarterly return and pay the amount of income
    28     taxes deducted during the preceding calendar quarter to the
    29     tax officer for the place of employment of each employee. The
    30     form shall show the name, address and Social Security number
    20070S1063B2186                 - 113 -    

     1     of each employee, the compensation of the employee during the
     2     preceding three-month period, the income tax deducted from
     3     the employee, the political subdivisions imposing the income
     4     tax upon the employee, the total compensation of all
     5     employees during the preceding calendar quarter, the total
     6     income tax deducted from the employees and paid with the
     7     return and any other information prescribed by the
     8     department.
     9         (5)  Notwithstanding paragraph (4), the provisions of
    10     this paragraph shall apply if an employer has more than one
    11     place of employment in more than one tax collection district.
    12     Within 30 days following the last day of each month, the
    13     employer may file the return required by paragraph (4) and
    14     pay the total amount of income taxes deducted from employees
    15     in all work locations during the preceding month to the tax
    16     officer for either the tax collection district in which the
    17     employer's payroll operations are located or as determined by
    18     the department. The return and income taxes deducted shall be
    19     filed and paid electronically. The employer must file a
    20     notice of intention to file combined returns and make
    21     combined payments with the tax officer for each place of
    22     employment at least one month before filing its first
    23     combined return or making its first combined payment. This
    24     paragraph shall not be construed to change the location of an
    25     employee's place of employment for purposes of nonresident
    26     tax liability.
    27         (6)  Any employer who for two of the preceding four
    28     quarterly periods has failed to deduct the proper income tax,
    29     or any part of the income tax, or has failed to pay over the
    30     proper amount of income tax as required by paragraph (3) to
    20070S1063B2186                 - 114 -    

     1     the tax collection district, may be required by the tax
     2     officer to file returns and pay the income tax monthly. In
     3     such cases, payments of income tax shall be made to the tax
     4     officer on or before the last day of the month succeeding the
     5     month for which the income tax was withheld.
     6         (7)  On or before February 28 of the succeeding year,
     7     every employer shall file with the tax officer where income
     8     taxes have been deducted and remitted pursuant to paragraph
     9     (3):
    10             (i)  An annual return showing, for the period
    11         beginning January 1 of the current year and ending
    12         December 31 of the current year, the total amount of
    13         compensation paid, the total amount of income tax
    14         deducted, the total amount of income tax paid to the tax
    15         officer and any other information prescribed by the
    16         department.
    17             (ii)  An individual withholding statement, which may
    18         be integrated with the Federal Wage and Tax Statement
    19         (Form W-2), for each employee employed during all or any
    20         part of the period beginning January 1 of the current
    21         year and ending December 31 of the current year, setting
    22         forth the address and Social Security number, the amount
    23         of compensation paid to the employee during the period,
    24         the amount of income tax deducted, the amount of income
    25         tax paid to the tax officer, the numerical code
    26         prescribed by the department representing the tax
    27         collection district where the payments required by
    28         paragraphs (4) and (5) were remitted and any other
    29         information required by the department. Every employer
    30         shall furnish one copy of the individual withholding
    20070S1063B2186                 - 115 -    

     1         statement to the employee for whom it is filed.
     2         (8)  Any employer who discontinues business prior to
     3     December 31 of the current year shall, within 30 days after
     4     the discontinuance of business, file returns and withholding
     5     statements required under this section and pay the income tax
     6     due.
     7         (9)  Except as otherwise provided in section 511, an
     8     employer who willfully or negligently fails or omits to make
     9     the deductions required by this subsection shall be liable
    10     for payment of income taxes which the employer was required
    11     to withhold to the extent that the income taxes have not been
    12     recovered from the employee. The failure or omission of any
    13     employer to make the deductions required by this section
    14     shall not relieve any employee from the payment of the income
    15     tax or from complying with the requirements for filing of
    16     declarations and returns.
    17  Section 513.  Distribution of income taxes.
    18     (a)  General rule.--Subject to subsection (b), all of the
    19  following apply:
    20         (1)  Unless otherwise agreed to or required by the tax
    21     collection committee, distribution of income taxes from a tax
    22     officer to political subdivisions within the tax collection
    23     district or to other tax collection districts shall be as
    24     follows:
    25             (i)  Income taxes received from employers prior to
    26         April 1, 2013, under section 512(4) shall be distributed
    27         within 60 days of the later of:
    28                 (A)  receipt; or
    29                 (B)  the deadline for payment under section
    30             512(4).
    20070S1063B2186                 - 116 -    

     1             (ii)  Income taxes received from employers on or
     2         after April 1, 2013, under section 512(4) shall be
     3         distributed within 30 days of the later of:
     4                 (A)  receipt; or
     5                 (B)  the deadline for payment under section
     6             512(4).
     7             (iii)  Income taxes received from employers under
     8         section 512(5) shall be distributed within 30 days of the
     9         last day of the month following receipt.
    10             (iv)  Income taxes received from taxpayers and other
    11         tax collection districts prior to April 1, 2013, shall be
    12         distributed within 60 days of receipt.
    13             (v)  Income taxes received from taxpayers and other
    14         tax collection districts on or after April 1, 2013, shall
    15         be distributed within 30 days of receipt.
    16         (2)  Income taxes received from employers, taxpayers or
    17     other tax collection districts shall be distributed based on
    18     the information submitted by the employers, taxpayers or tax
    19     collection districts. It shall not be permissible to base the
    20     distribution of income taxes on any method not expressly
    21     authorized by act of the General Assembly.
    22         (3)  A tax officer shall maintain a record of all income
    23     taxes distributed under this section, which shall include all
    24     of the information required in the reports under section
    25     512(4) and (5), the date of distribution, the political
    26     subdivision or tax officer to which the income taxes are
    27     distributed and any other information required by the
    28     department. The record shall be provided to another tax
    29     collection district at the time of distribution.
    30         (4)  A tax officer who, within two years after receiving
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     1     an income tax payment after reasonable efforts meeting
     2     conditions established by the tax collection committee,
     3     cannot identify the political subdivision entitled to the
     4     income tax payment shall make payment to the municipality in
     5     which the income tax was collected.
     6     (b)  Other tax collection districts.--In addition to
     7  subsection (a), for distribution of income taxes to other tax
     8  collection districts, the following shall apply:
     9         (1)  If nonresident taxes are not distributed to the
    10     appropriate tax officer as required under subsection (a)(1),
    11     a tax officer may make a claim for income taxes attributable
    12     to residents of the tax collection district served by that
    13     tax officer. The tax officer for the tax collection district
    14     against which a claim is made shall, within 30 days:
    15             (i)  pay the claim if it is undisputed; or
    16             (ii)  respond in writing stating the reasons why the
    17         claim cannot be paid.
    18         (2)  If the tax officer for the tax collection district
    19     against which the claim is made does not act under paragraph
    20     (1)(i) or (ii), the tax officer making the claim may bring an
    21     action in the court of common pleas in the county in which
    22     the tax collection district with the claim is primarily
    23     located for both the amount of the claim and interest at the
    24     rate provided for in 53 Pa.C.S. § 8426 (relating to interest
    25     on overpayment) from the date which the income taxes were
    26     received from the taxpayer, employer or other tax officer.
    27     Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, an action
    28     under this paragraph must be brought within seven years after
    29     the claim is made.
    30     (c)  Codes.--Employers and tax officers shall use political
    20070S1063B2186                 - 118 -    

     1  subdivision and tax collection district codes prescribed by the
     2  department.
     3     (d)  Fee prohibition.--No tax officer, political subdivision
     4  or tax collection district shall be required to pay a fee or
     5  commission to another tax collection district on account of
     6  income taxes distributed under this section.
     7  Section 514.  Confidentiality.
     8     (a)  General rule.--Any information gained by a tax officer
     9  or any employee or agent of a tax officer or of the tax
    10  collection committee as a result of any declarations, returns,
    11  investigations, hearings or verifications shall be confidential
    12  tax information.
    13     (b)  Prohibited conduct.--It shall be unlawful, except for
    14  official purposes or as provided by law, for the Commonwealth,
    15  any political subdivision, tax collection committee member, tax
    16  officer, or employee or agent of a tax officer or tax collection
    17  committee to do any of the following:
    18         (1)  Divulge or make known confidential tax information.
    19         (2)  Permit confidential tax information or a book
    20     containing an abstract or particulars of the abstract to be
    21     seen or examined by any person.
    22         (3)  Print, publish or otherwise make known any
    23     confidential tax information.
    24     (c)  Penalties.--A person that violates subsection (b)
    25  commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall, upon
    26  conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $2,500
    27  or to imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. If the
    28  offender is a member of the tax collection committee, the member
    29  shall be removed from the tax collection committee. If the
    30  offender is an employee of a tax collection committee or a
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     1  political subdivision, the employee shall be discharged from
     2  employment. The offender shall pay the costs of prosecution.
     3  Section 515.  Transition.
     4     (a)  Fines and penalties against tax officers.--
     5         (1)  A political subdivision which brings an action under
     6     former Division V(h) of section 13 may seek equitable relief
     7     from a tax officer, including an accounting of all
     8     undistributed income taxes and monetary damages, in the form
     9     of recovery of the income taxes not previously distributed.
    10     In addition, the court may impose a civil penalty not to
    11     exceed $2,500 for each quarter for which income taxes were
    12     not distributed in accordance with former Division V(h) of
    13     section 13, plus reasonable costs and attorney fees.
    14         (2)  If a tax officer fails to distribute income taxes to
    15     the appropriate political subdivision as required under
    16     former Division V(h) of section 13 for four consecutive
    17     quarters, the court may impose a civil penalty not to exceed
    18     $5,000.
    19         (3)  An action may be brought against the tax officer to
    20     compel the performance of duties required by Chapter 3 or
    21     former section 13 or imposed by regulations adopted pursuant
    22     to Chapter 5, including the duty to deliver all tax records
    23     and other official items held in right as tax officer to the
    24     tax officer's successor. Upon a finding of failure to perform
    25     a duty, the court may impose a penalty not to exceed $5,000;
    26     and the tax officer may be held liable for the cost or
    27     reproducing tax records if they are lost or cannot be
    28     delivered.
    29         (4)  An Article XIII tax officer who violates any other
    30     provision of this section or former section 13 shall be
    20070S1063B2186                 - 120 -    

     1     subject to a civil penalty of up to $2,500 for each
     2     violation.
     3         (5)  An action against an Article XIII tax officer for a
     4     violation of this act may be brought by the Attorney General,  <--
     5     a political subdivision for which the Article XIII tax
     6     officer collects income taxes, a political subdivision owed
     7     income taxes by the Article XIII tax officer or by a surety
     8     that is liable because of the violation.
     9         (6)  A political subdivision shall remove or rescind the
    10     appointment of an Article XIII tax officer who has been
    11     penalized more than three times under paragraph (1), (2), (3)
    12     or (4).
    13     (b)  Transition.--
    14         (1)  (i)  The governing body of each political
    15         subdivision which imposed an income tax prior to January
    16         1, 2011, shall do all of the following:
    17                 (A)  Determine by November 1, 2010, whether the
    18             Article XIII tax officer or the newly appointed tax
    19             officer shall collect 2011 income taxes.
    20                 (B)  Notify the department by December 1, 2010,
    21             of the determination under clause (A) in accordance
    22             with section 511(a)(5).
    23             (ii)  Every employer shall remit 2011 income taxes
    24         and file the quarterly and annual reports required by
    25         former Division IV(b) and (c) of section 13 to either the
    26         Article XIII tax officer or the newly appointed tax
    27         officer, as determined by the appropriate political
    28         subdivision and released on the official register in
    29         accordance with section 511.
    30         (2)  By July 1, 2011, each tax collection committee shall
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     1     develop a plan to transition from the provisions of former
     2     section 13 to the provisions of sections 512 and 513, and
     3     from the Article XIII tax officer to the newly appointed tax
     4     officer for 2012 income taxes.
     5         (3)  The Article XIII tax officer shall deliver all tax
     6     records to the political subdivision and the newly appointed
     7     tax officer by June 30, 2012, unless otherwise agreed to by
     8     the political subdivision and the newly appointed tax
     9     officer.
    10         (4)  Any delinquent income taxes or reports from 2011, or
    11     previous years which have not been remitted or provided to
    12     the Article XIII tax officer by June 30, 2012, shall become
    13     the responsibility of the newly appointed tax officer. A
    14     political subdivision which has made other provisions for the
    15     collection of delinquent income taxes or reports for 2011 or
    16     previous years shall notify the newly appointed tax officer.
    17         (5)  Beginning with the first quarter of 2012, employers
    18     shall remit income taxes withheld and make reports as
    19     required by section 512 to the newly appointed tax officer.
    20     (c)  Definitions.--The following words and phrases when used
    21  in this section shall have the meanings given to them in this
    22  subsection unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    23     "Newly appointed tax officer."  A tax officer appointed under
    24  section 507(a) responsible for the collection of 2012 income
    25  taxes.
    26  Section 516.  Regulatory conflict.
    27     In the event of a conflict between a regulation under this
    28  chapter and a regulation under the act of June 27, 2006 (1st
    29  Sp.Sess., P.L.1873, No.1), known as the Taxpayer Relief Act, in
    30  the area of tax collection, the regulation under this chapter
    20070S1063B2186                 - 122 -    

     1  shall prevail.
     2  Section 517.  Audit and evaluation.
     3     (a)  General rule.--Before 2017, the Legislative Budget and
     4  Finance Committee shall conduct an audit and evaluation of the
     5  impact of this chapter and consolidated collection of local
     6  income taxes. The committee shall consult with the Auditor
     7  General in the course of its audit and evaluation. The audit and
     8  evaluation shall:
     9         (1)  Determine the extent to which income tax revenue
    10     losses have been minimized or eliminated by the
    11     implementation of uniform collection standards and a
    12     countywide income tax collection system.
    13         (2)  Determine whether consolidated collection and
    14     standardized withholding and remittance of local income taxes
    15     as required in section 512 has simplified the system, reduced
    16     fragmentation and reduced the burden of withholding,
    17     remitting and distributing the local income tax for
    18     employers.
    19         (3)  Determine if tax compliance is simpler, easier,
    20     fairer and less time-consuming for taxpayers.
    21         (4)  Determine whether the tax collection system under
    22     this chapter is more efficient than the prior system.
    23         (5)  Determine if tax collection committees are
    24     exercising their powers and duties under section 505
    25     effectively.
    26         (6)  Determine the extent to which cooperation and
    27     coordination exists among tax officers and tax collection
    28     districts.
    29         (7)  Determine whether authorized investments under
    30     509(a)(6) and the bonding requirements under section 509(d)
    20070S1063B2186                 - 123 -    

     1     provide sufficient protection to income tax collections.
     2         (8)  Determine whether nonresident and resident taxes are
     3     being properly distributed among tax collection districts
     4     within this Commonwealth and to political subdivisions within
     5     each tax collection district.
     6         (9)  Determine whether the reporting, audit,
     7     accountability, transparency and oversight requirements for
     8     taxes collected, distributed and administered in this chapter
     9     are adequate and being met within and among tax collection
    10     districts.
    11         (10)  Determine if the appeals boards created under
    12     section 505(j) are impartial, fair and effective.
    13         (11)  Determine whether the penalties against tax
    14     officers under section 510 are effective and the extent to
    15     which tax officers are in compliance with the rules and
    16     regulations required by this chapter, and identify any tax
    17     officers that are in substantial noncompliance with these
    18     rules and regulations.
    19         (12)  Determine whether the agreements under section
    20     509(g) have been approved by the Department of Revenue and
    21     each tax collection district, and that the exchange of
    22     information is reciprocal, timely and useful.
    23         (13)  Determine whether the interest, penalties and fines
    24     under section 509(i) and (j) are appropriate and adequate.
    25         (14)  Recommend needed improvements to the system.
    26     (b)  Filing requirement.--Copies of the audit findings of the
    27  Legislative Budget and Finance Committee under subsection (a)
    28  shall be filed with the chair of the Finance Committee of the
    29  Senate, the chair of the Finance Committee of the House of
    30  Representatives, the department, the Auditor General and with
    20070S1063B2186                 - 124 -    

     1  each tax collection committee.
     2     Section 24.  The act is amended by adding a chapter heading
     3  to read:
     4                             CHAPTER 7
     5                   COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT TAXES
     6     Section 25.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     7     Section 701.  Definitions.--As used in this chapter:
     8     "Business entity" means a sole proprietorship, corporation,
     9  joint-stock association or company, partnership, limited
    10  partnership, limited liability company, association, business
    11  trust, syndicate or other commercial or professional activity
    12  organized under the laws of this Commonwealth or any other
    13  jurisdiction.
    14     "Employer" means a person, business entity or other entity,
    15  including the Commonwealth, its political subdivisions and
    16  instrumentalities and public authorities, employing one or more
    17  persons for a salary, wage, commission or other compensation.
    18     "Private agency" means a business entity or person appointed
    19  as a tax collector by a political subdivision.
    20     Section 26.  Section 18 of the act is renumbered and amended
    21  to read:
    22     Section [18] 701.1.  Distress and Sale of Goods and Chattels
    23  of Taxpayer.--Every tax collector under Chapter 3 and tax
    24  officer under Chapter 5 shall have power, in case of the neglect
    25  or refusal of any person[, copartnership, association, or
    26  corporation] or business entity, to make payment of the amount
    27  of any tax due [by him] from the person or the business entity,
    28  after two months from the date of the tax notice, to levy the
    29  amount of such tax, any penalty due thereon and costs, not
    30  exceeding costs and charges allowed constables for similar
    20070S1063B2186                 - 125 -    

     1  services by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of such
     2  delinquent, wherever situate or found, upon giving at least ten
     3  days' public notice of such sale, by posting ten written or
     4  printed notices, and by one advertisement in a newspaper of
     5  general circulation published in the county.
     6     No failure to demand or collect any taxes by distress and
     7  sale of goods and chattels shall invalidate any return made, or
     8  lien filed for nonpayment of taxes, or any tax sale for the
     9  collection of taxes.
    10     Section 27.  Sections 19 and 20 of the act, amended June 21,
    11  2007 (P.L.13, No.7), are renumbered and amended to read:
    12     Section [19] 702.  Collection of Delinquent Per Capita,
    13  Occupation, Occupational Privilege, Emergency and Municipal
    14  Services, Local Services and [Earned] Income Taxes from
    15  Employers, etc.--The tax collector under Chapter 3 and the tax
    16  officer under Chapter 5 shall demand, receive and collect from
    17  all [corporations, political subdivisions, associations,
    18  companies, firms or individuals,] employers, other than the
    19  Commonwealth, employing persons owing delinquent per capita,
    20  [or] occupation[,] or occupational privilege[,] taxes under
    21  Chapter 3 or emergency and municipal services, local services
    22  and [earned] income taxes under Chapter 5, or whose spouse owes
    23  delinquent per capita, occupation[,] or occupational
    24  privilege[,] taxes under Chapter 3 or emergency and municipal
    25  services, local services and [earned] income taxes under Chapter
    26  5, or having in possession unpaid commissions or earnings
    27  belonging to any person or persons owing delinquent per capita,
    28  occupation[,] or occupational privilege[,] taxes under Chapter 3
    29  or emergency and municipal services, local services and [earned]
    30  income taxes under Chapter 5, or whose spouse owes delinquent
    20070S1063B2186                 - 126 -    

     1  per capita, occupation[,] or occupational privilege[,] taxes
     2  under Chapter 3 or emergency and municipal services, local
     3  services and [earned] income taxes under Chapter 5, upon the
     4  presentation of a written notice and demand certifying that the
     5  information contained therein is true and correct and containing
     6  the name of the taxable or the spouse thereof and the amount of
     7  tax due. Upon the presentation of such written notice and
     8  demand, it shall be the duty of any [such corporation, political
     9  subdivision, association, company, firm or individual] employer
    10  to deduct from the wages, commissions or earnings of such
    11  individual employes, then owing or that shall within sixty days
    12  thereafter become due, or from any unpaid commissions or
    13  earnings of any such taxable in [its or his] the employer's
    14  possession, or that shall within sixty days thereafter come into
    15  [its or his] the employer's possession, a sum sufficient to pay
    16  the respective amount of the delinquent [per capita, occupation,
    17  occupational privilege, emergency and municipal services, local
    18  services and earned income] taxes and costs, shown upon the
    19  written notice or demand, and to pay the same to the tax
    20  collector of the taxing district or to the tax officer for the
    21  tax collection district in which such delinquent tax was levied
    22  within sixty days after such notice shall have been given. No
    23  more than ten percent of the wages, commissions or earnings of
    24  the delinquent taxpayer or spouse thereof may be deducted at any
    25  one time for delinquent [per capita, occupation, occupational
    26  privilege, emergency and municipal services, local services and
    27  earned income] taxes and costs. [Such corporation, political
    28  subdivision, association, firm or individual] The employer shall
    29  be entitled to deduct from the moneys collected from each
    30  employe the costs incurred from the extra bookkeeping necessary
    20070S1063B2186                 - 127 -    

     1  to record such transactions, not exceeding two percent of the
     2  amount of money so collected and paid over to the tax collector
     3  or tax officer. Upon the failure of any [such corporation,
     4  political subdivision, association, company, firm or individual]
     5  employer to deduct the amount of such taxes or to pay the same
     6  over to the tax collector or tax officer, less the cost of
     7  bookkeeping involved in such transaction, as herein provided,
     8  within the time hereby required, [such corporation, political
     9  subdivision, association, company, firm or individual] the
    10  employer shall forfeit and pay the amount of such tax for each
    11  such taxable whose taxes are not withheld and paid over, or that
    12  are withheld and not paid over together with a penalty of ten
    13  percent added thereto, to be recovered by an action of assumpsit
    14  in a suit to be instituted by the tax collector or tax officer,
    15  or by the proper authorities of the taxing district or tax
    16  collection district, as debts of like amount are now by law
    17  recoverable, except that such person shall not have the benefit
    18  of any stay of execution or exemption law. The tax collector or
    19  tax officer shall not proceed against a spouse or [his] the
    20  spouse's employer until [he] the tax collector or tax officer
    21  has pursued collection remedies against the delinquent taxpayer
    22  and his employer under this section.
    23     Section [20] 703.  Collection of Delinquent Per Capita,
    24  Occupation, Occupational Privilege, Emergency and Municipal
    25  Services, Local Services and [Earned] Income Taxes from the
    26  Commonwealth.--Upon presentation of a written notice and demand
    27  under oath or affirmation, to the State Treasurer or any other
    28  fiscal officer of the State, or its boards, authorities,
    29  agencies or commissions, it shall be the duty of the treasurer
    30  or officer to deduct from the wages then owing, or that shall
    20070S1063B2186                 - 128 -    

     1  within sixty days thereafter become due to any employe, a sum
     2  sufficient to pay the respective amount of the delinquent per
     3  capita, occupation[,] or occupational privilege, emergency and
     4  municipal services, local services under Chapter 3 and [earned]
     5  income taxes under Chapter 5 and costs shown on the written
     6  notice. The same shall be paid to the tax collector or the tax
     7  officer of the tax collection district of the taxing district in
     8  which said delinquent tax was levied within sixty days after
     9  such notice shall have been given.
    10     Section 28.  Section 20.1 of the act, added October 18, 1975
    11  (P.L.425, No.118), is renumbered and amended to read:
    12     Section [20.1] 704.  Notice.--The tax collector or tax
    13  officer shall, at least fifteen days prior to the presentation
    14  of a written notice and demand to the State Treasurer or other
    15  fiscal officer of the State, or to any [corporation, political
    16  subdivision, association, company or individual] employer,
    17  notify the taxpayer owing the delinquent tax by registered or
    18  certified mail that a written notice and demand shall be
    19  presented to [his] the taxpayer's employer unless such tax is
    20  paid. The return receipt card for certified or registered mail
    21  shall be marked delivered to addressee only, and the cost of
    22  notification by certified or registered mail shall be added to
    23  the costs for collecting taxes.
    24     Section 29.  Section 21 of the act, amended November 30, 2004
    25  (P.L.1520, No.192), is renumbered and amended to read:
    26     Section [21] 705.  Collection of Taxes by Suit.--Each taxing
    27  district or person, public employe or private agency designated
    28  by the taxing district under Chapter 3 and each tax officer
    29  under Chapter 5 shall have power to collect unpaid taxes from
    30  the persons owing such taxes by suit in assumpsit or other
    20070S1063B2186                 - 129 -    

     1  appropriate remedy.  Upon each such judgment, execution may be
     2  issued without any stay or benefit of any exemption law. The
     3  right [of each such taxing district] to collect unpaid taxes
     4  under the provisions of this section shall not be affected by
     5  the fact that such taxes have been entered as liens in the
     6  office of the prothonotary, or the fact that the property
     7  against which they were levied has been returned to the county
     8  commissioners for taxes for prior years.
     9     Section 30.  Section 22 of the act is renumbered and amended
    10  to read:
    11     Section [22] 706.  Penalties.--Except as otherwise provided
    12  in the case of any tax levied and assessed upon [earned] income,
    13  any such political subdivision shall have power to prescribe and
    14  enforce reasonable penalties for the nonpayment, within the time
    15  fixed for their payment, of taxes imposed under authority of
    16  this act and for the violations of the provisions of ordinances
    17  or resolutions passed under authority of this act.
    18     If for any reason any tax levied and assessed upon [earned]
    19  income by any such political subdivision is not paid when due,
    20  interest [at the rate of six percent per annum on the amount of
    21  said tax, and an additional penalty of one-half of one percent
    22  of the amount of the unpaid tax for each month or fraction
    23  thereof during which the tax remains unpaid,] and penalties as
    24  provided in section 509(i) shall be added and collected. When
    25  suit is brought for the recovery of any such tax, the person
    26  liable therefor shall, in addition, be liable for the costs of
    27  collection and the interest and penalties herein imposed.
    28     Section 31.  Section 22.1 of the act, amended June 21, 2007
    29  (P.L.13, No.7), is renumbered and amended to read:
    30     Section [22.1] 707.  Costs of Collection of Delinquent Per
    20070S1063B2186                 - 130 -    

     1  Capita, Occupation, Occupational Privilege, Emergency and
     2  Municipal Services, Local Services and [Earned] Income Taxes.--
     3  (a)  A [person, public employe] bureau, political subdivision or
     4  private agency designated by a governing body of a political
     5  subdivision or a tax collection district to collect and
     6  administer [a] per capita, occupation[,] or occupational
     7  privilege, emergency and municipal services, local services
     8  taxes under Chapter 3 or [earned income tax] income taxes under
     9  Chapter 5 may impose and collect the reasonable costs incurred
    10  to provide notices of delinquency or to implement similar
    11  procedures utilized to collect delinquent taxes from a taxpayer
    12  as approved by the governing body of the political subdivision
    13  or the tax collection committee. Reasonable costs collected may
    14  be retained by the [person, public employe or private agency
    15  designated to collect the tax as agreed to by the governing body
    16  of the political subdivision] tax collector under Chapter 3 or
    17  the tax officer under Chapter 5. An itemized accounting of all
    18  costs collected shall be remitted to the political subdivision
    19  or the tax collection committee on an annual basis.
    20     (b)  Costs related to the collection of unpaid per capita,
    21  occupation [or], occupational privilege, emergency and municipal
    22  services or local services taxes may only be assessed, levied
    23  and collected for five years from the last day of the calendar
    24  year in which the tax was due.
    25     (c)  A delinquent taxpayer may not bring an action for
    26  reimbursement, refund or elimination of reasonable costs of
    27  collection assessed or imposed prior to the effective date of
    28  this section. Additional costs may not be assessed on delinquent
    29  taxes collected prior to the effective date of this section.
    30     Section 32.  Section 22.2 of the act, added November 30, 2004
    20070S1063B2186                 - 131 -    

     1  (P.L.1520, No.192), is renumbered and amended to read:
     2     Section [22.2] 708.  Clarification of Existing Law.--The
     3  addition of section [22.1 of this act] 707 is intended as a
     4  clarification of existing law and is not intended to:
     5     (1)  establish new rights or enlarge existing rights of
     6  political subdivisions or employes or agents of political
     7  subdivisions; or
     8     (2)  establish new obligations or enlarge existing
     9  obligations of taxpayers.
    10     Section 33.  Section 22.3 of the act, added November 30, 2004
    11  (P.L.1520, No.192), is repealed:
    12     [Section 22.3.  Legal Representation.--When bringing a suit
    13  under any provision of this act, the taxing district, officer,
    14  person, public employe or private agency designated by the
    15  taxing district shall be represented by an attorney.]
    16     Section 34.  Section 22.6 of the act, added June 21, 2007
    17  (P.L.13, No.7), is repealed:
    18     [Section 22.6.  Restricted Use.--(a)  Any municipality
    19  deriving funds from the local services tax may only use the
    20  funds for:
    21     (1)  Emergency services, which shall include emergency
    22  medical services, police services and/or fire services.
    23     (2)  Road construction and/or maintenance.
    24     (3)  Reduction of property taxes.
    25     (4)  Property tax relief through implementation of a
    26  homestead and farmstead exclusion in accordance with 53 Pa.C.S.
    27  Ch. 85 Subch. F (relating to homestead property exclusion).
    28     (a.1)  A municipality shall use no less than twenty-five
    29  percent of the funds derived from the local services tax for
    30  emergency services.
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     1     (b)  In the event that a municipality decides to implement a
     2  homestead and farmstead exclusion for purposes of providing
     3  property tax relief in accordance with subsection (a)(4), the
     4  following shall apply:
     5     (1)  The decision to provide a homestead and farmstead
     6  exclusion shall be made, by ordinance, prior to December 1, with
     7  the homestead and farmstead exclusion to take effect for the
     8  fiscal year beginning the first day of January following
     9  adoption of the ordinance. Upon adopting an ordinance in
    10  accordance with this paragraph, a municipality shall, by first
    11  class mail, notify the assessor, as defined in 53 Pa.C.S. § 8582
    12  (relating to definitions), of its decision to provide a
    13  homestead and farmstead exclusion.
    14     (2)  The assessor shall provide a municipality that will be
    15  imposing a homestead and farmstead exclusion in accordance with
    16  subsection (a)(4) with a certified report, as provided in 53
    17  Pa.C.S. § 8584(i) (relating to administration and procedure),
    18  listing information regarding homestead and farmstead properties
    19  in the municipality as determined pursuant to applications filed
    20  with the assessor in connection with this or any other law under
    21  which a homestead or farmstead exclusion has been adopted. In
    22  the year in which an ordinance is adopted in accordance with
    23  paragraph (1), the assessor shall provide the certified report
    24  after being notified by the municipality of its decision to
    25  provide a homestead and farmstead exclusion. In each succeeding
    26  year, the assessor shall provide the certified report by
    27  December 1 or at the same time the tax duplicate is certified to
    28  the municipality, whichever occurs first. Any duty placed on an
    29  assessor in accordance with this paragraph shall be in addition
    30  to those established in 53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 85 Subch. F and the act
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     1  of June 27, 2006 (1st Sp.Sess. P.L.1873, No.1), known as the
     2  "Taxpayer Relief Act."
     3     (3)  Only homestead or farmstead properties identified in the
     4  certified report of the assessor obtained in any year shall be
     5  eligible to receive the exclusion for the next fiscal year.
     6     (4)  In the year in which a municipality adopts the ordinance
     7  evidencing its decision to implement a homestead and farmstead
     8  exclusion, the municipality shall notify by first class mail the
     9  owner of each parcel of residential property within the
    10  municipality which is not approved as a homestead or farmstead
    11  property or for which the approval is due to expire of the
    12  following:
    13     (i)  That the homestead and farmstead exclusion program is to
    14  be implemented to provide property tax relief as authorized by
    15  subsection (a)(4), beginning in the next fiscal year.
    16     (ii)  That only properties currently identified in the
    17  certified report of the assessor as having been approved in
    18  whole or in part as homestead or farmstead properties shall be
    19  entitled to an exclusion in the next fiscal year.
    20     (iii)  That owners of properties that have not been approved
    21  by the assessor as homestead or farmstead properties may file an
    22  application in accordance with 53 Pa.C.S. § 8584(a) by the
    23  annual application deadline of March 1 in order to qualify for
    24  the program in the year following the next fiscal year.
    25     (5)  The one-time notice required by paragraph (4) may be
    26  combined and made together with the annual notice required by
    27  paragraph (7) or with an annual notice by a coterminous
    28  political subdivision that has implemented a homestead and
    29  farmstead exclusion.
    30     (6)  In the year in which the initial decision to provide a
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     1  homestead and farmstead exclusion is made and in each succeeding
     2  year, a municipality shall, by resolution, fix the dollar amount
     3  that is to be excluded from the assessed value of each homestead
     4  and farmstead property for the next fiscal year, consistent with
     5  53 Pa.C.S. §§ 8583 (relating to exclusion for homestead
     6  property) and 8586 (relating to limitations). This determination
     7  of the amount of the homestead and farmstead exclusion shall be
     8  made, after receipt of the tax duplicate and the certified
     9  report from the assessor, at the time the governing body of a
    10  municipality determines the municipal budget and estimates
    11  revenues to be derived from the local services tax for the next
    12  fiscal year.
    13     (7)  Each year after the year in which the municipality
    14  implements a homestead and farmstead exclusion and no later than
    15  one hundred twenty days prior to the application deadline, the
    16  municipality shall give notice of the existence of the
    17  municipality's homestead and farmstead exclusion program; the
    18  need to file an application in accordance with 53 Pa.C.S. §
    19  8584(a) in order to qualify for the program; and the application
    20  deadline, which, notwithstanding 53 Pa.C.S. § 8584(b), shall be
    21  December 15. This annual notice, which shall be given by first
    22  class mail, need only be sent to the owner of each parcel of
    23  residential property in the municipality which is not approved
    24  as homestead or farmstead property or for which the approval is
    25  due to expire.
    26     (c)  For purposes of this section, the term "municipality"
    27  does not include a school district.]
    28     Section 35.  The act is amended by adding a chapter heading
    29  to read:
    30                             CHAPTER 9
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     1                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
     2     Section 36.  Section 23 of the act is renumbered and amended
     3  to read:
     4     Section [23] 901. Repeals.--(a)  (1)  The act of June 25,
     5  1947 (P.L.1145), entitled, as amended, "An act empowering cities
     6  of the second class, cities of the second class A, cities of the
     7  third class, boroughs, towns, townships of the first class,
     8  townships of the second class, school districts of the second
     9  class, school districts of the third class and school districts
    10  of the fourth class to levy, assess and collect or to provide
    11  for the levying, assessment and collection of certain additional
    12  taxes subject to maximum limitations for general revenue
    13  purposes; authorizing the establishment of bureaus and the
    14  appointment and compensation of officers and employes to assess
    15  and collect such taxes; and permitting penalties to be imposed
    16  and enforced; providing an appeal from the ordinance or
    17  resolution levying such taxes to the court of quarter sessions
    18  and to the Supreme Court and Superior Court," is repealed.
    19         (2)  All other acts and parts of acts are repealed in so
    20     far as they are inconsistent herewith.
    21     (b)  The following acts and parts of acts are repealed to the
    22  extent specified:
    23         (1)  Section 224 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177,
    24     No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, insofar as
    25     it is inconsistent with this act.
    26         (2)  The act of August 24, 1961 (P.L.1135, No.508),
    27     referred to as the First Class A School District Earned
    28     Income Tax Act, insofar as it is inconsistent with this act.
    29         (3)  Sections 322, 326, 351 and 5004.1 of the act of June
    30     27, 2006 (1st Sp.Sess., P.L.1873, No.1), known as the
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     1     Taxpayer Relief Act, insofar as it is inconsistent with this
     2     act.
     3     Section 37.  Any ordinance or resolution providing for the
     4  levying, assessment or collection of a tax on individuals for
     5  the privilege of engaging in an occupation which has been
     6  enacted by a political subdivision prior to December 1, 2004,
     7  shall continue in full force and effect, without reenactment, as
     8  if such tax had been levied, assessed or collected as a local
     9  services tax under section 301.1(f)(9) of the act. All
    10  references in any ordinance or resolution to a tax on the
    11  privilege of engaging in an occupation shall be deemed to be a
    12  reference to a local services tax for the purposes of the act.
    13     Section 38.  All emergency and municipal services taxes
    14  levied for the calendar year beginning on January 1, 2007, shall
    15  remain in effect for the calendar year beginning on January 1,
    16  2007, and ending December 31, 2007, and are not otherwise
    17  altered.
    18     Section 39.  This act shall apply as follows:
    19         (1)  The following provisions shall not apply to an
    20     Article XIII tax officer with respect to income taxes levied
    21     before January 1, 2012:
    22             (i)  The amendment of section 10 of the act.
    23             (ii)  The repeal of section 11 of the act.
    24         (2)  The repeal of divisions (II), (III), (IV), (V),
    25     (VI), (VII), (VIII) and (IX) of section 13 of the act shall
    26     not apply to income taxes levied and collected prior to
    27     January 1, 2012.
    28         (3)  Except as set forth in paragraph (4) and sections
    29     508 and 515 of the act, the addition of Chapter 5 of the act
    30     shall apply to income taxes levied and collected after
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     1     December 31, 2011.
     2         (4)  The addition of section 511 of the act shall apply
     3     to the official register released June 15, 2008, and each
     4     year thereafter.
     5     Section 40.  This act shall take effect as follows:
     6         (1)  The following provisions shall take effect January
     7     1, 2012:
     8             (i)  The amendment of section 10 of the act.
     9             (ii)  The repeal of section 11 of the act.
    10         (2)  The amendment of section 13 of the act shall take
    11     effect June 30, 2012.
    12         (3)  The remainder of this act shall take effect
    13     immediately.

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