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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 834



No. 757 Session of 2007

           APRIL 12, 2007

           APRIL 12, 2007

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for grants to persons for property damaged or
     2     destroyed by disasters; establishing the basis for the
     3     grants; and making an appropriation.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Disaster
     8  Relief Act.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
    14  Commonwealth.
    15  Section 3.  Disaster relief program.
    16     (a)  Program.--The department shall administer a program
    17  which provides emergency funds to residents of counties stricken

     1  by disasters which are the subject of Federal emergency
     2  declarations.
     3     (b)  Eligibility.--An applicant's request for funding shall
     4  be subject to the following evaluation:
     5         (1)  Upon receipt and approval of sworn application by
     6     any homeowner for nonbusiness or nonfarm real property
     7     damaged or destroyed, or any homeowner or tenant of premises
     8     rented as a primary residence for personal property damaged
     9     or destroyed in a declared disaster, the department may make
    10     an individual grant to cover a portion of the adjusted loss.
    11         (2)  The adjusted loss shall be the total eligible loss,
    12     including those losses covered by a loan which must be repaid
    13     by the applicant, minus any amount received by or due the
    14     applicant from private insurance and Federal or State grants
    15     and shall not include any insurance deductible paid by the
    16     applicant.
    17         (3)  Total eligible loss shall be any loss from damage to
    18     an owner-occupied primary residence and any loss from damage
    19     to personal property, including clothing, household
    20     furnishings and appliances incurred by a homeowner in the
    21     homeowner's owner-occupied primary residence or incurred by a
    22     tenant in rented premises as a primary residence. Eligible
    23     loss shall not include any item used principally for
    24     recreational purposes.
    25         (4)  Applicants whose household income does not exceed
    26     300% of the Federal poverty income guidelines shall be
    27     eligible to participate in this grant program. The applicant,
    28     in order to be eligible for this program by reason of a loss
    29     in a declared disaster, must have registered at a disaster
    30     assistance center, unless extenuating circumstances prevented
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     1     the applicant from doing so. Extenuating circumstances shall
     2     be determined on an individual basis.
     3         (5)  The amount of the grant shall be determined in
     4     accordance with the following schedule:
     5             (i)  Seventy-five percent of the adjusted loss for
     6         individuals or families with income less than 150% of the
     7         Federal poverty level.
     8             (ii)  Fifty-five percent of the adjusted loss for
     9         individuals or families with incomes between 150% and
    10         300% of the Federal poverty level.
    11             (iii)  No grant shall exceed $12,500.
    12     (c)  Limitation on eligibility.--If the real property was
    13  condemned under eminent domain proceedings and where the measure
    14  of damage is calculated under 26 Pa.C.S. § 702 (relating to
    15  measure of damages), known as the Eminent Domain Code, the
    16  property owner shall not be eligible for a grant under
    17  subsection (b) for property for which compensation is granted in
    18  the eminent domain proceedings.
    19     (d)  Administration.--The department shall administer the
    20  program in the following manner:
    21         (1)  All grants under this act shall be administered by
    22     the department in prompt fashion.
    23         (2)  Applications shall be available to disaster victims
    24     within 60 days of the effective date of this act.
    25         (3)  If sufficient funds are not allocated under this
    26     act, distribution of the grants shall be on a pro rata basis.
    27     (e)  Regulations.--The department shall promulgate
    28  regulations to administer and enforce this act.
    29     (f)  Penalty.--A person making a false claim under the
    30  provisions of this act shall be subject to a penalty in the
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     1  amount of three times the amount of the grant with interest of
     2  6% from the date of the grant. This penalty may be enforced by
     3  the Commonwealth in an assumpsit action and collected in the
     4  manner that other debts due and owing the Commonwealth are
     5  collected.
     6  Section 4.  Appropriation.
     7     The sum of $25,000,000, or as much thereof as may be
     8  necessary, is hereby appropriated to the Department of Public
     9  Welfare for the fiscal year July 1, 2006, to June 30, 2007, to
    10  carry out the provisions of this act.
    11  Section 5.  Applicability.
    12     This act shall apply to all disasters for which a
    13  Presidential Declaration was issued on or after the effective
    14  date of this act.
    15  Section 6.  Effective date.
    16     This act shall take effect immediately.

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