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under the
same topic
                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 95



No. 151 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, further providing for weapons or
     3     implements for escape and for contraband; and making a
     4     conforming amendment.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Sections 5122 and 5123 of Title 18 of the
     8  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:
     9  § 5122.  Weapons [or implements for escape], implements of
    10             escape or dangerous material.
    11     (a)  Offenses defined.--
    12         (1)  [A person commits a misdemeanor of the first] An
    13     individual commits a felony of the second degree if he
    14     [unlawfully introduces within a detention facility,
    15     correctional institution or mental hospital, or unlawfully
    16     provides an inmate thereof with any weapon, tool, implement,
    17     or other thing] delivers to a confined person a weapon,
    18     implement of escape, dangerous material or other item which

     1     may be used for escape.
     2         (2)  [An inmate] A confined person commits a [misdemeanor
     3     of the first] felony of the second degree if he [unlawfully
     4     procures, makes or otherwise provides himself with, or
     5     unlawfully has in his possession or under his control, any
     6     weapon, tool, implement or other thing] possesses a weapon,
     7     implement of escape, dangerous material or other item which
     8     may be used for escape.
     9     (b)  [Definitions.--
    10         (1)  As used in this section, the word "unlawfully" means
    11     surreptitiously or contrary to law, regulation or order of
    12     the detaining authority.
    13         (2)  As used in this section, the word "weapon" means any
    14     implement readily capable of lethal use and shall include any
    15     firearm, ammunition, knife, dagger, razor, other cutting or
    16     stabbing implement or club, including any item which has been
    17     modified or adopted so that it can be used as a firearm,
    18     ammunition, knife, dagger, razor, other cutting or stabbing
    19     implement, or club. The word "firearm" includes an unloaded
    20     firearm and the unassembled components of a firearm.]
    21  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following words and
    22  phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    23  subsection:
    24     "Confined person."  An individual committed pursuant to a
    25  court order to a correctional institution, mental hospital,
    26  youth development center, youth forestry camp or other facility
    27  for the detention or incarceration of individuals pursuant to a
    28  court order, regardless of whether the individual is temporarily
    29  absent due to medical treatment, transportation, court
    30  appearance or other reason for a temporary absence.
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     1     "Dangerous material."  Any incendiary material or device,
     2  highly flammable or caustic liquid, explosive, bullet or other
     3  material readily capable of causing death or serious bodily
     4  injury.
     5     "Delivers."  The transfer of a weapon, implement of escape or
     6  dangerous material to a confined person in a correctional
     7  institution, mental hospital, youth development center, youth
     8  forestry camp or other facility for the detention or
     9  incarceration of individuals pursuant to court order, building
    10  appurtenant thereto or any other place. The term includes taking
    11  or introducing a weapon, implement of escape or dangerous
    12  material into a correctional institution, mental hospital, youth
    13  development center, youth forestry camp or other facility for
    14  the detention or incarceration of individuals pursuant to court
    15  order, or building appurtenant thereto, on land granted to,
    16  owned by or leased by the Commonwealth or a political
    17  subdivision that is related to the confinement of persons. The
    18  term includes putting a weapon, implement of escape or dangerous
    19  material in a place where it may be obtained by a confined
    20  person.
    21     "Implement of escape."  A tool, implement, device, equipment
    22  or other item that can facilitate, aid or conceal an escape or
    23  attempted escape by a confined person.
    24     "Weapon."  An implement readily capable of lethal use,
    25  including any firearm, knife, dagger, razor, other cutting or
    26  stabbing implement or club. The term includes any item which has
    27  been modified or adapted so that it can be used as a firearm,
    28  knife, dagger, razor, other cutting or stabbing implement or
    29  club. For purposes of this definition, the term "firearm"
    30  includes an unloaded firearm or the unassembled components of a
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     1  firearm.
     2  § 5123.  Contraband.
     3     (a)  Controlled substance contraband to confined persons
     4  prohibited.--[A person] An individual commits a felony of the
     5  second degree if he [sells, gives, transmits or furnishes to any
     6  convict in a prison, or inmate in a mental hospital, or gives
     7  away in or brings into any prison, mental hospital, or any
     8  building appurtenant thereto, or on the land granted to or owned
     9  or leased by the Commonwealth or county for the use and benefit
    10  of the prisoners or inmates, or puts in any place where it may
    11  be secured by a convict of a prison, inmate of a mental
    12  hospital, or employee thereof, any] delivers a controlled
    13  substance included in Schedules I through V of the act of April
    14  14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled Substance,
    15  Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, to a confined person or employee
    16  of a correctional institution, mental hospital, youth
    17  development center, youth forestry camp or other facility for
    18  the detention or incarceration of individuals pursuant to court
    19  order, (except the ordinary hospital supply of the [prison or
    20  mental hospital] correctional institution, mental hospital,
    21  youth development center, youth forestry camp or other facility
    22  for the detention or incarceration of individuals pursuant to
    23  court order) without a written permit signed by the physician of
    24  such institution, specifying the quantity and quality of the
    25  substance which may be furnished to [any convict, inmate, or
    26  employee in the prison or mental hospital,] the confined person,
    27  the name of the [prisoner, inmate, or employee for whom,]
    28  confined person and the time when the same may be furnished[,
    29  which permit shall be delivered to and kept by the warden or
    30  superintendent of the prison or mental hospital].
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     1     (a.1)  Mandatory minimum penalty.--[Any person]
     2         (1)  An individual convicted of a violation of subsection
     3     (a) shall be sentenced to a minimum sentence of at least two
     4     years of total confinement, notwithstanding any other
     5     provision of this title or any other statute to the contrary.
     6     Nothing in this subsection shall prevent the sentencing court
     7     from imposing a sentence greater than that provided in this
     8     subsection, up to the maximum penalty prescribed by this
     9     title for a felony of the second degree. There shall be no
    10     authority in any court to impose on an offender to which this
    11     subsection is applicable any lesser sentence than provided
    12     for in subsection (a) or to place such offender on probation
    13     or to suspend sentence. Sentencing guidelines promulgated by
    14     the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing shall not supersede
    15     the mandatory sentences provided in this subsection. If a
    16     sentencing court refuses to apply this subsection where
    17     applicable, the Commonwealth shall have the right to
    18     appellate review of the action of the sentencing court. The
    19     appellate court shall vacate the sentence and remand the case
    20     to the sentencing court for imposition of a sentence in
    21     accordance with this subsection if it finds that the sentence
    22     was imposed in violation of this subsection.
    23         (2)  Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to
    24     preclude prosecution for a more serious violation of The
    25     Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act.
    26     (a.2)  Possession of controlled substance contraband by
    27  [inmate] a confined person prohibited.--[A prisoner or inmate] A
    28  confined person commits a felony of the second degree if he
    29  unlawfully has in his possession or under his control any
    30  controlled substance in violation of section 13(a)(16) of The
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     1  Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act. For
     2  purposes of this subsection, no amount shall be deemed de
     3  minimis.
     4     (b)  Money to inmates prohibited.--[A person] An individual
     5  commits a misdemeanor of the [third] first degree if he [gives
     6  or furnishes money to any inmate confined in a State or county]
     7  delivers money to an inmate committed to a correctional
     8  institution as defined in section 501 (relating to definitions),
     9  provided notice of this prohibition is adequately posted at the
    10  institution. [A person] An individual may, however, deposit
    11  money with the superintendent, warden, or other authorized
    12  individual in charge of a [State or county] correctional
    13  institution for the benefit and use of an inmate confined
    14  therein, which shall be credited to the inmate's account and
    15  expended in accordance with the rules and regulations of the
    16  institution. The person making the deposit shall be provided
    17  with a written receipt for the amount deposited.
    18     (c)  [Contraband other than controlled substance.--A person]
    19  Other contraband.--An individual commits a misdemeanor of the
    20  first degree if he [sells, gives or furnishes to any convict in
    21  a prison, or inmate in a mental hospital, or gives away in or
    22  brings into any prison, mental hospital, or any building
    23  appurtenant thereto, or on the land granted to or owned or
    24  leased by the Commonwealth or county for the use and benefit of
    25  the prisoners or inmates, or puts in any place where it may be
    26  secured by a convict of a prison, inmate of a mental hospital,
    27  or employee thereof,] delivers to a confined person:
    28         (1)  any kind of spirituous or fermented liquor, poison
    29     or medicine [or poison] (except the ordinary hospital supply
    30     of the [prison or mental hospital] correctional institution,
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     1     mental hospital, youth development center, youth forestry
     2     camp or other facility for the detention or incarceration of
     3     individuals pursuant to court order) without a written permit
     4     signed by the physician of such institution, specifying the
     5     quantity and quality of the substance which may be furnished
     6     to [any convict, inmate or employee in the prison or mental
     7     hospital, the name of the prisoner, inmate or employee for
     8     whom,] the confined person, the name of the confined person
     9     and the time when the same may be furnished[, which permit
    10     shall be delivered to and kept by the warden or
    11     superintendent of the prison or mental hospital.]; or
    12         (2)  an unauthorized item that is readily capable of
    13     concealing a controlled substance contraband, weapon,
    14     dangerous material, telecommunications device, implement of
    15     escape or other item which may be used for escape.
    16     (c.1)  Telecommunication devices to [inmates] confined
    17  persons prohibited.--A person commits a misdemeanor of the first
    18  degree if, without the written permission of superintendent,
    19  warden or otherwise authorized individual in charge of a
    20  correctional institution, prison, jail, detention facility or
    21  mental hospital, he sells, gives or furnishes to any [inmate]
    22  confined person in a correctional institution, prison, jail,
    23  detention facility or mental hospital, or any building
    24  appurtenant thereto, or puts in any place where it may be
    25  obtained by [an inmate] a confined person of a correctional
    26  institution, prison, jail, detention facility or mental
    27  hospital, any telecommunication device.
    28     (c.2)  Possession of telecommunication devices by [inmates]
    29  confined persons prohibited.--[An inmate] A confined person in a
    30  correctional institution, prison, jail, detention facility or
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     1  mental hospital, or any building appurtenant thereto, commits a
     2  misdemeanor of the first degree if he has in his possession any
     3  telecommunication device without the written permission of the
     4  superintendent, warden or otherwise authorized individual in
     5  charge of a correctional institution, prison, jail, detention
     6  facility or mental hospital.
     7     (c.3)  Possession of money or other contraband by a confined
     8  person.--A confined person commits a misdemeanor of the first
     9  degree if he possesses money or other contraband, the delivery
    10  of which is prohibited by this section.
    11     (d)  Drug-sniffing animals.--Any jail or prison may use dogs
    12  or other animals trained to sniff controlled substances or other
    13  contraband for such purposes in or on any part of the jail or
    14  prison at any time.
    15     (e)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    16  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    17  subsection:
    18     "Confined person."  An individual committed pursuant to a
    19  court order to a correctional institution, mental hospital,
    20  youth development center, youth forestry camp or other facility
    21  for the detention or incarceration of individuals pursuant to a
    22  court order, regardless of whether the individual is temporarily
    23  absent due to medical treatment, transportation, court
    24  appearance or other reason for a temporary absence.
    25     "Dangerous material."  Any incendiary material or device,
    26  highly flammable or caustic liquid, explosive, bullet or other
    27  material readily capable of causing death or serious bodily
    28  injury.
    29     "Delivers."  The transfer of a weapon, implement of escape or
    30  dangerous material to a confined person in a correctional
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     1  institution, mental hospital, youth development center, youth
     2  forestry camp or other facility for the detention or
     3  incarceration of individuals pursuant to court order, building
     4  appurtenant thereto or any other place. The term includes taking
     5  or introducing a weapon, implement of escape or dangerous
     6  material into a correctional institution, mental hospital, youth
     7  development center, youth forestry camp or other facility for
     8  the detention or incarceration of individuals pursuant to court
     9  order, building appurtenant thereto, on land granted to, owned
    10  by or leased by the Commonwealth or a political subdivision that
    11  is related to the confinement of persons. The term includes
    12  putting a weapon, implement of escape or dangerous material in a
    13  place where it may be obtained by a confined person.
    14     "Implement of escape."  A tool, implement, device, equipment
    15  or other item that can facilitate, aid or conceal an escape or
    16  attempted escape by a confined person.
    17     ["Inmate."  A male or female offender who is committed to,
    18  under sentence to or confined in a penal or correctional
    19  institution.]
    20     "Telecommunication device."  Any type of instrument, device,
    21  machine or equipment which is capable of transmitting
    22  telephonic, electronic, digital, cellular or radio
    23  communications or any part of such instrument, device, machine
    24  or equipment which is capable of facilitating the transmission
    25  of telephonic, electronic, digital, cellular or radio
    26  communications. The term shall include, but not be limited to,
    27  cellular phones, digital phones and modem equipment devices.
    28     "Weapon."  An implement readily capable of lethal use,
    29  including any firearm, knife, dagger, razor, other cutting or
    30  stabbing implement or club. The term includes any item which has
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     1  been modified or adapted so that it can be used as a firearm,
     2  knife, dagger, razor, other cutting or stabbing implement or
     3  club. For purposes of this definition, the term "firearm"
     4  includes an unloaded firearm or the unassembled components of a
     5  firearm.
     6     Section 2.  Section 6105(b) of Title 18 is amended to read:
     7  § 6105.  Persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell
     8             or transfer firearms.
     9     * * *
    10     (b)  Enumerated offenses.--The following offenses shall apply
    11  to subsection (a):
    12         Section 908 (relating to prohibited offensive weapons).
    13         Section 911 (relating to corrupt organizations).
    14         Section 912 (relating to possession of weapon on school
    15     property).
    16         Section 2502 (relating to murder).
    17         Section 2503 (relating to voluntary manslaughter).
    18         Section 2504 (relating to involuntary manslaughter) if
    19     the offense is based on the reckless use of a firearm.
    20         Section 2702 (relating to aggravated assault).
    21         Section 2703 (relating to assault by prisoner).
    22         Section 2704 (relating to assault by life prisoner).
    23         Section 2709.1 (relating to stalking).
    24         Section 2716 (relating to weapons of mass destruction).
    25         Section 2901 (relating to kidnapping).
    26         Section 2902 (relating to unlawful restraint).
    27         Section 2910 (relating to luring a child into a motor
    28     vehicle).
    29         Section 3121 (relating to rape).
    30         Section 3123 (relating to involuntary deviate sexual
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     1     intercourse).
     2         Section 3125 (relating to aggravated indecent assault).
     3         Section 3301 (relating to arson and related offenses).
     4         Section 3302 (relating to causing or risking
     5     catastrophe).
     6         Section 3502 (relating to burglary).
     7         Section 3503 (relating to criminal trespass) if the
     8     offense is graded a felony of the second degree or higher.
     9         Section 3701 (relating to robbery).
    10         Section 3702 (relating to robbery of motor vehicle).
    11         Section 3921 (relating to theft by unlawful taking or
    12     disposition) upon conviction of the second felony offense.
    13         Section 3923 (relating to theft by extortion) when the
    14     offense is accompanied by threats of violence.
    15         Section 3925 (relating to receiving stolen property) upon
    16     conviction of the second felony offense.
    17         Section 4912 (relating to impersonating a public servant)
    18     if the person is impersonating a law enforcement officer.
    19         Section 4952 (relating to intimidation of witnesses or
    20     victims).
    21         Section 4953 (relating to retaliation against witness or
    22     victim).
    23         Section 5121 (relating to escape).
    24         Section 5122 (relating to weapons [or implements for
    25     escape], implements of escape or dangerous material).
    26         Section 5501(3) (relating to riot).
    27         Section 5515 (relating to prohibiting of paramilitary
    28     training).
    29         Section 5516 (relating to facsimile weapons of mass
    30     destruction).
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     1         Section 6110.1 (relating to possession of firearm by
     2     minor).
     3         Section 6301 (relating to corruption of minors).
     4         Section 6302 (relating to sale or lease of weapons and
     5     explosives).
     6         Any offense equivalent to any of the above-enumerated
     7     offenses under the prior laws of this Commonwealth or any
     8     offense equivalent to any of the above-enumerated offenses
     9     under the statutes of any other state or of the United
    10     States.
    11     * * *
    12     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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