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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 181



No. 136 Session of 2007

           MARCH 5, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Declaring and adopting the poem "Hail to Our Pennsylvania" by
     2     Anna Helen McDonald, as the State poem of the Commonwealth of
     3     Pennsylvania.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Official State Poem.
     7     The poem "Hail to Our Pennsylvania" by Anna Helen McDonald of
     8  Kaska, Pennsylvania, is hereby adopted as the State poem of
     9  Pennsylvania. The text of the poem is as follows:
    10     Hail to Pennsylvania-the Keystone State.
    11     The spirit of '76-a famous date.
    12     The home of many historic places.
    13     Important dates and faces.
    14     It's the place where the Declaration of Independence was
    15         signed.
    16     The place where farm, industry, and recreation you'll find.
    17     Pennsylvania took an important stand.
    18     To bring freedom to this dear land.

     1     The Liberty bell, in Independence Hall, for freedom was
     2         rung.
     3     The first American flag, in Philadelphia, was made and hung.
     4     One if by land - two if by sea - Paul Revere's ride for
     5         Liberty.
     6     Our State played a part in this Country's destiny:
     7     Valley Forge, where troops by Washington were led
     8     The Battlefield where "Minutemen" blood was shed
     9     Philadelphia, where the Country's first Capital did stand,
    10     A state full of tradition-ever so grand.
    11     Our Pennsylvania with ruffled grouse and mountain laurel.
    12     An array of beauty without any quarrel.
    13     God bless this land where all abound,
    14     A piece of Paradise on earth is found.
    15     How many have fallen and lie in silent sleep
    16     Leaving others their vigil to keep?
    17     They fought battles on many foreign shores
    18     Every one-a war to end all wars.
    19     The fields were strewn with blood
    20         the ultimate sacrifice was made
    21     Those that survived -
    22         freedom's groundwork was laid.
    23     When the final skirmish was laid to rest
    24         and freedom was in sight
    25     Our loved ones came home -
    26         while others took the Eternal flight.
    27     Our brave men and women were always ready to serve.
    28     Loyalty to God and Country-their duty -
    29         freedom to preserve.
    30     We owe a debt of gratitude to those who kept us free
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     1     Our brave warriors in this "land of liberty."
     2     Today the memories came flooding back into view
     3     Comrades, buddies, cherished friends -
     4         We salute you!
     5  Section 2.  Assignment of copyright.
     6     (a)  Assignment.--This act shall not be effective until the
     7  owner of the copyright assigns all rights, title and interest in
     8  the copyright to this poem to the Commonwealth.
     9     (b)  Payment.--No payments or other considerations shall be
    10  paid to anyone whomsoever for such assignment.
    11     (c)  Reproduction or use.--The Commonwealth shall not charge
    12  anyone for the reproduction or use of the poem.
    13  Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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